awakening copyright comidacomida 2019 daisy slowly opened her eyes. the sun was already streaming through her curtains, calling out to her with the promise of a new day.
I sat here my sword drawn wondering how i got here my own brother consumed by the corruption. "hello shippo" he said in a tone both mocking and some how polite at the same time. he began to form a fire ball in his paw "long time no see dear sister!" he...
This is awakening - a story of how i died, and ji'hyn rose from the ashes. this was a dream i had about a year and a half ago, and i've only just gotten around to writing it up fully.
"Mushroom Magica"
- What a feeling! Such a start! I feel a pounding, But not in my heart. Colors are changing; sounds have a name. The boards on my floor, Play chess while aflame! I knew this was coming; I've been here...
The Blade Awakens
Light glistens off the fresh blanket of snow, an untouched sea of diamonds spread before soft grey eyes. The wind rustles her fur as she walks towards her goal, far beyond the vast ocean before her. So far above the world, not even most plants not...
Rude Awakening
So I started on my second draft of Jupiter as I've decided it needs a second draft. I've had a subtitle since I made this story s I've decided to add it. Jupiter (Every Dog has his Day). I also decided that I want to put the divisions back in so I also...
Rude Awakening
Rude awakening by selendro bluey's vision went in and out of focus as he stared at the potion book.
Weapon - Awakening
I was the first to awaken, and so far the only one, each and every soldier who had gone into those machines had come out covered in red, white and black fur, looking for all intents and purposes a cross between a human and a red fox.
The Digidestined Awakens
My dreams were filled with things that could only be described as extraordinary. I saw towers of technology, forests filled with things that should not be existing. I saw digimon, all of which were excited to see another "Digidestined" after so many...
Spring Awakening
So hurry little saplings and once more awaken, your slumber has been sweet and long. hurry and awake for my soul is now shaken, and my heart once more needs your song
Zero’s Awakening
Xalogan ran through the underground complex with hasty desperation as TALOS pursued him through the desolate hallways, the pounding of his heart and lungs matched by the rumbling strides of the massive Automaton. Xalogan glanced over his shoulder and...
Awakening Prologue
Today a year ago was the day it all began. How was I supposed to know that one little action would set off a chain of events that would ruin the lives of so many. I am a fox named Maria, and I happen to be a catalyst. I live to be hunted, I am feared...