27 Coat
Finally, a fresh coat of wax was layered over the top, giving the shell a sheen with a gloss far exceeding what nature intended, allowing him to stand out in a world with few like him. "same time next month?" the beetle nodded.
Isolation-Excerpt 35-Heavy Metal
What had happened was when the bit came at us, it had ripped the entire assembly right out the front of the tank after exceeding it's range limit.
D.E1 Chapter 6: Earning our wings.
"don't exceed the limits if i don't give the order first. even though you are in the vacuum of space with no gravity, the laws of physics still take effect at some point." _ _"i have a question, captain."
Evolution Part I: Chapter One
For there were plenty of good times that far exceeded the discomfort of the constant examinations and measurements.
Bani Lore! Galaxy!
Weight: 0lbs-1million megatons (note: galaxy has been noted to exceed weight limits just for his own amusements.) temperament: bubbly, playful, child like, mischievous, and scatterbrained.
Gemini – Book 2 – Chapter 4: Broken and Beaten
"still you wish to face me, are you so incompetent that you can't realise my power greatly exceeds that of your pitiful taps that you call punches! hahahaha!" the dark voice laughed manically. the two closed in and saw two large beasts fighting.
The Journey: Prologue
In case you are not aware alakazams are some of the brightest pokemon alive with iq's exceeding 5000. this was a gift and a curse for the charmeleon as he lived his life being mentally superior to other pokemon, and could never find anyone to relate to.
The Draconian Story Prologue
Richard ran with speed exceeding humans because of his mutated dragon feet. he reached ray that was close to death, with his half-machine started to blink uncontrollably.
This is my Fight
So come break, just try me and watch as i exceed your expectations and shatter your belief. bonds of the beloved will not fall into the hands of the accursed. now as i regain my compusre and act as though my wounds are trivial.
The Rules Of 'Rola'
Only during the final turn can a hand's value exceed thirty, and only during a tie hand. gambling is done in rola in the form of a "pot" which is formed by both players adding an equal amount of money to the pot.
Course Correction (Otherwise Untitled)
He hesitated, "that will exceed the acceptable band of course corrections at ftl, sir. confirm order, of thirty minutes per second?", a finger hanging over the 'commit to navigation' button on his console.
Ignorance is no excuse
Within the maw had but one ring of teeth, and beyond a throat going on, by far exceeding the size of the being. with a turn to the side it vanished from his sight. shrieks rose and died, nearly drowning the sound from the ghetto blaster.