Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 32
#32 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master
Chapter 32 - Life Or Death?! A Stranger Saves The Day!
Walking throughout the town, Chris made his way past many various restaurants, trying to find one that best suit what he was looking for most. "No... Too plain... Already been to one like that... No... Strike..." he muttered, starting to groan as he went past one after another. "There's gotta be one place in this town..." he thought aloud, looking at the setting sun in front of them. Suddenly, his body let out a jolt as he saw a restaurant beneath the sun with the sound of music coming from it, causing him to snap his fingers with a grin. "Hot dog that's it!" he said, causing Servine and Kirlia to jolt in surprise from his sudden shout, tilting their heads confused before suddenly gripping him tightly as he ran towards the restaurant. "For a second I didn't think the town had a place to eat like this... Lucky break!" he chuckled, heading towards the entrance and catching his breath, Servine and Kirlia clinging to him as they shuddered nervously from the sudden dash. "This is gonna be the perfect way to end the day... You two are gonna love this... My folks actually met in a place like it during a business party a long time ago..." he smiled, rubbing them both on the head.
Looking around, the restaurant had a fancy... Almost palace-like look to it, with the sounds of an orchestra and choir coming from within, causing Servine and Kirlia to perk up and face different directions before showing a smile and closing their eyes to listen. "Sounds nice, doesn't it? I told you I was going to make it something great!" he laughed, walking inside and suddenly freezing with wide eyes. "C... Crap... This place is a lot more... Uhh... Shiny than I thought..." he muttered, looking around as Servine showed the same expression, looking around awestruck. Within the building, they stood before a luxurious ballroom inspired restaurant, seeing people sitting and enjoying fine meals as many others danced at the center of the room. "Geez... Its like we stepped into a Victorian era... I wanted a place like this... But to find a place like THIS here... Incredible..." he muttered, Servine nodding as her eyes lit up from the fancy atmosphere, Kirlia letting out a sigh as she enjoyed the sound of the echoing music being sung and played. "You like it too huh?" he asked, Kirlia facing him with a nod while swaying to the melody. Walking up to the receptionist, Chris ordered a seat for them, the receptionist giving him a look of "...seriously...?" as he raised an eyebrow, looking Chris over. "...Pardon sir, but you ARE aware of the type of establishment being run here, correct? Are you entirely certain you have the... Means... Of joining our distinguished guests...?" he asked, causing Chris to sweat nervously. "Uhh... If its money... I don't think its an issue..." he told the man, pulling out his card and handing it over.
"Yes well... We'll see..." he responded, looking over the card and pulling up the account on his computer. "My word... Such a massive account for such a... Hmm...?" the man said, suddenly looking closely at the screen before turning pale. "Th... The name on this account... You are a relative of...?!" he asked, looking at Chris with a shocked expression, suddenly bowing. "Sorry for the disrespect my good man! Please, feel free to join us this evening!" he said, giving Chris a grin and rubbing his hands together, his personality suddenly flipping like that of a coin. Snapping his fingers, a waiter walked up, hearing out his orders before looking at Chris with the same expression the receptionist had moments ago before getting smacked in the back of the head. "Have you yet to be trained?! Never give an honorable guest such an expression! Seat them immediately!" the receptionist demanded, the waiter jumping and saluting before rushing Chris off with a bewildered expression. Confused himself, Chris looked back at the receptionist. "...I'm sorry but... The hell was that...?" he muttered, suddenly walking into the back of the waiter. "...AHEM!! Your seat... SIR..." he grumbled, bowing and none too pleased over being walked into. "Ah... Th... Thank you! S... Sorry..." Chris responded, rubbing his shoulder nervously as Kirlia picked up on the atmosphere, suddenly giving the waiter a furious expression as her eyes began to glow a dim red, Servine taking notice and nervously waving the waiter off with a "that will be all!" noise, not wanting Kirlia to embarrass them in such a fancy place. Looking at them, the waiter shook his head and left them with menu's, Kirlia letting out a snarl as he left, crossing her arms. "H... Hey now, its fine! We just stick out here a bit is all..." Chris laughed nervously, sitting down and putting the two on the table.
Looking around, Chris sweat slightly, noticing the fancy suits and dresses others were wearing and seeing how they had what Pokemon they brought dolled up. "I... Didn't think all of this through... Should have made a few other stops..." he muttered, Kirlia tilting her head confused and Servine looking around, letting out a sound of nervous laughter. After a moment, the receptionist walked up to them, bowing and rubbing his hands together yet again with a grin. "Distinguished guests, I would like to take a moment, if you don't mind, to help you better... Look the part... Of this occasion. Would that be alright?" he asked, Chris blinking at him nervously, picturing him as that of a fox. "Err... Look... The part...?" he responded, looking around and at the two. Not wanting to embarrass them, considering it was meant to be a special treat, he nodded at the man and stood. "What uh... Do you need exactly?" Chris asked, the receptionist snapping his fingers. "Just you my good man! It will be just a moment and we'll have you right back. Our staff will see to your Pokemon in the meantime!" he told Chris, several waiters and maids suddenly bringing the two random food and distracting them with compliments, Servine putting her nose up proudly and smirking, naturally adjusting to her role in the situation as Kirlia flushed brightly, letting out random "eh?!" noises as people spoke to her and shook her hands. Pulling him along, Chris was brought into a changing room, with several waiters surrounding him and suddenly going at his clothes and hair, taking this off, tossing that aside, brushing him this way and that. Swirling around and being pulled in all directions as they gave him a sudden make-over, Chris coughed when several suddenly sprayed him with cologne, fanning it away only for his hands to be jerked on as well.
Back at the table, the maids and waiters were giving Kirlia and Servine a touch up as well, brushing them off while feeding them various treats, the two enjoying their moment of luxury until the maids suddenly tried to touch their necklaces, the two letting out a shout and pulling away, gripping them tightly. "Hey!! What's going on here?!" they heard a voice shout, Servine and Kirlia jolting in response as the group stood aside, allowing Chris to walk up to his table. "What was the shouting about? What did they do?" he asked, looking down at the two as he suddenly let out a sneeze from the cologne. "Oy oy... Too much..." he groaned, fanning the air in front of his face as Servine looked up at him wide eyed, flushing bright enough for her head to pop as Kirlia sniffed the air, slightly blushing as well from his fancy new scent. Standing in a tuxedo, he reached out and helped the two stand, Servine looking down shyly as she saw the soft white glove on his hand, slowly placing hers in it as Kirlia put her hands in the air to feel for his other hand, jolting and tilting her head confused when she felt the soft, cotton-like fabric covering it, letting out a happy sigh as she grabbed his hand and rubbed it against her cheek, making noises as if to say "sooooffft..." as she giggled. Looking towards her, Servine cleared her throat, giving Kirlia a swipe with the end of her tail, seemingly telling her to "stand up!" as she looked at the staff around them, laughing embarrassed.
"Hey hey... Be nice..." Chris scolded, giving Servine a stern look. However... Seeing such a serious look on his face while wearing something so fancy only caused Servine's heart to jump clear through her throat, the lovestruck Pokemon clutching her chest as she flushed, a strange new shyness taking her over as she started swooning. "H... hey... Q... Quit with the looks..." Chris responded to her, looking away embarrassed. "My good man, see what a little sprucing up can do? Not even a Pokemon can resist such a graceful appearance!" the receptionist told him, suddenly popping out from behind his back. "G... Geez! Th... Thanks..." Chris responded, jumping away as the man grinned. "This outfit is on the house! Please use it to your hearts content and enjoy your time with us!" he told Chris, snapping his fingers causing the servants around them to bow. Waving at them with a nervous laugh, they left the three alone, allowing him to slump into his chair with a groan as he tugged at his collar. "Man... This is tasking..." he muttered. Sitting up and looking at the two, he gave them both another rub on the head, the feeling of his gloves causing the both of them to let out a sigh while swooning over the soft sensation. "W... Well... At least its making you two happy..." he chuckled, looking over himself with a bit of sweat on his face. "I'm not used to this at all myself... I don't think I've ever worn something that looked so expensive... Still, guess its not bad, huh girls?" he asked, winking at Servine causing the already love-struck Pokemon to quickly turn away, letting out an awkward squeal as she covered her face, Kirlia facing her with a bewildered expression.
"Oh yeah... You don't..." Chris muttered, suddenly picking up Kirlia. "Here... Feel what I'm wearing and try to picture it in your mind..." he told her softly, holding her hand and guiding it along his body. "This is the collar... The tie... I've got this fancy suit on... These are cufflinks... And the part you like so much are the gloves..." he explained to her, keeping his hand over hers as she blushed brighter and brighter. "Its a special outfit for a special occasion... I let them put it on me for you girls so we would fit in... What do you think?" he asked, rubbing her hand along the suit. Facing up at him, Kirlia tilt her head in silence for a moment, still trying to process a proper image of him in her mind. Feeling her way along his collar and touching his face, Kirlia leaned her face towards his chest and sniffed at the cologne, letting out a small sneeze. "Ha ha... Yeah... Its supposed to make you smell good... Usually for a girl when you take one out on a date or something." he chuckled, suddenly blushing as he thought about his comment, the two doing the same. Although they didn't fully understand the word date, something about the atmosphere helped them click it into place in their minds, the both of them shyly smiling in response. Facing up, Kirlia said "love you" once again, causing Chris to give her an embarrassed and wide eyed look as Servine puffed out her cheeks in jealousy. "Y... Yeah... You too... Err... Both of you..." he responded, giving Servine a rub on her head and pulling her up in his other arm. "There... See? Love for everyone!" he smiled, the two of them frozen as he held them close, Servine under the charm of his new look and Kirlia seduced by the scent of his cologne. "G... Geez... You two are out of it..." he laughed, causing them to blush and scowl embarrassed.
Setting Servine atop his shoulders and Kirlia in his lap, Chris started trying out some of the food for himself, his eyes lighting up as he shuddered. "S... Sorry but... Damn that's GOOD..." he muttered, blushing from the taste of the various cakes and pastas. Sharing it with the two, they sat enjoying themselves in peace, listening to the soothing music and taking in the high class atmosphere. "We can't do this too often... But even so, I'm glad I can do this kind of stuff for you two now and then. I really owe the old man..." he told the two, looking at the ceiling with a smile. Picking up on his mood, Kirlia faced up and stood on his lap, suddenly turning and giving him a hug. "E... Eh...?" Chris responded, looking down in surprise. Feeling Servine moving as well, she suddenly wrapped herself around his neck, rubbing her cheek against his as the two of him faced him with smiles on their faces. "Ha ha... Don't worry... Its all good..." he told them, rubbing them both under the chin. "He really would have gotten a kick out of you two... I can't believe he left me with so much though... I had no idea he had so much to his name. Plus... I have no idea what that receptionists deal was... He took one look at the account and totally changed..." he told the two, looking back towards the entrance. "Oh well... Guess some things you aren't really meant to know much about... You just have to appreciate what you've got in life and not think too much about it sometimes..." he said with a smile, shaking his head. Facing the table, Chris began eating once again, until suddenly...
"DARLING!!!" he heard a woman scream, causing him to shove a spoon in his throat and gag. Quickly pulling it out, Chris clutched his throat while choking, Servine and Kirlia freaking out as they climbed off and onto the table. "F... Fine..." he wheezed, looking around and noticing the crowd making a circle on the dance floor, with many standing from their tables and walking over as well. "The heck...?" he muttered, clearing his throat and standing as well. Picking up the two, Chris made his way towards the crowd, nudging his way through until he was standing in front of them all. "GET UP!! Please get up!!" he heard a woman screaming, looking down to see an elderly couple, a woman in a long red dress with long snow white hair, combed over an eye and the man wearing a white suit, laying unresponsive as the woman shook him in a state of anxiety. "Uh oh..." Chris muttered, going up to the two and looking the old man over, feeling his throat where his pulse was. "...Heart attack." he thought aloud, the woman suddenly turning pale as she looked at Chris. "DO SOMETHING!!!" she panicked, grabbing him and shaking Chris wildly, hurling Kirlia and Servine off his shoulders. "I I I'm no no not a do do doctor!!!" he shouted, pulling away and holding her hands while catching his breath. "B... But there might be something we can do... Anyone here know how to treat an attack like this?" he asked, looking around as people faced one another and shook their heads. "Crap..." he muttered, looking around then at the old man, feeling his hand as it began to grow cold. "Ahh... Uhh... Err..." he mumbled, clutching his head trying to think. As the woman began sobbing hysterically, Chris looked around at the Pokemon people had brought in with them, suddenly going wide eyed and shooting up. "That's it!! I need an electric type!!" he shouted. Suddenly, one of the waiters brought up an Emolga, asking what it could do to help. "Just watch..." Chris responded, taking the Pokemon and setting it next to the old man.
"Alright! Kirlia, come over here!" he shouted, Kirlia jolting and rushing up next to him, running into his side by accident. "Listen to me... Is there any way you can use a move called Heal Pulse...? I know you've never used it before... But please, look deep down and see if you can understand... See if you can use the ability..." he told her, putting a hand on her head. "We're gonna try and save a life... Can you do it?" he asked. Unable to answer, Kirlia stood silently, facing the old mans direction as her horns began glowing. Sensing his heart failing, Kirlia tried to piece together an understanding of his request as he started giving the man compressions on the chest. "One... Two... Three... Four... Emolga, Shock Wave, low power!" he ordered, the small Pokemon hopping on his chest and releasing its electricity in short bursts. "Good! One... Two... Three... Four..." he repeated, having Emolga repeat the same move as well. "Kirlia, come on!" he shouted, getting a nod in response as Kirlia shut her eyes tightly and held out her hands. H... Heal... He... Heal... Kirlia thought to herself, repeating the word rapidly in her mind as her horns began to reveal a green aura around them. Letting out a straining groan, the aura slowly spread around her body and hands. "Good girl!! Keep trying!!" he shouted, going back into synch with his compressions and Emolga's shocks. "Hey lady! He needs air, come hold his head and when I say blow, get busy!" he ordered, the mans wife quickly nodding and tilting his chin up. "One... Two... Three... Four... Emolga!" he ordered, the Pokemon sending another shock through the old man. "Now air!!" he told the woman, nodding and giving him a quick breath of air. Looking at Kirlia, she was starting to shudder as she strained to make the ability work. "Come on... You can do it..." he encouraged, Kirlia facing him with a nod as she gave herself a final push.
Suddenly, an aura of life finally burst from her body, rushing towards the old man followed by several more bursts of energy. "Thats it!! Just keep that up while we do our thing!" he told her, getting back into his rhythm. "One... Two... Three... Four... Shock wave!! ...Air!! One... Two... Three... Four..." he repeated over and over. "Come on old man... I've seen one die on me..." he muttered, continuing to make the three work together as he struggled to give more and more compressions. "Come on... Come on...!!" he muttered, watching the mans color brighten and fade several times. "Kirlia, Emolga, when I say now, you two give him a strong burst of your energy! it has to be at the same time, understand?!" he shouted, the two giving him a serious nod. "Here we go... One... Two... Three... Four... NOW!!" he ordered, backing away and pulling the woman back with him. Gritting their teeth and straining, Kilia and Emolga gave the old man a sudden burst of energy and electricity at the same time, lighting up the ballroom for a brief moment before Chris ordered a sudden stop. "Alright... Come on... Come on..." he muttered, getting back on the floor and listening to the old mans breath. "Wake up... Wake up... Come on... Come oooooYEOWCH!!!!" he shouted as the old man suddenly let out a huge gasp for air, shooting up and smacking his forehead painfully against Chris's cheek, sending him bouncing backwards with a shout while clutching the side of his face, the old man rubbing his forehead with a groan. "Great scott... What in heavens name?" he muttered, clutching his chest and letting out a cough, slight smoke coming from his mouth. "D... Darling...?" the woman said, looking at him wide eyed and in disbelief as the crowd did the same, eyes wide and jaws dropped, ignoring Chris as Servine and Kirlia helped him up, the side of his face turning bright red from the impact. "Urgh... How many times in one day...?" he muttered, shaking his head.
Looking at the couple, Chris sat up with his legs crossed and grinned, letting out a chuckle and rubbing his nose. "Well wadaya know... It actually worked..." he muttered, Servine and Kirlia facing up at him with looks of amazement. "What the devil happened...? One moment its a jolly good time... The next I find myself on the floor feeling as though I had been fried like dinner last night..." he grumbled, standing up weakly with help from his wife. "D... Darling... I think you... Died..." his wife told him, still looking him over. "Me?! Die?! Woman you must be getting mad in your old age!" the old man laughed, patting his wife on the back causing her to flush red in anger, suddenly stomping him on the foot. "It is not a lie!! You were brought back to life I'm telling you!!" she argued, being waved off as the old man held his foot with a grumble, looking in Chris's direction. "Personally its hard to believe, considering I'm fit as a fiddle and still in my prime..." he told Chris, his wife crossing her arms and rolling her eyes behind him. "But... For some reason my wife actually thinks I of all people suddenly left this world... And because of that I can't help but feel I may owe you a great deal of debt... What is your name young fellow?" he asked, putting his hand on his chest and giving Chris a slight bow. Standing up in a flash , Chris stood straight as a board and bowed nervously. "Ahh... Its Ch... Chris... You don't owe me a thing though!!" he responded, quickly straightening up and waving his hands, causing Servine and Kirlia to face up at him with looks of surprise, the mans wife looking at him in equal astonishment. "Oh...? Well... Considering its hard to believe I needed rescuing anyways, I suppose that's how it should..." he said with a pause as his wife smacked him upside the back of the head. "Nonsense!! I told you what happened and this young man is not leaving without some type of repayment!!" she argued, the old man tucking his head between his shoulders and poking his fingers together. "Mrrm... Y... Yes dear..." he responded.
Walking up to Chris, the old man suddenly reached in his pocket and took out an old pocket watch, covered in gold with an insignia of Arceus and Mew on the front surrounded by dozens of Unknown, giving it to Chris. "This is my calling card so to say... Since you seemingly saved my life, take this with you and show it to any of this regions finer establishments with the same insignia on the building and you will be taken care of free of charge, as my PERSONAL guest... This is but one of the locations I own. I do hope this is enough." he told Chris, giving him yet another slight bow as his wife walked up and held his arm, leaning against his side. "Don't worry young man... Deep down he really is grateful and knows what you did for him... he's just a tad too prideful is all..." she smiled, her husband scowling and looking away with a bit of sweat on his face, clearing his throat. "None of that, DEAR..." he responded firmly, his wife scowling at him yet giving him a loving smile in the end nonetheless. "Mr. Chris... What you've done here today is nothing short of a miracle... You saved a humans life using only your own two hands and the mere abilities of the Pokemon around you... I've no idea where you came from, but you were certainly raised and taught well... We thank you..." she told him, giving a bow of her own and starting to clap for him. "O... Oh!! Th... that isn't necessary ma'am!! You don't have to do that for an ordinary guy like..." he told her, suddenly pausing as the crowd around them began to applaud as well. Looking all around, Chris noticed Servine and Kirlia clapping as well, the two of them bowing in respect causing him to smile and blush shyly, waving at the crowd as the old man let out a grumble before sighing and clapping for Chris as well, showing a smile as the rest in thanks.
"Ah... Ha ha... W... Wow..." Chris muttered, looking at the expensive pocket watch in his hand before waving at the crowd once more, several coming up and giving him a pat on the shoulders and back as Kirlia and Servine climbed up onto his shoulders, giving him proud hugs of their own. "By the way... My name is Angela..." the woman told Chris, walking up and giving him a kiss on the cheek, causing him to jolt and flush brightly as Servine and Kirlia scowled yet let it pass. "And this ignorant moose here with a heart of gold deep down is Arthur..." she giggled, pulling her husband up to him. "H... Hey now, stop insulting me in public..." he muttered, his wife motioning with a glance towards Chris for him to shake his hand. "...Yes yes, very well..." he muttered, holding out his hand. Nervously, Chris shook it, standing straight and firm as if standing before a president. "P... Pleasure sir... Glad you're alright... St... Still... You better go get looked at to be safe..." he said, Arthur sighing with a begrudging nod as Angela nodded in agreement. "Thank you again young man... I do hope to see you again one day." she said with a warm smile, pulling her husband along out of the restaurant as he trailed behind her like a child being forced to see a dentist. Waving at the two, Chris stood in silence, unable to properly respond or react to the moment as the crowd continued shaking his hands and giving him praise for his success, causing him to flop down into his chair back at his table by the time they were done with their congratulations, letting out a sigh while looking at the pocket watch in his hand once again.
"Arthur and Angela huh...? I wonder if the old man was like that with his wife... Arthur reminded me of him in a way..." he chuckled, looking at the watch with a sudden smile. "I feel bad though... Taking this and being offered so much for free... We'll have to keep this for special occasions only, got that you two? I don't want any of us getting spoiled, and something like this shouldn't be abused... Agreed?" he told the two, Kirlia nodding with a hand in the air, making a noise as if to say "agreed!" as Servine gave him a slight scowl, looking away a bit disappointed yet letting out a sigh and nodding as well, putting her hand up in agreement in the end. "Good... Seeing eye to eye will make it all the easier." he chuckled, rubbing them on the head. "Now... Lets enjoy the rest of our time here, shall we?" he told the two, putting up his hand and ordering more food and drinks for them, the same waiter as before serving them once more, this time giving Chris the utmost respect. "So sorry for the harsh treatment upon your arrival. I do hope you don't hold it against me and our receptionist." he told Chris with a bow. "N... Not at all! It was my fault for coming in looking so raggedy! You guys don't have those stars and this kind of atmosphere for nothing!" he laughed nervously, the waiter thanking him before leaving with his order.
"Man... Was all that stuff I did really THAT spectacular?" he laughed nervously, scratching his cheek with a blush from the sudden nice treatment from so many fancy people. Facing one another with "is he serious?" expressions, Servine and Kirlia faced up at Chris and let out a sigh together, the both of them looking at him with loving smiles, the both of them wishing he would think more highly of himself... Yet unable to resist admiring his sense of humility even when treated so luxuriously...