Ektus (Commissioned)
He didn't even feel his tail detach shortly after, feeling instead the bridging tentacles of goo pulsing softly as they dragged the tail back into its rightful place.
Georgia Campaign
._ my unit and the british paratroopers was supposed to link up to the west of newnan and liberate the city from a small detachment of russian troops, but somehow i was dropped to the east of the city.
The Fox General: March on Vulpezzia
Originally, we were going to communicate with the other detachment via cries and also by sending messengers up through the side-roads to exchange information.
The Gift (Part 2)
Like the two hands behind the hyenas back it locked into place before detaching from the arm.
Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 4
Shimmer: alright, i activate tiramisu's effect, detaching an xyz material to move two madolche cards from my graveyard to my deck. one of the orbs on tiramisu is absorbed into her staff.
Grand Duel Academy: Tournament: Rose 1
By detaching an xyz material from it, i can prevent it from being destroyed by battle! the orb of light orbiting the rock monster goes into it, as its rocky shell becomes hardened carbon.
Flames: Chapter 9
He slowly lowered the gun, and detached the ammo box, and emptied the ammo in the chamber as well. this wasn't the right way. this wasn't the right way to handle things. this wouldn't end the pain for the victims of the group.
Conclusions (Otherwise Untitled)
~ the ship rattled and listed into what was likely a slow tumble as a wing detached. ~ "the controls are not responding. the displays are blank."
Not So Retired Any More XXVIII
"that i feel detached from the proceedings here, and i want to know what's going on in the hunt for my father's killer."
The human way
detached from my being snd reality. i will find a nother way. i seek to change the human way. before we self destruck in so many way's. perapse im to late. for now im being taken away. to live a new way and to repent my ways.
A fear inside
I fell so detached from my reality. yet i fell so alive in this life. they told me to trap my emotion deep inside. that left me scar's that might never heal the right way. with out the right help. afraid of the guilt and humilaten.
L'arc The Bloaty Lion: Shower
As l'arc finished rising the soup from his fur and hair he adjusted the water temperature, took the shower head off the wall and detached the head from the hose.