Pawprints (a poem)

Many holes in the sand and here's where I dig mine. To bury away the past I fear and make it hard to find. But the sand cares not for what I feel nor what I hide away. It always seems to come full bare and see the light of day. So...

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The corpse flower, Rafflesia (PMD:WNA 6)

My throat shrieked. I panted, chest heaving. I looked where I was. Exposed to everyone and everything in the universe. Between my front legs, still curled up into a ball, was Pat. Our eyes met. He closed them and grabbed my right arm. His form...

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We won!? We won?! (PMD:WNA 5)

'Run! Move! Fight! Flee!' I heard from somewhere in my subconscious. I didn't know if they were orders for me or my friends but they went unsaid, and unheeded. My heart was pounding, I still don't think I was breathing, my body felt cold. All the...

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Former Eaves of Pink Blossoms (PMD:WNA #3)

It did hurt, but it didn't make me pass out. I tried to observe the objects in the haze, to ascertain where we were, but nothing stood out. My sideways vantage point didn't help either. I tried to just trust Boss. His grip around me felt secure. He...

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Dust in the Wind. Dust in my Lungs (PMD:WNA #2)

I quickly rose to my feet, "Get behind me!!" I barked at them as the object shot straight at us. Axe acted immediately, scooping up the kid and pulling him close as I laid on my side with my durable armor in the direction of the oncoming object. The...

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Credits Roll, Post Game (PMD: WNA #1)

The fizzle of spacetime as we were warped back to town felt cold. Each time we were warped anywhere by Palkia it always felt cold, very unlike the strange light that is granted when we rescued Pokemon with our rescue badges. I supposed that when the...

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Ports in the Storm (TTW pt. 5)

Wind peppered his face, seasoning him with soft stings as it pulled against his cheeks. He turned his head left and right, the pull changing vectors, each angle brought new awareness, a new feeling, a new reminder. It felt tender, like two lips pressed...

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Breaking Waves (TTW pt. 3)

Ring-a-ding. The noise reawakened a Pavlovian response in the rhino. He, instinctively, turned towards the door to see who came in. No one he knew, just a stranger. Not Deacon. He sighed out as he relaxed, and then mentally chastised himself for being...

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You and Them

Coffee shop, cafe music playing, showing ads, buses passing, showing ads. Browsing website showing ads. Rampant consumption and consumerism culture that touts the belief that there is something wrong with you and the only way to fix it is to buy our...


Eye Opening

Sigh. Sal just could not focus. His desk at work was much too close to the window, and he found it impossible to concentrate on boring, concrete samples. The weather outside looked perfect and the park across the street looked so inviting. Another...

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You Are Worth More

Paul sat down, adjusting his tie on his collared shirt. His laptop in front of him was booted up and his Skype account was open. He had an interview today and was just a tad nervous. The recent college grad was finally ready to go out there and make an...

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El Perro Asado

The clinking of dishes and general chattered permeated the candlelit restaurant. Pick stood among the ambiance and watched all of the couples completely engrossed in each other, leaning on the bar off to the side of the room. He soaked in the scene as...

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