Haunt Chapter 1: The Crow's Nest

He looked across a fancy desk at reginald and instead of lacing his sentences with fancy words, he pretty much just said what he meant. "reginald.

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Change of Plans

"so, what do you think: genuinely pretty and fancy, or pretty and fancy fifty pounds ago and deserves a genuine mika send-off?" apollo asked over his shoulder as he threw the doors to mika's closet wide.

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March of Progress - Rainfurrest 2013 Flash Fiction

A fancy dressed swan called over the confused growls and grumbles of the denizens of cattail patch.

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The Life and Times Of Soma Hikari: Chapter 4

I replied blushing deeply "you have to take me out to a fancy dinner tomorrow night, and i mean fancy, suit and tie fancy" she replied with a grin and stuck her hand out "deal?" "deal!" i said as i shook her hand and grinned.

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One of a kind: chapter 6

Whatever suits him fancy." "very well sir, and please, enjoy your drinks while you wait." the brown furred saluki bowed a little and left them. "very smooth. thanks."

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Cinders and Shadows (chapter 5)

No fancy steel utilities, motion activated sink or flush. i was almost disappointed. i had pictured in my mind a bathroom like one i'd seen in a nicer restaurant.

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The Life and Times of Soma Hikari: Chapter 5

"i just wanted to spend the night with you, that's all that matters to me, not some fancy meal or anything like that, you're what matters."

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Cave Drawer and the Magical Tablet

"so what brings you to the hamptons on this fine day," said fancy pants. "i would like to know if it's okay to marry your daughter?" asked cave drawer. "are you sure you want this honey?" asked fancy pants looking at goody two shoes. "yes.


Country Life

Fourth of july's fireworks show so dust off your boots and get on my pick-up truck together we'll hit the bar and if we have any luck we'll drink our blues away until they close the bar because country life is too short to be spent driving some fancy

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Welcome To Equestria: Chapter 4

They'll look fancy so they shouldn't be too hard to spot." i nodded along with my friend but asked one last question. "how will we be able to identify them other than them being fancy?" "oh, yes.

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The CCC Chapter one

"omg that is like sooooo fancy much more fancy than the prince zimbu" at those words zimbu was heart broken so zimbu ran away and got lost in canada because he didn't know the canadians mysterious culture until a letter from hogwartz told zimbu to go to the

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