Jeremy 085; The Bureau Of Sabotage

The next report was about a similar demonstration in boston. the numbers there were larger than the demonstration in york. there were also smaller demonstrations in several other cities across the state.


Matriarch's Duty Calls

Georgia, who was georgie's big sister, albeit a year older than him, came up to help with demonstrating. both growlithe sat on lillian's lap as she demonstrated how bottle-feeding worked.

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Zero Point: Second Arc 1

As wester said, a demonstration is in order. if you please, yuri?"

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mercenaries short 2 - an unprofessional diagnosis

"well he was sitting down, otherwise i would have demonstrated with a much-needed spike up the arse" she smirked, wagging the scalpel between her fingers almost as fast as her wagging tail.

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Jeremy 092; The Thing In Kealuroondea

demonstrations had now spread to four continents. it was being speculated that there was some shadow organization coordinating the efforts. in some nations the first demonstrations had been put down with unequivocal force.


The Great and Powerful Backstory!

Who augmented his magical ability with quick hoof movements to make his demonstration seem all the more impressive.

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Chapter 3-The Final Student

Fang had taken miranda to a section of dead forest for her to demonstrate her powers in which she did, she started off with a brust of lightning that blasted a tree into pieces then summoning up a gust of wind to send the debris flying into the horizon.

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Breakfast at Richard's (Richard and the Fae ch8)

Richard picked up his own sandwich to demonstrate, and crimson followed suit, watching him carefully as he took a bite. she did so as well, and her face lit up.

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WOLVES MIST - Chapter 3(.2)

"an invisible foe is a dangerous one, but you don't need your eyes to know that harm is about to befall you, as ukon has demonstrated.

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Jeremy 087; The Inner Circle

Boston had suffered three days of out of control demonstrators. thousands of rats had started demonstrating and within a day counterdemonstrations had sprung up as well.


8. Fencing

He held it in one hand and bent it to demonstrate its springiness. "the epee is a weapon for thrusting, for making holes in the opponent's armor, whether that be his space suit, his battle armor, or his skin." he demonstrated some basic moves.

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Chapter Four - Lesson One

"thank you both for demonstrating your elements. it was a pleasure to gauge your levels of proficiency, which will allow me to better teach you about the arts of magic.

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