Road Crew - Ch. 1 - Here and now

Story by Chris Mercury on SoFurry

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#1 of Road Crew

Alright, so this is my very first attempt to write a story in ages. The last couple of days were more than horrible for me and I took it to blow the cobwebs away and started to write a bit.

This is the first chapter - if you want to call that way - to what I started writing yesterday.

Not much, not very long, only to get you into the whole thing. The next part will be significantly longer, I promise.

Comments, suggestions, pointing out errors, criticism and anything in between is very welcome. I might be a decent proofreader, but probably failed with my own writing. Anyway, here we go!

The atmosphere was electric as thousands of furs were waiting for the band to appear.

Everyone was cheering and shouting and having a really good time after the opening act got them all heated up. Most of them didn't even know who these guys were that gave them a good show for the last hour but right now that didn't matter anyway. The three guys have really seemed to enjoy themselves and gave it their best to make the fans go wild. Now the masses couldn't wait for the main act to show up on stage and give them what they have been waiting, craving for for the last couple of years.

"These guys really did a great job!"

Kevin turned around to the others and was smiling broadly. The Collie nearly fell down the stairs in excitement as he went back to the others, his geeky glasses nearly slipping off his snout. "The crowd out there is awesome!"

"Yeah, I can definitely tell by the noise they make." Dex said, a big grin forming on the Siberian Huskys face.

From across the hallway they heard the others making their way to the stage entrance, the Doberman pulling along the smaller Dalmatian who was fumbling in his messenger bag for his favorite brand drumsticks. Although the barely lit corridor leading to the stage made that more or less impossible. Greg looked back at the dalmatian, shaking his head "Pete, it doesn't matter with which sticks you'll start out. I guarantee you that they won't even last the first three songs!"

"So? I don't tell you that it doesn't matter which bass you start playing our gigs! Besides, I like their feel..." Pete made a face, patting his bag.

Greg just rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever you say..." a gruff expression on his face that eased up when he turned to Kevin. "So, you guys ready? They were screaming our name for the past 15 minutes, I think we should get up there soon. Otherwise they'll be hoarse when it comes to sing along in the end - and you know how much I enjoy this..."

The Husky put an arm around the taller Dobies shoulders and waved the other at one of the stagehands, signaling him to dim the lights so they could get on stage and start. "Twenty years and you still can't wait to get out there, eh Greg?" "No, this never gets old and you two love it just as much as I do. Now let's do this!"

The whole stage was dark and suddenly exploded with light effects when the band dove right into their first song. The crowd went wild and the band could hardly hear their own amps. That's what the band have been waiting for months now, several thousands of fans cheering ecstatically at them.

'No, this certainly never gets old...' I thought to myself as I stood next to Marc, who was responsible for the light effects. He looked at me, smiling "So, Chris - time to enjoy it now, huh?"

"You bet! Who knows better than you how much work it is to build up and tear down the stage on the same day?" I looked at him, a grin forming on my muzzle.

"I'll get us a bite and something to drink. What do you want?"

"Whatever you can get your paws on - I'm starving up here! Oh, and a beer!"

And with that I wandered off.