Chapter 0

Chris was a field engineer for raytheon, one of the many civilian contractors that supported the gryphons, the black and white tervardi was stationed on this base and helped with repairs and training to the flight packs the gryphons wore, as well as other

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A Cat Among the Stool-pigeons. Interlude. (between ep5 and ep6)

"not with a special federal license for a military security contractor they aren't, but since i wasn't working such a contract this evening i do appreciate the omission.

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Trio: Chapter 1

He wished he could use it for more purposes, but that is what the contractor wanted._ _some noble who stuck his claws into the wrong loaf of bread, probably._ _he stood up from the small desk he had shoved into this tiny hole, and picked up the hard

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the war begins part 3

You go near him and i'll send you to hell red: on contractor , you'll be the one sent to hell sora pov) sora , donald clear the path way for them to get to the king once that was finished and they met back up with goofy who wasn't dead they


Cherry Cordial Chaos

The boyfriend of his, a grey wolf, was a government contractor, specializing in chemistry, a very talented wolf capable of turning any situation into a much more stable and workable one.

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Once in a lifetime, after the rain is gone

It was going to be about four weeks before he could get a contractor out to run the posts, or if we wanted, we could run it underground in a trench. then the other thing was, having the water trucked into the cistern.

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1:17 Blackwell

Most of the technology wasn't even available to the public and even some military contractors.

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Dreams which may come true...

Alex had already made mental notes about what things he thought needed to be repaired to but still felt that the contractor he was going to hire would be able to tell him exactly what needed to be fixed.

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Fates of the Ferals: Longing

Just then, he pulled over into a parking lot, stopping next to a battered-looking, white work-truck with various contractor gear piled-up in the bed. "hey, you know what?" he said, "you're a good kid."

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Tiberi's Starfox Timeline

This is an attempt to recreate the original star fox team, which performed as an aerospace security contractor with the cornerian army. under the new team, star fox would refill this role as a semi-independent contract team.

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Kanova Lore

Kanova Medical Research, also known as Kanova Biomed, is a large medical research corporation that is contracted by the Darkwolf Empire. Perhaps one of the most immoral companies the universe has ever known, Kanova has achieved a reputation that's just...

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Doberman and Throbbin, Part 1, Luke's Story

No, i'm just an average cleaner for a private contractor company in the city, i clean allsorts; offices, shops, streets, whatever we get hired for.

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