Hopes Requiem

There was a horrible earthquake that made me fall to my knees from the sheer shock of it.

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The earthquakes got stronger and the ants stopped in their tracks, my ears perked up and i looked down the path.

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Journey of an Outcast - Part 4

The earthquake...you should've been..." i'm a ground type, remember? it'll take a lot more than a earthquake to get rid of me." cubone said. "i'm sorry, i..." "..." "yelled at you." "sneasel?


Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 23

"(that was one hell of an earthquake)," said malkar as he helped ammon stand up. "(never knew the underworld can have earthquakes)."

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the war part four the jewel

Then a few days later an earthquake began over the whole entire continent of north america opening fissures all around the continent but with the earthquake a lot of temples began to rise up from the ground and one had an ominous glow with a twin raising with


The Dragon Hunter Saga

Fraking in the late 20th and early 21st centuries caused earthquakes. those earthquakes changed how lava moved waking the sleeping fire dragons, and as they woke their cousins also woke.

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When Your Crush Almost Crushes You

And the booming earthquakes caused by the unicorn's hoofsteps were enough to stop his trance and convince him to do something. "rarityyy!" spike screamed at the top of his lungs. "down heeere!"

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The personal files of Frank Timpson

The resulting earthquake travels forwards from axel's fist, in a rumbling wave that grows wider as it rolls on to a range of 50 yards (150 feet).


The earthquake started getting worse. as the gang ran as fast as they could, they were having trouble keeping themselves balanced. some nearly fell over as the shakes grew stronger.

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The Skate Girl

Very powerful, although quite different from the previous one, this earthquake was continuous and increasing. isaac barely had any time to react at all.

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A New World, A New Journey Chapter 1

Suddenly, there was another earthquake and now the part where i was lying on broke away. luna and i fall both to the ground and screamed. i saw mews hands glow, then a blending light and everything went dark.


Reality Transcendent

After an earthquake, they rebuild. they find new ways to adapt. they argue, and when they argue they fight back. mortals call it instinct. where is instinct in the world though? with whom does it start, the arguer, or the victim?

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