The Road Of Life - Chapter 10 - Collaboration

Story by Reks Syph Hatake on SoFurry

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#12 of The Road of Life

Hey Guys! So I'm actually a bit ahead of schedule with launching chapter 10! I was going to post it on Saturday, but I have it done so here it is! This is a collaboration story between me and Novastar, who is very awesome! =3 This is a M/M romanceish story incase you don't know yet.. XD All characters in this story belong to their respective owners, all Road of Life characters belong to me, Shadow and Troy belong to Novastar. Thanks so much to all my readers for supporting me this far! You have no idea how excited it makes me when i get comments, favorites, watchers and votes! Thank you, everyone! So, without further ado, here's Chapter 10 of the Road of Life!


The Road Of Life: Chapter 10 ~ While We Were Apart

The weeks dragged on, seeming like an eternity. I stopped going to classes and school altogether, out of fear and shame of seeing Andrew there. Shane kept going and often times would come home after, happy to see me still there. It made him so happy to know that I was still waiting at home for him. Sadly, as more and more time passed, the more and more empty I began to feel. The routine began to become very dull and commonplace; Shane coming home from school, us sharing passionate kisses which soon led to a round of sex. I spent my time while he was away at school by either taking a walk or sleeping in our bed. As much as I had grown to love Shane I felt hollow inside, lost and, admittedly, depressed.

On one day in particular I was taking a walk, only to come across the person I never wanted to see again in my life, Alan. He straightened up a bit, smirking, a lit cigarette in his hand. Anger arose from the deep corners of my heart, but before I could even say or do anything he spoke out.

"Heard ya got dumped." he said simply, the smirk on his face growing.

"Yeah, so what?" I said in an angry tone.

"Well ya know, I couldn't have made it happen without Shane's help." He was almost laughing now, trying to contain his immense glee.

I stood there, a look of confusion and anger on my face, "What did you say?"

"It was planned." He said casually, taking a pull on his cigarette and glowing with self satisfaction. I continued looking at him with some confusion.

"You think anybody loves you? Gives a shit about a worthless scumbag like YOU?" He chuckled and inhaled more of his cigarette. Realization began creeping up on me, and I began to feel a slight bitter taste in my mouth.

"You think you're so much better than I am, with that little stunt that turned everyone against me. I know what you really are though." He looked at me, his amused smirk on the border of an angry sneer. "Start any fires recently?"

I only stared back at him blankly, my fists tightening a bit. Alan laughed again.

"No? Ah well. Anyway, now everyone will know that the noble Max is just another worthless fag slut." A smooth, wicked smile spread across his features and he took a step closer to me.

"Even I was a little surprised how easily it went. All Shane had to do was get you to kiss him..and you did it the first time you two met, you fucking whore." Alan reached into his pocket and pulled out his camera, turning the screen so I could see the images he had captured of Shane and myself.

"Ever wonder how Andrew found out?"

Rage and sadness roiled throughout my body. The worst part about Alan's cruel, vindictive plan was....he was right. It hadn't taken much, had it? For a moment of pleasure and pride, I had stabbed at the heart of the only one who had ever reached out to me.

I couldn't move, couldn't speak. All I could do was stare back at the evil creature before me; the black, heaving storm I felt in my chest paralyzing me.

"I knew this would be my favorite part" Alan said slowly, staring at me intently. "Seeing you realize how worthless you really are." He took one more long drag on his cigarette before flicking it away. He blew the vile smoke into my face and shoved past me.

"See you later, Max."

I must have gone into shock or something because I couldn't move, couldn't think or process anything. I wanted to scream, wanted to beat the hell out of Alan, but I just stood there. I felt numb and empty, felt as if the last remnant of my sanity and peace had deserted me. I walked home, lost, empty, bitter and hopelessly alone. I walked in to Shane's house to see him standing there, meaning he must've recently gotten home. His eyes lit up and he smiled really wide, walking over to me and placing a casual kiss on my cheek.

"Hey hun! went out for a walk?" he asked.

I frowned at him, feeling angry at him, "You tricked me." I stated.

He seemed confused for a moment and then in the corner of his eyes I saw panic, "I don't understand?" he said, trying to play off the confused card.

I looked at him silently for a moment, taking in the image of him. How could I have thought I had any feelings for this sniveling lackey of Alan's? Seeing him now, I could understand even more why Andrew had been unforgiving of me. There was nothing desirable or good about the person in front of me. I seethed with hatred, for myself and for Shane. Finally I was able to speak.

"You tricked me to get Andrew to break up with me.. used me, just to hurt me." I had a blank glare in my eyes as I stared at him hatefully.

He fidgeted, not seeming to know what to do with himself under my gaze. He took a half step back as if afraid I might strike at him. I wasn't entirely sure myself if I could control my rage.

He sighed, "I did trick you... went along with Alan's plan... but, I really do love you... I wanted you for myself..." I saw the same lonely sorrow in his eyes that I saw back when I went to meet him by the bathroom.

"How could you do this to me!?" I half yelled. "How could you take the most important person in my life away from me!?"

Shane seemed hurt and almost as if he were about to cry. He walked over to me and attempted to hug me, but I pushed him away.

"No! You're a horrible person Shane! You're no better than Alan and you never will be!" He began a sputtering response, but I cut him off. The rage was hammering through my veins like a speeding locomotive, building momentum and intensity every moment.

"In fact, I think you might be worse than he ever was!" I felt moisture in my eyes as my volume grew, which only irritated me more. "At least he's always been up front in his hatred of me." I couldn't even find the right words to express the added hurt his actions had caused me. The pain of the betrayal and the intense irony of it, combined once again to steal my voice and I could only stand and snarl at Shane.

He seemed on the verge of tears as he once again tried to hug me, "Please don't leave me all alone again..."

"You deserve to be alone Shane! For everything you've done!" I yelled at him as I pushed him away even harder, causing him to fall down on his rump.

He looked up at me with an expression of loneliness, sorrow and fear. Tears fell down the sides of his cheeks now as he begged me to stay with him, begged me not to leave him all alone again. I walked towards the door, pure anger in my heart.

"I hope you burn in hell Shane. I hope you die and are forever alone for all that you've done." I stated as I walked out of the house, never to return.


Several moments after I had left Shane hugged his knees and cried to himself. How could things have gone so wrong? He had just lost the only real reason he had ever had to live, the only person that he ever really loved with all his heart. He now somewhat understood the pain and suffering that he had caused Max by separating him from Andrew. Sobbing and unable to stand, he crawled on his paws and knees into his room to curl up on the floor next to the bed and cry for the rest of the day.


I went to my bank and withdrew all the funds I had left and bought a ticket to a city in another state. I was going to leave everything behind, what did I have left to stay for anyway? I asked myself the same question about living, what did I have left to live for? I was snapped out of my depressing thoughts when the speaker announced that the 814 bus to Valor was about to depart. I stood up and got on the bus, handing the driver my ticket. I took my seat on the bus and stared out the window as the lights of the town I had grown up in, the place where all my memories, struggles and dreams came from vanished into the distance. It only took me about a half hour to fall asleep, my head leaning against the window. I awoke many hours later to complete stillness and a paw nudging my shoulder.

"Hey kid, we've arrived." the voice of the elderly bus driver stated.

I opened my eyes to a completely different view. Tall buildings and bustling streets were everywhere. I'd never seen a large city before and I was both intrigued and intimidated. I thanked the bus driver and got up, leaving the 814 bus. The air seemed different in this new city, everything seemed different. The air wasn't as clean as the town I had been living in. It was fogged by the haze of smoke caused by industrial factories. Yet, somehow, it was still beautiful.

The months passed by so quickly, in that short time span I had moved into a cheap apartment, gotten a job and began a whole new life for myself. Months ago when I left the town I had always lived in I had decided that I would leave it all behind and start my life over, forget my past and move into a new age. For the most part the details of my past had fallen away, fading into a black abyss. Today was a Saturday, a day off from work for me and I had decided to explore the city more, to learn more about the city that had become my new home. The streets seemed somewhat busy with the hustle and bustle of the cities inhabitants, people going to and from work, people shopping in the stores and various other things that people seemed to find important to do.

Out of all the sights I found one in particular that caught my eye; an older gay couple holding hands, talking to each other about some small matter. They weren't really old, but I assessed that they must be in their mid-twenties. They were a pair of wolves, and that caused my mind drift onto the thought of Andrew. I pushed the thought from my mind as I began to follow them, interested in them for some bizarre reason. I kept my distance and observed them, watching them carefully. Whenever the black furred wolf would look behind him I'd instantly pretend that I was doing something else, not following them like some creepy stalker. The black furred wolf said something to his mate and after that the two seemed to be on alert.

At this point in the game I knew that they knew I was following them. I didn't care. Eventually, the larger buildings began to fall away as we seemed to be entering some kind of industrial district. I continued to follow them, even when they went into an oddly located coffee shop. I walked over to an empty table and sat by myself, watching them as they ordered coffee. Something distracted my attention for a few moments and I looked away to see an energetic, golden furred waitress joking with some patrons at their table nearby. Upon turning back around the couple was standing by my table, which made me tense up a bit out of surprise. The black furred wolf didn't seem happy and his mate only seemed concerned. I didn't say anything, I just stared at them as slight fear set in, waiting for them to speak.

"Well?" The black wolf growled at me with a fairly deep, smooth voice. "What do you want?"

Nervousness still held my tongue as I looked back at him with wide eyes. He was very well muscled, and very tense. He seemed on the verge of sudden and deadly violence. His fierce, amber colored eyes watched me and I could feel him taking in my every detail. I blushed a little bit when the thought occurred to me that he was quite gorgeous.

In an eye blink, the black wolf's paw was darting forwards and grabbing tightly to the collar of my shirt, pulling me upwards. I thought for a moment he was going to simply toss me out the window. But his white furred companion had a paw on his arm already, as if he had anticipated the action and I was released to slump back in my chair.

"Gods, hun! Temper, please!" The white wolf said sternly to him. "You can't just attack people."

The black wolf looked rather chagrined and relaxed a little, though that's like saying a cocked and loaded gun was now only merely pointed at you, instead of pressed against your head. Still, I breathed a little easier.

"We've had some difficulties in the past." The white wolf continued, his sparkling green eyes were a vibrant contrast to his thick, bright fur. The couple made a striking pair.

"I'm Troy. And this is my mate, Shadow. Would you please tell us why you've been following? It's been rather unnerving."

I struggled to gather my thoughts and speak as the two wolves waited, watching me. After a few moments of calming down and gathering my thoughts I finally spoke out.

"I'm sorry... it's just, where I come from I don't see very many gay couples and you both actually reminded me of someone..."

I sighed and motioned to the two empty chairs by my table, inviting them to sit so I could talk and explain more to them. I apologized once more to them before speaking again.

"My names Max, Maximus Reks Dreeker." I introduced formally.

"I've only been living here for a few months, it's my day off from work and I was exploring the city more." I explained and paused to take a deep breath before continuing. "As I was exploring I saw you two and just felt compelled to follow you, I didn't mean to distress you at all..."

A tinge of sorrow lurked in my voice and eyes as I gazed at the two in a short moment of silence.

"You guys remind me of my ex-mate, Andrew..." I stated quietly.

Troy asked me a few questions which I answered, and slowly the conversation led into the deep details of my past. I explained to him how Andrew and I came to be, how I ruined everything and fell prey to my stupidity, fell to Alan and Shane's scheme. I explained that I actually did care about Shane and felt torn because I knew what it meant to be alone, to have no one care about you for so long. I knew what it was like for no to be there, for no one to say they love you and actually mean it. I knew what it was like to not have someone who would sacrifice their life just to make you happy. I had never really had anyone until Andrew came along. That's how I knew how Shane felt and I was sympathetic towards him because I remembered my own pain from being lonely.

"I would do almost anything to get Andrew back, to let him know that I still love him with all my heart... but he hates me, and he never wants to see me again... part of the reason I left town." I was on the verge of tears, feeling lost and cold.

After I finished talking I sat for a few moments in silence, waiting for their responses. The bustling sound of clinking coffee cups and the low voices of the shops patrons helped to calm my nerves. Really, I was just worried they'd tell me what I already knew, that I was an idiot for betraying my mate like I did. I looked up at them with eyes of desperation, hoping for some kind of advice. Even though I had only known these two strangers for a short period of time, I wanted comfort. Some kind of assurance that I still had a chance to reclaim everything I had ever wanted, everything I had ever had. Troy eventually spoke up, patting my shoulder gently.

"That's very sad, Max. But I don't really know what we could do to help you." My heart sank as I looked back at Troy. Really, what had I expected them to do about it? Tell me the magic phrase that would make Andrew forgive me? My head dropped a little. I traced a little line on the worn, wooden table at which we sat. "There's nothing you can do I suppose." I sighed. "Maybe I just wanted to tell somebody."

I loved Andrew, with all my heart, and if he wished it I would kill myself to prove it. It had been hard trying to wake up happy every day, trying to fix my broken heart and mind, I wanted him back more than anything, but in some deep corner of my heart I believed that he'd never take me back, no matter what I did. I had begun to believe I would forever be alone, that the sun would never rise again that this was my last moment. I knew he was my soul mate and I beat myself up repeatedly for having hurt him like I did. On many occasions I thought to myself 'why should I stay alive?' part of me knew that my death would only bring him more pain, but the other part wanted to believe he'd be better off without me in this world, that he'd move on and find someone a thousand times better than me. I believed I would always be alone, that's how I used to think until I had met him, but he saw me in the darkness, and I was saved for a time. But here I was, telling my story to two total strangers as I tried to grab at some form of peace, sanity and comfort. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life alone, but I was prepared to do so, prepared to have nothing left.

After a few more moments, Troy looked at Shadow. "Hun, we'd better get going." Looking back over at me sadly, he stroked my paw apologetically. "Look, if you're going to be around how about you chat with us sometime. Without the creepy stalking" He called over the waitress and got a piece of paper from her, writing their address down and handing it to me. "It's a bit farther out of the city, closer to the college and the park, but you can come by anytime."

I thanked him, glancing at Shadow. The black wolf had a disconcerting gaze. Very piercing. I couldn't tell if he was annoyed, or angry. He just looked...very focused.

The couple got up and walked away, waving goodbye and leaving me to my thoughts. After a while, I left the cozy shop, heading past the old style chairs and tables to the back exit. I didn't want the two to think I was following them again.

The exit opened to a quiet back alley beside one of the industrial buildings next to the shop. I leaned against the alley wall, breathing deep and collecting myself. "Well, that was stupid of me." I said out loud. Still, I did feel a bit better. Also, I now had some people I could say I knew around here.

I heard someone approaching me from the front of the coffee shop. I looked up and was surprised to see Shadow walking up to me. Again I was struck by his appearance. Dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt that looked maybe a bit small on him and some tan work boots on his foot paws. He was very fit looking. I wondered what he did for a living. The boots suggested something outdoors, but it could've been just for style.

My musings were cut off when he reached me. Unlike Troy, Shadow intensity about him. Just being around him, one could tell that he was a person who was direct and had little patience for wasting time. He stopped in front of me and looked me up and down a moment while I stared back in surprise. Despite his powerful presence, he seemed somewhat awkward when trying to engage in conversation. At last he finally spoke up.

"I asked Troy to wait a bit. I wanted to speak to you." He said.

"Um, okay." I said, taken aback. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

Shadow just cocked his head at me, looking quizzical. "Why are you here?"

"I told you, I-" I began, but I was cut off.

"You said these two people you think you might care about. They live back home. So....why are you here?" Shadow said calmly, locking my eyes with his.

I began to glare at him. Despite only moments ago wishing for advice, I began to grow angry.

"I left because....because..." I really couldn't say. Because I deserved it, I guess. Deserved to be alone.

"You're a fighter. I could see that immediately." He said. "You've also done terrible things. I would recognize that haunted look anywhere. Gods know it's on my face often enough."

I looked down. What was the point of this? "Why..?"

"Because I know you." Shadow folded his arms and cocked his head again. "So, why are you here, and not talking to Andrew? Or this..Shane if that's your choice."

I stammered a bit, trying to think of what to say. "I'm here....because, I deserve to be alone. For what I did."

Shadow scoffed. Taking a quick step forward he smacked me solidly across the muzzle, making me yelp.

"If you're here to punish yourself, there's not much I can do to help you. If you want Andrew back, you need to go talk to him. It's that simple." He looked at me sideways, "I've learned that the future is never certain Max. The only time we're truly fated for anything, is when we give up."

Shadow turned and began walking away, leaving me alone once more. He called out as he left, "Like Troy said, feel free to stop by. Maybe some physical training will help calm your mind. It's obvious your reflexes could be a little faster." He then turned the corner of the coffee shop, and was gone from sight.


In the meantime, back in the town I had left behind, things had changed over the course of my absence. Andrew had continued going to school but there was an ominous feel to him which many of the people at school had begun to notice. He had graduated from high school and as soon as the summer months began he spent his time locked away in his room. He wrote poems, lyrics, anything to vent the feelings of growing despair that he felt deep in his heart. He had become a cutter and a very dark person in the time that things had changed. His happy-go-lucky attitude had been torn apart by the events that took place. He had begun to doubt himself and his worth. His parents had sent him to a therapist, which surprisingly was Mrs. Hardy. She had begun to work with him on fixing his emotional despair, for if anyone could help him it was definitely her.

Shane had also grown deeply depressed, punishing himself because of what I had said to him. He had felt guilty for everything he had done to me. He ran away from home, living in the streets of the Riviara District for a time and eventually, he too left the town behind, fleeing to some distant city to escape the demons that haunted him. He had only told Alan where he had gone before he vanished, mainly because Alan was the only friend he had left.

Things were changing, for all of us. The world was moving on, as some would say, uncaring of the troubles of a few kids whose lives had become utterly tangled and frayed.


After Shadow left I wandered about the city for a little longer before returning home, thinking over the things Shadow had said to me. Part of me knew he was right, that what I needed to do was return home and talk to Andrew. But I was afraid, afraid of what might happen. I lay in bed that night, tossing and turning as I thought every detail out carefully, trying to make up my mind as I drifted off to sleep. The time we spent apart from each other was necessary, each one of us needed to learn lessons that were key to our futures. I needed to learn from my mistakes, understand that every one of my actions affected not only myself but the people connected to me as well. I needed to learn to stop wallowing in self pity and seek help when I needed it, to follow advice when it was offered to me. It was crucial that I learn so that later in life I would not fall to simple mistakes. I also needed to understand that I truly did love Andrew, that I would do what it took to get him back and never fail him again. My encounter with Troy and Shadow today had brought clarity for me. Tomorrow was a new day, tomorrow I would decide the course to take for my future. Tomorrow I would set myself back on the road I was meant to walk, the path to happiness.

Tomorrow. It always seems so promising. A shame that it disappears as soon as we reach it. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of Andrew.