The Whistler - Preview

Story by shera_fluff on SoFurry

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#1 of The Whistler

The Whistler walked down the sand coated streets of a small seaside village, whistling a tune. The tune was silent to the ears of adults, but just one bit of sound from the whistler's lips drew children to him, like ants to a picnic. That was the magic of his song.

Soon enough, the whistler thought, the children will come.

The Whistler himself was a tall and lean silver fox with enticing, golden eyes. His coat was always well groomed, not a single hair out of place. His voice was dark inviting, while at the same time, it sent a chill up your spine.

Out of the corner of his eye, The Whistler saw the doors of houses open and little cubs sleepily walk out, as if in a trance. As they neared, he could see that their faces were light up with delight and happiness. Some were even skipping and singing.

The Whistler stopped at a fountain. The children stopped behind him, silent, as if they were robots. Slowly, The Whistler stopped his tune.

"Good evening." He said with a smile. "You all are invited to my castle to live. We'll all have a great time..." His tail whisked around violently with delight. There were more children here than he had expected. The Whistler took the hand of a small orange kitten with glasses and stood on the edge of the fountain. With his free hand, he snapped. The water parted, revealing a long dark tunnel. If you listened close enough, you could hear the faint sound of carnival music being played. "All you have to do is close your eyes and jump down into the fountain." The Whistler picked up the kitten and dropped her into the tunnel. He could hear her shrieks of laughter as she slid down.

The others' eyes brightened and they rushed to climb over into the tunnel. One by one, each cub went down the tunnel. As the last one jumped in, The Whistler noticed a white cat spying on him in an alleyway. He smiled at her as he swooshed his silver tail and jumped in the tunnel, leaving behind a pile of silver dust.