To Aug or not to Aug.

Obviously, becoming the ship's doctor, in addition to studying and treating fantine you will be expected to maintain the general health and wellbeing of the rest of the crew. one medical aspect uncommon to our crew is our high proportion of cybernetics.

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New Crew (Freedom Planet TF/TG)

Remember that one scene whre torque said he can't lose another crew and that one thing that happens to a certain character near the end of the game? i took those ideas and made this, which was not the original plan but i liked it much better.

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The Swords that Bind- Part 1: Welcome to the Crew

Welcome to my crew." i nodded, and headed out of the roof, heart beating at a million miles a minute. i smiled briefly at charlie, and he waved playfully at me. "bon voyage." "au revoir."

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Road Crew - Ch. 1 - Here and now

#1 of road crew alright, so this is my very first attempt to write a story in ages. the last couple of days were more than horrible for me and i took it to blow the cobwebs away and started to write a bit.

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A Pirate's Life: Know your Crew (Part 3)

Bruce himself took the course of the meal to tell his life story to the entire crew, who were roaring in laughter due to his coarse language and blunt descriptions.

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Road Crew - Ch. 5 – Getting things started

And now, without further ado, i present to you chapter 5 of 'road crew'... enjoy! :3 i woke up to the sound of a guitar that was being strummed somewhere close.

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Volume 4 Parlay is cheap

"i want to thank captain erik's crew... for their hospitality, as well as for not hurtin me while i was a guest. i be proclaiming a truce between the crew of the lucid tide and the crew of the siren's song!"

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Flying Mile High Chapter 16 Part 2

While the crews were waiting for the doors to open, a ground crew member came on the speakers in the cockpit. "good evening tangara 177, welcome to sydney. i would like to make a special request....".


Birthing Pains

Doctor took nearly no time to analyze the images and replies, "that is your crew." "i do not recognize crew." doctor sends a definition of crew to the caller. "access this definition, it is imperative that you do." caller rejects the definition file.

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Mission Report 1

Now, our new addition to the crew, stephillum glazer, solarblaze's step sister, has caught the eyes of the female crew, as well as a large portion of the male crew members as well.

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Tales of the Stout Bulwark: First Assembly

Cheze's case but the entire crew managed to return to their ship.

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Grunt vs the Mirror!

One of the crew mates who was carrying the mirror, whispers in other crew mate's ear. "good thing it was steel hard glass, rather not clean that mess up". the crew mate nods.
