Words on a paper….

The further you delve, the harder it becomes to breathe, one soul suffocating on the thick smog of ambiguity. Every breath you take, slowly kills you, destroying your organs aging your body wearing away at your mettle. So it seems the only way to be...

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A weird vent thing, probably will delete later

Tonight is one of those painful nights. Trying to hold back these tears that keep on flowing and flowing, choking on myself. I feel unbearably alone not even the distraction of deafening music helps tonight. It's always been hard to describe these...

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The Day My Dad Died

The day my dad died was a day I felt alone in the world. My mom died two years previous, and now, I only have my brother in our immediate family. Dragons are strong, brave, and majestic, but for this dragon, time stands still. The day that my dad died...

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Do you remember?

Dear Mommy, Why do you always notice when I do something wrong, but never when I do something right? I started to notice it last year when I was 8. do you remember? I tried to clean the kitchen for you. I cleaned the counters.. I washed the stove.....

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My sadness drowns my heart My grief fills my eyes with tears My sorrow hits me as cold dart My mourn sprouts my inner fears My light has changed to darkness My warm has decreased to cold My strength has diminished to weakness My youth has aged...

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#9 of poetry a short poetry of depression my heart burns in flames of despair powerless partly to repair the crater in my soul resides where my being lonely bides the tears of grief i truly shed curled up in my broken bed hoping briefly for a bright

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Hope like Light - Depression a Darkness

Hope is like light, the shooting stars hope followers, depression is a darkness, a black hole of despair that swallows. yet in this universe life would be dull, if light did not fight the darkness that pull.

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The Freeing of My soul

When i tried to get treated for my depression, it was taken along with other things and only a small portion was returned. but the box is there, and i pull it off the shelf.

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the Hardships of Today

Screaming words to the end of time, Finding out that they mean nothing to me, Slowly finding out that failure is my option, Why can't I work? Am I broken? The things going on, Hurting my life in ways I can't fix, I just need to realize I can do...

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Loneliness...there are 2 types. lets define them. 1: literally. 2:figuratively. the latter being most people. it means you can be in a room full of people, yet feel utterly alone; no one understands you..no one gets you..no one really cares for...

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The aim of this project is to shed a bit of light on what depression can be like for someone so young, it's meant to be an emotional experience and it may be very hard for some readers to endure.

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The Dark

It rears its head of hollow guilt, At the slightest provocation, How can I fight this morbid demon, From my heart does stir. It claws my heart and shreds my soul, To no one can I turn, Because with me the demon comes, To...