Heartless Dragon 2 Weapons of War(re-edited)

Story by Heartless Dragon on SoFurry

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#6 of Heartless Dragon saga

Redo of everything. i Will have i made into something better

(All characters Alivia White Aurora, Derek SkyShadow or Heartless Dragon and Seafire are all my characters. No copyright. All use must be first spoken to me. My mate and i have thought of these names.)

Heartless Dragon 2 Weapons of War

Alivia and Derek had work for two hours now. Derek had the job of drawing out the designs while Aurora had to think of how the designs should work for the elemental dragons.

Pyroians, flame dragons, have the suits ability to summon up fire on their palms. The could withstand heat twice their normal captivity and can manipulate the fire with the hands.

Aquaians, water dragons, could already breathe underwater so there was no need to involve that. The suit would allow them to control water and since they could make ice with their breaths, they could create ice shards as well.

Crawlers, earth dragons, control every part of the earth like quakes and landslides. Now, they could control earth, rocks and plant material alike.

Flyers, wind dragons, rule the winds from gusts to tornadoes. The suits are designed to control the wind in different ways. Many like taking the wind out of a living creature or cause a storm to approach.

Electiarals, lightning dragons, basically are electricity so, they control all electricity and have no need for any improvements. Though the only thing the suit will give them is to absorb the electricity around them.

Steelvers, metal dragons, only have to basic controls. Control metal, steel and anything like that. And to throw metal shards. The suit will give them a sonic screech and deflective shields.

And last were Light Dragons. They control light from the light to outside to the light in every living things heart. The suit would allow for the light dragon throw light shards. Blinding light to scare off enemies or blind them. Last is was creating a light ball that can create explosions or flash bang.

Derek didn't even bother trying to make a Shadeian suit for no dark dragon would wear in a group full of elements, especially since they wouldn't have fit in.

For the whole day they have designed everything within the suits. Armor, weapons, which would be Derek's enjoyment to do. Communications, screens, wing and tail designs, and then head designs. First they had to test out the armor then they had to find six dragons worthy of these suits. That is when they had tryouts.

About a week later, with hard work, Lancer had called them both out for the dragons who were to be in the suits. Six dragons and dragoness' showed up on a Friday morning in the facility.

All dragons including Derek and Aurora were working out on testing grounds. The suits were fully complete but they were designed for testing purposes.

Three dragons and dragonesses were in solider formation and all were seemingly tough. There was a male Pyroian, Flyer, and Steelvers. The Aquaian, Electiarals, and the Crawler were all females. As they waited for their suits Derek took the time to notice that there were only six dragons instead of seven. "Were is the light dragon that is supposed to wear the Light Suit?"

Alivia moved up to him and smiled. "Your looking at her!"

Derek's eyes went a bit wide. "You're the seventh element?!"

She nodded and chuckled. "What you think just because I am a genius doesn't mean I wasn't a fighter?"

Lancer came up to them both. "Alivia has been in the project since she had ideas for it. You see this project is secret. It was a mean of secretly helping the military and help ensure that war would end sooner. As for the dragons, they had volunteered to do it and since they heard that this project was a secret, we had to wipe them off the face of the earth. All of them have no families which made it easier to erase them from existence. Documents, paperwork, Id's and everything that made them civilian has been erased. All they have now is us and their jobs to protect this country."

Derek felt some what sad for these dragons that had no family and now they had to live in secrecy. He sighed and looked at them. "So, why isn't there a dark dragon involved?"

Lancer looked past him. "You really think that a Shadeian would work for us? If you ever wondered, they all went into hiding and none want to be found. The only of them is you and your not a fighter, you're a thinker. And that is all we need you for. Now we need those suits on these guys as soon as possible. We need to adjust the size, weight and measure each of these dragons and we need them to have full control of their suits by the time the military go back to war." With that he left.

Derek sighed. "Right" Never in Derek's mind had he thought that the very dragon that he spent time with would be part of the attack squadron. He knew that once she was in, she wouldn'y be able to get out.

During the week, Derek and Alivia had worked on all the dragons and dragonesses. Since there were only three flyers, the Electiarals, Light and the Flyer, they had to make modifications for the Aquaian, Crawler, Pyroian and the Steelvers so they can fly with mechanical wings.

Not surprising that each dragon or dragoness carried different features then Derek. The females like the Aquaian, all blue scales and light blue, was slim on her waist and almost serpentine in mostly all of her body. The Electiaral, bright yellow and gold, was like the Aquaian only her body was a bit rough and she was less Serpentine, more drake. Then the Crawler, brown and dark brown. was pure roughness. She seemed broad but it was just her tough scales that made her like that. All female had mostly same features though. Breast same size, tail not spiked and curved snouts and barely any muscles.

As for the males, they carried themselves with strength in muscles and body. The Pyroian was all red, spikes that ran down from his neck to tail. Tough legs and broad shoulders. That went for the Flyer and the Steelvers only the Flyer was all green with wings longer then his body and the Steelvers had metal skin that seemed like he already had armor on. He almost could pass for a tank or a machine.

Alivia and Derek had their times off and when that came, Derek took Alivia to his house. She was surprised to see him living like a normal house resident instead of taking it up in the richests parts of Van Angeles. He would let her view that house and took her to his weapos which he created for the military. He had hoped to impress and it seemed to work, when she asked how he did he would talk if over with dinner and a large bottle of wine. However she seemed to focuse more on the project then him so it lead him to belive that she had little intrest in him. He was ajitated but never the less, he worked on the suits.

Once the suits were done by the end of the third week, the team was formed. All dragons and dragonesses were formed up and each had suits that matched their scales. Each wore a helmet that covered their whole face, to keep them hidden. Each helmet had a electronic eye vision. They each had a speaker that would disguise their voices only to be heard regular by each other. They head chest pieces that made comfortable and carried light weight Kevlar on the inside and a bit more weight on the outside for titanium. It was less weight then it was before with new material added and some taken away. The legs add flexible joints made up of light Kevlar and small metal joints and at their feet, they wore boasters for achieving supersonic capabilities. Their tails had little protection for maneuverability. Those that were born with wings had no protection so weight doesn't slow them down.

Alivia's suit was almost the same as their but she carried the leader symbol. A silver dragon with a star behind it on her left shoulder. Her belly was a bit exposed and her tail carried no armor what so ever. It seemed like she wanted to get hit.

All this was complicated for Derek. During the past few weeks, he has come to see Alivia as a partner and a great friend. They would eat on their breaks together. He would take her home and even sometimes would do her work for her when she got tired. But now all this seemed useless for she could get hurt or worse. He wanted to object but what chance. She would see him as nothing more of a partner in work. A useless dragon. A dark one who was out of his kind. A heartless one. He sighed as Lancer came up to them all. "Well, it been awhile. You all have your suits. You've all been trained well and you all are to do a single mission and that is to protect this country. You each have a new life. To protect and serve. Code names: Wave, the water dragoness. Terra the earth dragoness. Electrica the electric dragoness. Pyro, the fire dragon. Zephyr, the wind dragon. Crush, the steel dragon. All of you will be led by Alivia or leader or Aurora for code. All of you got that?"

"Yes sir!" they all said in union.

Lancer smiled and turned to Aurora. "Good now, I hope you can do your best to make you team the best there is?'

Aurora nodded. "Of course."

Lancer smiled. "Great, we have set up base somewhere else for missions and all else. We want nothing more then success from you."

"Of course." said Aurora.

"Good. I will call you all when we have a mission. Dismissed." Everyone left and Derek was left there, sadden. He wanted to help them but he was no fighter nor did he want to get involve with the war. He sighed and guessed that his job was just to manufacture and fix the suits. That was all.

A month later, the whole opperation was taken to the Nevada desert. All communications, factories and all else was there. Small communities were build there along with homes so the team had somewhere to live.

Derek managed to tell his neigbors to watch his house for him for awhile in till he got back. In the meantime, he had his project set up. He was trying to build a replica of the dragons suits only he wanted to improve it to expose any mistakes. He never wanted to be part of this but he wanted to help all the dragons of any costs. He spent countless hours on his suit, adding features and taking off trash that he may have put in.

Aurora and her team were all training so he had no time to tell them their upgrades. All suits carried small mounted Chain guns. Laser guided rockets, hidden knifes and power arms which enable them to carry twice as much as the suit will allow them to. All this was talked over with Lancer and seeing how Derek was now complete part of the team, he decided to let Derek upgrade and custom the suits, with nobody else.

One night, he was outside and he was laying on top of one of the buildings, he gazed up upon the stars and planets that were visible. His black scales were brightly lit by the moon's glow and making him feel a bit happy. He knew that one day, he will be remebered for something more then just weapons. he would be remember for something more.

Two day later, a alarm went on. "Attention all Dragon Attack Force, all must report to the central command, a mission has been found. Prepare to enter war!"

I have fucked up in many ways which is why i am redoing this. Please judge more this one to the other one.