Heartless Dragon 2 Weapons of War(re-edited)

For the whole day they have designed everything within the suits. armor, weapons, which would be derek's enjoyment to do. communications, screens, wing and tail designs, and then head designs.

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How can one visit the facilities?

A designation will begin with 'kf', for 'kyruku facility', or 'kfo', for 'kyruku field outpost'.

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Exo Suits, Power Armor and Armor Pods

Power armor description/design history: power armor is used for personal protection and it sees extensive use by numerous factions.

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Dark Skies, Part IV: Adhering to Procedure

I turned the ship design with my finger, now thinking it looked much better than my current bulky ship, and i tapped a button on my p.d.s. the ship design flashed, then vanished.


Planet of Magic

Dak is only 18 years old and has a college scholarship in designing weapons for the military. one such weapon is of his own design he has taken precautions in mastering it incase they need a teacher.


Krystal and Chase: Reunion P3

Chase explained, "it's a mix between the arwing cockpit design and the design of the interceptor i flew a few years back." "my compliments to the lead designer." slippy replied happily. "alright, let's do this."

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Anything GOOOes (1/3)

The front of it held a strange, circular insignia, with a red hawk design on the top, a yellow tiger design in the middle, and a green grasshopper design at the bottom. the rest of his outfit was designed in a similar way.

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A Jump To The Left

But the gravity, the heat...the constant attempts to get him to screw up the count, all designed to make him sore, and tired. then, the inevitable beasting. running, along with the others.

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Bujo Kat Saga-Origins (Chapter 1)

My armor was designed around this. upon exiting the destroyed lab i stumbled onto a storage locker with a touch pad. bujo was inscribed on it. as i touched the box it opened reavealing a variaty of gear.

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955 Kkhulsethragaunt

The system is less accommodating to our variant physiques, for which it was never designed.

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File #4 - "Test Your Metal"

The warrior class was designed to be the first "force reconnaissance" cruiser designed by starfleet command, to answer the growing crisis between the allied romulan republic and the remnants of the tal shiar and the romulan star empire.

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Species: Skr'rit Companion

Character design idea. this is an idea i've been working on for a bit. i have a character on a muck that is a skr'rit companion and this is an attempt to clear up some confusion and back story needs.

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