Chapter the Eighth: Sojourn

"clovis lived among us for a great deal of time, and bore on the beduin women ten times fifty sons, and ten times fifty daughters.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 22: Memories

Ruby came running up to us, followed by clovis. ruby breathed, "we were awake when you called down for help, tyler." not for the first time, i was glad there were night-dwellers among us. clovis nodded. "the wolf appears to be stable.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 32: Revive

clovis has the best night vision, but...." shadow trailed off, and i understood. clovis was still struggling for his own life, as ruby tried to keep him connected with this world.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 42: Strays

What had clovis said? something about members of his species not living permanently anywhere? had many of them survived? it had sounded like their species was more isolated than most.

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Unexpected mates

Deep int the five temple region the city of clovis was a mixed city of humans and pokémon. this was an uncommon city for the region. a persian late term was scrounging for food in a trash can.

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The Father

Raine part 3 was already a third done and clovis part 2 was about a half written. so after starting two well received and eagerly anticipated story series at the same time, i set off to go write something entirely different.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 38: Overcome

"clovis has been testing the various pillars in the furshopper. he says the roof-support is failing. i fear our 'safe' time here may be limited." daws straightened, his attention focused.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 33: Distance

Rusty and ruby need to be here with clovis." burt rubbed at a smooth horn, "i could ask peter, but i can't get him settled to talk about anything serious. fur's too broken over losing jenny." howard grunted.

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Magnus Chronicles: Ancients Awakening: Chapter 2

But it was his two daughters clovis and corliss that he was dreading, having to explain that he had to go very far away for what could be a long, long time. in fact, it was just dawning on marden how this trip might play out.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 15: Recovery

Ruby and clovis even greeted shadow warmly, even though shadow was hesitant to return the same warmth. i spaced out on most of what she said. i couldn't order my thoughts enough to pay attention to what little i did want to know.

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Chapter the Fifth: Youth

I'll love her better than dalma, or sierra, and revere her honor higher than clovis, or the god of the sun." he paused for a moment, suddenly realizing what he was saying and stopped to consider what he was feeling.

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Chapter the Fourth: Ghosts

clovis taught the beduin men that in the first days." the other youngsters were quite interested with this, and took to investigating their own food for evidence of truth. adrian had to scold a few of them for trying it incorrectly.

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