Struggling With Inadequacy

Behind him, a large stack of firewood was already waiting, and even up in the mountains, secluded from the rest of the known world, jon likely had enough supplies to make it through the coming winter without any kind of a struggle.

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Bakeneko's Curse pt. 1

She finally made up her mind and scampered off to find firewood. arsith opened the bag he had been carrying and pulled out a blanket. neveah returned with a bundle of firewood, and plopped it onto the ground beside the blanket. "ok... so now what?"

A Snowy Wolf

When i first got this cabin three years ago my son was changed by this same snow on a dark night, that night when my son came in from gathering some firewood he had already changed into wolf form.

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The Trial Part 2 of 2: Segment of My Book "Planes"

Since he focused on the search for firewood, he paid very little attention to his surroundings. he suddenly found himself lost with nothing recognizable around him.

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Chapter 7 - Story Time

I'm gonna head into the woods for some more firewood. i shall be back faster than you can recite the first one hundred digits of pi. and no cheating, usala."

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Master of Aura Chapter Eight

We set up camp as the sun was starting to set, fredrick left me and zane to set up our tent; he had his own thankfully, to gather firewood. we got the tent set up easily, and fredrick returned sometime after, without any firewood.

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Journey Begins - (Kreet 99)

firewood crew, start gathering." "firewood crew?" kreet turned back to scythe. "oh, yes. goldworm has taught us how to make fires. we've learned much since he came. we were prepared for this journey, kreet." "well that certainly makes things easier!

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Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 4

"my hands are full with firewood!" "so put down the firewood, idiot!" "why's it taking you so long just to refill a couple of skins? maybe if you didn't spend all your time lollygagging we wouldn't be in this - ow!

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Ander - Epilogue: Subchapter 4

"my hands are full with firewood!" "so put down the firewood, idiot!" "why's it taking you so long just to refill a couple of skins? maybe if you didn't spend all your time lollygagging we wouldn't be in this - ow!

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Mythical Tales Chapter 2: Miu's Mercs

"if you want to help go get some firewood" so we head back into the forest to find some firewood. when we get back, our arms laden with wood, the others have finished pitching their tents and have broken off into pairs, attending different tasks.

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Summer FY 01 - Survival Camping

He just shook his head and went back to collecting firewood. she made such a fuss over nothing, so it was a little gross, so what?

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Travelers in the dark

Edan gave me a hand with the firewood. his side of our assemblage was better than mine. it was _better_! my squire soon began to correct my own disposition of the logs, marking the very first time since i'd hired him that he'd been a benefit.

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