Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which Insatisfaction Plagues Donichus

#7 of brother dark, brother light **the following novella was written as a collaborative effort between myself and dragonatic for the people. project started march 2010.

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Ch. 1 Amnesia-1st paragraph

It starts off as a collaboration with zoqu the dragonheart, but we both agreed to break off after a certain city so we can develop our characters better.

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Crossroads - Zack: Merry Christmas

_December 24th, 10 years prior to "Crossroads"_ The Briarwood mall was much more crowded than usual. This wasn't strange in the slightest, given the time of year. It was Christmas Eve, and people were milling in and about the aisles pushing heavy...

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 17

Good Enough--Crossroads--Chapter 17-- Missing in Action "Hey, Charlie!" Chance hesitated as he closed his locker on Tuesday morning, turning his head slightly to see who had called him 'Charlie'. Only two people he could think of would actually call...

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The Gem [Collab]

#1 of collaborations disclaimer: all characters in this story are adults.

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1- Canidate

#1 of the legend of rift: scorching ignition collaboration with silverfury23. taking place days after crushed dreams. the journey to become guardian is anything but easy. rift must learn the hard way.

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Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 14

Zack found himself in a rather sour mood on Monday morning. Such a demeanor was not uncommon for Zack, but this morning he was feeling particularly dreary. He had been up very late finishing up a project he'd forgotten was due, and because of the...

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Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 13

A fox crept slowly down a dark corridor, the wooden boards underneath creaking eerily under his weight. He visibly trembled in the darkness, though the flashlight in his paw offered enough light to get around. Every now and then, a sound outside would...

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Work In Progress Section 1

This is the first part of a collaboration by myself and thundagger (

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This saga is a collaborative invitation. input your own ideas! help the story grow! bring ocs to life, see what happens. i'll update the main story with a blend of everything and credit you. don't rush.

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The Road Of Life - Chapter 10 - Collaboration

This is a collaboration story between me and novastar, who is very awesome! =3 this is a m/m romanceish story incase you don't know yet..

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A New Best Friend: Collaboration with DA1337WOLF

A goofy little story that i did as a collaboration with :iconda1337wolf:. ryan was in the hobby shop playing his favorite card game when andlat walked in.

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