
Like i said i'm broken, and i'll always be that way.

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#5 of the surprise chapter five: broken _ _ _she must be expecting someone..._ school was better today than it had been on monday. he had actually talked to his friends today, which improved things considerably.

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My heart, thus broken, sang and wept for deep depression's mire for manic impulse, shattered mind, that seeks the garrote wire.

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Days past since he'd broken up... songs lingering in his heart... his tail swished from side to side, as he meandered the moonlit streets, remembering the places they'd walked... the laughs they'd shared...

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Two Friends [Chapter 3]

**_Chapter 3_** Tom woke up; he blinked a few times trying to regain hold on reality once again. He squinted as his eyes burnt from the lack of sleep. He looked around his room trying to figure out what exactly woke him up. Another series of...

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Enough without Home

Enough without Home Blood so cold, my heart breaking under the tension as I punch holes in the wall. My body so cold like weather of Alaska my tears only heard by I. You take from me, you try to break me, but you are blind to my resolve....

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The Day And Llife Of An Umbreon-Preview

"whats wrong now, is it hurting again" dylan had broken his paw 3 weeks ago and it still hurt sometimes.

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With Love Comes a Cold Fire

_Something I made while I was at work on my lunch break. Though I haven't completed it yet, I thought I would post it anyways to get my point out about how I feel going through two really good relationship that I let slip through my fingers._ _Side...

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Save me.

Who knew how hard it would be, to get back to where you once were emotionally? Somewhere along the way, I have fallen. Fallen into an emptiness within myself that I never knew even existed. How do I get out of this vast darkness? Searching for a...

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Poem Of A Broken heart #3

#3 of poems of a broken heart just a poem of a broken heart. the darkest time has come to pass, for when i'm alone at last, the song my heart so fragile weeps, will cry out in the months to come, my mate has left my side, she no longer wakes.

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Time used to be nonexistent. Until the tick tock became louder every minute. I used to think I would never settle. Yet, here I was waking up every day by your side. I used to think the nights we laid there, were never going to be the hardest....

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