HoA Chapter 13: At the Brink
Sometimes, things just work out. Other times, things start to play out in very unexpected ways...
Three days and nights had since passed after Kaille and Cassendriana left the company of the Trading group. In that time, the nights had steadily become cooler, a typical event for the season of Second Setting. While the chill was not so unfamiliar to either of the two Sens as they walked steadily towards the nearest settlement through the ancient forests, it also provided no respite for them, as predators would be more active this late in the year. By the start of the first morning, the two travelers were sick of one another, having traded insults and comments at nearly every available chance. Kaille would talk to himself as he thought about what happened to him at sea and what he was going to do about his assailants, Cass would groan and snap at him to shut up and move on about it, leading the former to remark on the latter's "Lunnite typical lack of attachment". Cass would in turn rebuke on how Kaille was just being sad pup, begging for attention and sympathy, and how being raised in the plains of Ravviin had cooked his mind inside his skull. By the eve of that day, the two finally made it to the gates of the Craft Village of Seril, but also with their clothes dirtied and swelling from repeated beatings across their faces. Standing before the reinforced wooden gate, Kaille simply smiled in relief and praised, aloud, that Cassendriana had managed to NOT get the pair killed.
"You know what, Ravvid? I've just about had it with you. I knew I should've let that tsovik eat you back there! Least then one of us would be happy tonight."
"Hey, I didn't say that I didn't think we'd make it. I just said I didn't expect both of us to survive, especially with you running off all the time."
"I told you before, Avvoh! I was scouting the way ahead!"
"Uh-huh. Tell ya what, Lunnite, why don't you get a few drinks with the locals and tell them the story. I'm sure they'd just "love" to listen to a woman who looks like she's been without any proper "company" in quite some time, hehehe"
"Oh that's it... Just you wait, I'm gonna make you pay for that one, pup. Just you, wait..."
"Yeah, yeah... So, you wanna knock on the door and ask to come in, or shall I have the honors?" Scowling at the wise cracking young Sen, Cass's tail twitched furiously as she marched up to the gate and, with supreme tact and subtlety, asked for someone to let them in.
"Oy, where is every body, eh?! I'm out here waiting for the royal welcome and you Niessavran haven't even opened up your blasted door! I haven't so much as bathed properly in a week! So get off your lazy tails and get this thing open already, or I'm gonna pry this thing open with my own paws!"
"Yeah, that's going to get 'em to let us in. Think you drank too much sea water, Lunnite."
"Hey! You two lovers wanna keep your voices down," cried a guardsman from atop the palisades, obscured from the light of the burning torches. "It's the dead of night, and we've got enough trouble without causing more of a ruckus. We're opening the doors now, so come in or leave." Charming bunch, these Retsiik. As the gate opened, the sound of heavy gears and chains rattling came to ear, the mechanisms slowly opening the great doors just enough for the two outside to enter the walled confines of the village. No sooner had Kaille set paw inside that the doors reversed direction and began to shut, nearly catching the tip of his tail between as they groaned shut. Without so much as even stopping to offer thanks, Cassendriana walked right by the guards and waved them off, saying she'd be at the tavern getting sleep if they needed her. Kaille rolled his eyes and bowed apologetically to them, taking only a step before one of the guards stopped him.
"Hey there, stranger, I wanted to ask you something before you left. While you were out there, did you happen to come across any sign of people who might've gotten lost?"
"Can't say that we did, Ahser. Why? Someone in particular go missing?"
"Not just someone, several people in fact. We've been on edge for weeks now, since it seems that something out there's preying on travelers and those who get lost. Carts have been found abandoned, goods and supplies all missing. Hunters have disappeared all together. Last week we had someone nearly make it to the gate, we could hear him yelling outside. But before we could get the doors open, the poor fellow got caught. We didn't find a trace of him, just tracks that led off into the forest. Something's out there, so next time you head out, I'd suggest making miles during the day."
"Noted, and if I find out anything about your people, I'll let you know."
"Tol' Ne, my thanks. I hope you find what you're looking for in our village, when the day starts it's actually a busy place. But I've taken too much of your time, enjoy the tavern, Pup." As the guard walked away and Kaille started towards the tavern again, he thought to himself how he wished that people would stop calling him "pup". He may be young, but he's not helpless, or even a pup anymore. Unfortunately, the fact that he planted his nose right into the tavern door like a Niessarra didn't support his claim. Rubbing his muzzle in discomfort, Kaille opened the door and found the room upon entry to be well lit and surprisingly lively. Minstrels playing at a lively pace, the typical drunkards harassing the waitresses, though several patrons had fallen asleep at their tables and the bar was vacant, except for the tender who gave him a friendly wave over. As Kaille sat down, she smiled at him and pulled a glass from under the bar, wiping a rag she pulled from her apron along the rim.
"Feel like a drink, hun? It's on the house, and I can definitely afford it. Plus, no offense, you kinda look like you could use one."
"Oh, entarra, you've no idea, Ahsa. It's been four days since I've gotten a proper rest. Four long, tiresome days with that Lunnite that I arrived with."
"That woman who looks like she needs a bit of attention? That one?"
"Hahaha, yes, the very same. Woman nearly let a tsovik get to me last night when I was sleeping. Can't tell ya how much I need a drink."
"From the looks of the two of you, I'd say that was the least of it. But here, one Twin Moon Relief, on the house." She put the lip of the glass she held under the tap of the keg behind her, and poured a hearty level of the drink for the tired Sen. A Qes of modest proportions and pale green eyes, the woman handed Kaille his beverage directly to his hand, letting her own linger on his paw as he gripped it. Kaille blushed through his fur brightly, the tan furred Qes winking at him teasingly as she went back to cleaning glasses. Kaille let out a long sigh as he took a swig from his glass, the mellow taste of the Relief running down his throat with smooth grace.
"Seems like the town is busy enough, but I'd like to ask how you can afford a free drink of this quality for a complete stranger who just walked in your doors."
"Well, hun, as owner and operator of "The Brink's Claim", we do get a fair amount of business it is true. But, a few nights ago, a group of northerners passed through and paid for their rooms and drinks with platinum! Actual, genuine, platinum! I hadn't seen any of that stuff since the mines were claimed by the ash storms of Kashirn some years back. Quiet fellows, but they were polite beyond all reason, and the one who stayed behind was quite charming. Asked me to let him know if anyone curious came through."
"Platinum, you say? Wow, what I could do with a handful of that stuff... But now I'm wondering, why would the ask you to keep an eye out for odd folks wandering through?"
"Couldn't say, really. But judging from the insignias on their shoulders, they were a well to do bunch. I introduced myself and the aids, but they didn't give their names. Paying with platinum, I can't say I mind too terribly. But I'd say you and that companion of yours fit the bill nicely enough, coming in ragged and worn down like you did."
"That reminds me, where did that bunch of trouble with a tail saunter off to, anyhow?"
"The Lunnite bought a room upstairs and went straight there. Payed in Mestdan gold, too. This rate, I'll be able to retire in no time."
"Mestdan coin? Huh... well, I suppose it makes sense, her being the mate on a ship."
"She's a sailor?"
"Not sure how much of one anymore, since our ship up and exploded when we neared the inlet to the port. Marauders ambushed us, you see. Got most of the crew, my mother included."
"Aww, Pup, I'm sorry. Well, don't you fret, sweetie, Seril here will take care of you proper." Kaille's tail twitched a little with that, eyes averting from staring the tan furred woman in the face.
"Sleek plates by the way, Ahsa, hehe..."
"Heh, easy fella, save the charm for the women who are into younger men."
"Ah, sorry... uhh, this is awkward."
"Not really. Feel free to lay on the charm, hun. Not many locals that aren't wrapped up in the latest work or the stuff going on up north."
"Up north, huh? Sure sounds like they've got something big going on up there."
"Oh don't you worry yourself, smooth-plates. I doubt things will be any sort of trouble down here. Now then, can I interest you in a room, as well? Might run into that odd Kashirn fellow, I think he said something about coming down for a drink sometime tonight."
"Sounds good. I've got enough for a room, I think. A pair of silvers cut it?"
"Don't sweat it, hun. Just head up the stairs when you finish your drink and go down the hall to the last door on the right. Don't worry about sneaking around, either. Don't know what folks are like out in the isles or plains, but here in the sticks, we drink enough to make sure we don't wake up for anything short of a war."
"Good to know." Kaille nodded and smiled widely and started to slam his drink, a light blush coming to his cheeks as he felt the resulting buzz zip through his plates and make his ears twitch. Finishing the contents of his glass, he pushed up against the bar and gave Seril a somewhat clumsy bow as he made for the stairs and up to his room. Total lightwieght.
Even upstairs, the sounds of the bar below could be heard by Kaille, accompanied by the soft snoring of contended patrons, as well as the occassional sigh of "content". Stumbling around a little, Kaille found his way down the dimly lit hallway, nearly tripping over the stranger Seril had mentioned. Dressed in dark blue robes covered by a charcoal black cloak, a silvery pattern emblazoned across it.
"Oh, Tol' ne, forgive me, brother. I didn't mean to trip you," he said, picking Kaille up and patting him on the shoulder.
"Nah, nah it's okay, hehe."
"Seril took care of you, didn't she? Good sort, her. Wish we had more like her back home."
"Yesh... she's pretty and made my tail twitch! Good drinksh too... jusht, trying to get to mah room down theres..."
"Hehe, one drink did it for you, didn't it? Smells like it was a Relief, too. Here, Pup, let me help you to your room." The stranger put a paw on Kaille's back and helped him down to his room, opening the door and helping him into the bed, smiling at him. Upon getting into the bed, Kaille passed out in a drunken stupor, happily snoring as the stranger produced a note from his robe and placed it on the table, weighted down by a handful of platinums. Stepping away and out of the room, the cloaked stranger closed the door behind him and proceeded down the stairs, passed by Seril and winked, tossing her an extra platinum as he left the bar and went out into the darkness outside in a confident but mysterious stride. Just before the door closed, a the stranger smirked as he could just hear Seril, swooning. The next morning, however, proved to be less amusing...