Chapter 7: La Revolution Part 1

Gazing out at the long lines of people shooting at them, mark found the most flamboyantly dressed target, and squeezed the trigger. a pulse of white light fired from the gun, and the figure fell down, a dime sized hole in his heart, clean through.

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Before the White Horizon: The Dance

She didn't have any sort of vendetta against the husky, but she knew that nick could be pretty flamboyant and out about his sexuality, so if she saw me with him...

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(Dream Journal) Queen of the Gremlins

Zack shouted mimicking the voice of a flamboyant man. he miraculously appeared from the crowd in his human form (isaac foster). he had his distinctive signature brown hoodie with red pants and black shoes. "zack!"

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Burdens - Chapter 117: Cold

It was a male weasel, fairly flamboyant in his speech. he was gentle, but some of the prodding hurt. he was feeling around to see there might have been any obstructions before he shaved that part of the arm to put in the needle.

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Zero Absolute (Phase One: Chase)

The woman wore a thin black and red dress, the collar lavish and flamboyant, extending out into a large v shape leading down to overly exposed cleavage, barely hidden behind a mesh of stylized fishnet made to look like a spider's web.

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When Fox Knew

But i'd seen how a fellow classmate--a rather flamboyant panther--was treated. i didn't feel like being treated like a proverbial punching bag. so, i stayed in the closet. but yeah, the chow hall was our first meeting.

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First Love: Part 1

Basic synopsis: jonathan; a newly guy, white and blue furred husky who tends to be nervous and shy; and eric; a gay, red and white vulpine who is confident and flamboyant. what will happen when these two near-opposites clash?

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WC day 4 character bios

With seven women, and no men, his home was naturally, very flamboyant in nearly every detail. while all rather nice to their younger brother, the constant feminine environment made maxi grow up, rather confused.


The City of San Yesenya (intro)

Always a sign to read, a colorful billboard, an entertaining hobo mumbling something to himself or a couple of fags flamboyantly dressed and holding hands as they tiptoed their fairy asses down the street.

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Camera Eye: London

They were as plainly-dressed as jason was flamboyant. he was wearing a drab gray business suit, with white button up shirt and black pants which nicely framed his gray fur and tail.

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Moving On. (Chapter 3)

"ah, he's always so flamboyant." damien said, as if talking about a long time lover, or best friend. he kinda gave himself a weird look, before going to pick up the phone. his fingers hovered over the first button.

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Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders Chapter 6

There were others the displayed humans in flamboyant outfits and playing the same kinds of instruments the dogs have before them. they also noticed five soft things, another asset they remembered the humans having in their cars.

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