A Summer Abroad

cass has been helping me a bit on that front." "yeah, that's cool. i'm glad you have a lot of offers coming in. i still have just the one, but kat and cristien have been pretty supportive, insisting that i'll-- wait. cass?" callum furrowed his brow.

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My name is cass fullbreed. cass or full for short." i shook and smiled a professional smile. "and i'm juan carlos westpaw. jc for short." i held back a grimace, i hated giving my full name, but it was common courtesy.

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A Small Bounty - 1

Well, thanks for the information, cass." "words are cheap, thank me with payment. and come back alive.

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HoA Chapter 13: At the Brink

cass would in turn rebuke on how kaille was just being sad pup, begging for attention and sympathy, and how being raised in the plains of ravviin had cooked his mind inside his skull.

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Binary Genetics - Chapter 1 (Revised Update)

"cass is gone," he said softly. "why haven't you joined another stallion?" normally, the mares would have either found another band for safety, or a roaming bachelor stallion would have found them, but perhaps cass hadn't been gone long enough.

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Binary Genetics-Chapter 2

But she didn't have the benefits of veterinary care, and she and the rest of cass' band of mares were getting worn from age.

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HoA Ch. 14: Out of the Shade...

To his ears, cass was giving some poor local more than an earful.

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Lovers Dancing [ Installment 2 ]

cass tentatively sat up. "maybe the doc could have made sense of that in his head." "you're trippin'." the door was slid open. there ofcourse, was the doc.

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On fait pas d'omelette sans casser les oeuf

Tournant la tête -allez fait pas ta timide ,poupée dit-il avec un air persuasif -non repondit-elle froidement -vous voyez ,elle craque pour moi dit-il en se tournant à moitié vers toute la classe -personne ne pourrait craquer pour toi ,à part si je te casse

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Lonely Oak Chapter 47

"cass!" he grumbled. "what?" she said, shrugging dramatically, "i thought you wanted people to pretend like you were thirteen." "no!" he groaned.

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Chapter 6 - Mount Greenville

"no problem, mister...cass? is that what your name tag says?" "yeah, you got a problem with that?" "no, not at all! i think it's a cool name."

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