Jewel of the Spring #4
In less than two hours the convoy arrived at the front gates of the base. the mp's walked out of the guard tower and checked the convoy's papers. once everything checked out permitted the convoy through.
Storm Chasers
The moment he had appeared everyone in the convoy was piling out of their vehicles.
A Desperate Dalliance (Otherwise Untitled)
#67 of short stories captain decaro tries to pull rank to rescue a civilian convoy under fire.
3. My New Life-2
I assume my xo kirha has briefed you all regarding the recent convoy attack?" "yes, he did, general and frankly i would like to know how you and your people got to the convoy so fast and responded in such short notice."
Preperation for tommorow
Soon else they'll starve, and lucky for them there's a big fat convoy following us" "so there camping up ahead planning to attack it, i know, you described your flawless calculations and perfect logic in the meeting and i backed it up with what the earth
Chapter 6
I heard one of the anthros back at the convoy scream out. the quiet afternoon suddenly turned into a chaos as small arms fire and explosions filled the air.
Krystal and Chase: Iron Sight p1
As they crawled on four legs, the silvery, scorpion-like bots kept an easy pace with the rest of the convoy. suddenly, one stopped.
Out of the frying pan...
Was called from the convoy commander. all the troops got into their vehicles and started them up. over the convoy net someone started playing 'through the fire and flames' which earned a grin from every vehicle.
Ambush at East Ridge
I heard one of the anthros back at the convoy scream out. the quiet afternoon suddenly turned into a chaos as small arms fire and explosions filled the air.
Hurricane Kim Chapter 27
But if you put your head over here, there's an intelligence update that you and my convoy leaders need to hear."
Tsume said confused as the two looked around realizing that they were no longer on the airship, they saw rey was just finishing off two grim elephants from charging at the evacuation convoy as the military guys gave him backup with gunfire ,the convoy keeps
Episode 6: Puzzle
Oh, by the way, i contacted starfleet and they will be adding two more ships to our convoy. apparently they didn't expect the urtheans to be as interested as they are."