El Perro Asado

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Originally Uploaded to IB on Apr. 30 2019

First attempt at a straight pair. I liked how this one had a POV of someone not in the romantic paring.

The clinking of dishes and general chattered permeated the candlelit restaurant. Pick stood among the ambiance and watched all of the couples completely engrossed in each other, leaning on the bar off to the side of the room. He soaked in the scene as he people watched, the room sparkled with the sounds of gentle laughter and tinkling plates. Pick was lost in the moment until he was startled into action by a very direct voice. ``Mr. Picardy, we have discussed the importance of maintaining posture at your station before.''

``Of course, Ms. Simol.'' Pick straightened up and smoothed his dress shirt. The hostess gave him a glance up and down to check that his attire was suitable and gave the canine a slight nod.

``I do understand that you are new to working in the front of house, but please try harder and uphold the standards that La Asada puts forth.'' Ms. Simol's sharp serpentine eyes gazed at Pick who was forced to glance away from their intensity.

``Yes, Ms. Simol, I understand.'' Pick until recently had worked in the kitchen but due to a coworker being absent for the week he had been moved out to tend the bar for the interim.

Ms. Simol nodded again and continuing her rounds about the restaurant checking on the patrons and visiting with them briefly before moving on. Pick followed her with his eyes and gave a sigh of relief that he had gotten off with just a verbal reprimand as soon as she was out of earshot. Ms. Simol was an absolute force of nature, she only accepted the utmost best from all the employees at La Asada. Demanding but encouraging, strict but complimentary, dedicated to both the business and the people. It was through her efforts that La Asada was as popular and critically acclaimed as it is, and it earned her the respect of both the public and the owners. The employees had a love-hate relationship with her however. She always kept to the hierarchy and only interacted with the other employees as a manager and employer. She refused to join in on the after-hours drinks and the staff appreciation events that she herself planned and coordinated. It made it difficult to interact with her in any way other than as you would with a boss. She kept this guise of strength and leadership constantly only revealing emotions to the patrons as she greeted them and made her rounds.

Another of the waitstaff, Bailey, walked up to the bar and gave Pick an order for a beverage and Pick went about fixing the drink. As he was working Bailey asked about his exchange with Ms. Simol just now.

``What was Mistress Snake over here getting on you about?'' Bailey inquired.

``Don't call her that, and she was making sure I was presentable'' Bailey scoffed and shook her head.

``She is unbearable sometimes.''

``There is nothing wrong with expecting your employees to have some standards'' Pick returned putting the completed cocktail on to her tray.

``Maybe, but it takes too much time to get my fur to look this good and according to her it is only passable.'' Pick chuckled at that, being a wolf with bounds of fur everywhere he knew the struggle it required to meet the requirements of the waitstaff, one of the few perks of working in the kitchen was that he didn't have to bother with that. Bailey took the drink and returned it to her table and Pick went back to people watching. It was a little early in the evening and so he wouldn't busy tending the bar until more of the dinner rush and crowd comes in. His eyes wandered the dinning room, the happy faces and smiles of the patrons and painted a background while the staff in their crisp white shirts and black slacks weaved in and around the space bringing life and motion to the scene. And among it all was Ms. Simol. The snake weaved through the painting with a sense of poise and dignity, she wore her silver dress and sterling necklace that provided a stark contrast to her dark green scales. Her heels were a respectable two inches, perfectly fashionable and comfortable as she was on her feet the entire night. Addressing parties as they came and left, never without a subtle compliment or flattering remark. She was the ultimate hostess and if other employees couldn't see how dedicated she was to her job, they were missing out.

Ms. Simol was leading a party who just entered the establishment over to the bar and Pick prepared to receive them.

``Mr. Picardy here will assist you with your beverages while we prepare your table for you, Mr. Richardson.'' Pick nodded slightly as Ms. Simol introduced him to the head of the party who was clearly Mr. Richardson. He was a tall lion with an immaculately trimmed mane, Pick internally wondered how much his salon bills were.

``Why, thank you Ms. Simol. Please do not be in any rush.'' Mr. Richardson's voice was low and slow and gravelly. Simol bowed slightly as she departed to see to the table. Mr. Richardson and his party sat about the bar.

``Can I offer you any of you ladies and gentlemen drinks to start this evening?'' Pick asked addressing each one with brief eye contact.

I would like a club soda with one olive'' A portly porcine responded.I believe that the Mrs. And I would like to enjoy a nice Zinfandel'' A Zebra glanced at his partner who nodded at his request. ``Just a glass of sparkling water for me'' The final member of the party, a Russian blue feline, asked.

``And for you, Mr. Richardson?'' Pick addressed back to he lion, who was starching his chin with thought.

``I will partake of a fine whiskey'' He finally said. Pick bowed slightly and set off pouring the beverages. As he did, they turned and started conversing with each other.

``You know, Leo, you always pick this place when it is your turn to choose. It makes you predictable.'' The pig started.

``There is nothing wrong with having a favorite place to eat, Ham'' The lady zebra countered.

``And I don't mean to imply that there is, but surely variety is the spice of life.'' Ham quipped back. Mr. Richardson chuckled at that.

Oh, Ham, my friend.'' He started as he clasped the pig's shoulder.I get enough variety when you have the honor of choosing where we eat.'' Ham scoffed at the comment.

Indeed'' The feline continued,Certainly like that one time when you had us eat at that sushi establishment that violated numerous health code policies in front of us.'' The group laughed at the memory as Ham shook his head, indifferent to the humor that the other's shared. Pick took the lull in the conversation to pass out the drinks to their respective owners.

``I made sure you were aware of the nature of the place long before we got there, and besides, their food is still delicious'' Ham defended himself, sipping on his soda.

``Not that we stayed long enough to taste it, with the health department coming in to close the place down moments after we entered'' the Russian continued. Ham shook his head again as the group shared another laugh at his expense. Pick smiled off the side, imagining the scene.

``Regardless of my choices, questionable or otherwise, we were discussing Leo's lack of diversity in choosing locations for dining. And while this establishment is all well and fine, certainly a little expansion of your horizons would do you some good.''

Perhaps there is some other motive behind his choice than simply the food, something that he could not get at any other establishment.'' The female zebra suggested,Maybe we should simply ask and see what he says on the matter.'' Four pairs of eyes turned to Mr. Richardson with the same silent question. Mr. Richardson returned the looks as he took a sip from his glass.

``Or even maybe there is no reason deeper than wanting the food they offer here.'' He said with a shrug.

``What a blessedly circumspect response.'' Ham retorted. Mr. Richardson chuckled under his breath.

The male zebra looked over to Pick and offered a query, ``Maybe our polite bartender can offer some insight into our current discussion.'' Pick looked out at the five of them in turn and glanced up in thought for a moment.

``I suspect, sir, that the heart wants what the heart wants. Be that fine wine, fine food, fine company, or some fine combination of the three. Where you find yourself with that is merely an afterthought.'' Pick responded.

Here, Here.'' The gray cat acknowledged, saluting Pick with her glass.Well said'' Mr. Richardson added. Even Ham silently nodded along in agreement. At this point, Ms. Simol was silently skating up to the bar.

``Mr. Richardson and guests, your table is awaiting you.'' She gestured towards the open table up toward the front of the room.

``By all means, lead the way Ms. Simol.'' Mr. Richardson finished his whiskey and put the glass back on the bar. He turned to Pick and nodded his thanks. Pick bowed slightly as the group wandered off after the host. As he cleared the bar of their napkins, he saw that the zebra couple had left him a 20-dollar tip. He pocketed the bill as he watched the group go. As they were seating with Ms. Simol passing out the menus, he saw the way that Mr. Richardson stared at her, the look in his eyes telling him everything with a glance. The heart wants what the heart wants indeed.

Pick busied himself the rest of the evening filling drink orders, entertaining the guests that stopped by just for the bar, cleaning dishes in the interim, all the while watching the people enjoying their night. As the night dragged on and tables were turned for other parties, Mr. Richardson and his group sat up front casually talking the night away. The candles on the wall were burning low and the waitstaff were performing their closing duties when they decided to rise from their table. They walked toward the entrance together before saying their goodbyes. All but Mr. Richard exited as he started heading towards the bar that Pick was clearing down for the night. Pick turned as Mr. Richardson came up to the bar and pulled his tie down to loosen his collar sitting on the last bar stool Pick hadn't put up yet.

``Mr. Pickery, one more of those fine whiskeys from earlier if you would.''

``It's Picardy, and of course Mr. Richardson.'' As Pick went about making another glass for the lion.

``My apologies''

``No worries, sir'' Pick responded as he put the beverage in front of the last patron remaining in the building. He sighed heavily, and took a sip of his drink. He thumbed the ridge of the glass, looking pensive.

``Is there something on your mind, sir?'' Pick asked. Mr. Richardson was silent for a moment looking for answers in the swirling liquid and meandering ice.

``Do you know what is the downfall of men everywhere?'' He cocked his head as he took in the cup from different angles looking to see if he missed anything.

``If I was to say something, I would say it is falling in love with women.'' Mr. Richardson looked up at Pick at that, astonishment across his face. Pick gave the lion a knowing smile and watched as he sighed again casting his eyes back down to his glass.

``Is it truly that obvious?''

``Only if you know what you are looking at, Mr. Richardson.'' Pick returned to cleaning his glasses as he beheld the disheartened man.

``Please, tell me what you see, just to prove to me that what I am feeling is what I think it is.'' He took a sip of the ruddy liquor satisfied that it didn't hold his answers.

``You choose to dine here at every opportunity with your friends so that you can see her without it being too conspicuous. Your posture always follows her as she approaches you, your eyes trace her across your line of sight. And when she came around to check on your table you interrupted your friends to add her to the conversation before she has a chance to ask your table how they were. You are nursing a drink that you downed the moment that she came up to you earlier and then you didn't touch another alcoholic beverage until now. And the most important thing is that despite coming with your friends you didn't leave with them because you are hoping to talk to her one more time tonight.'' Mr. Richardson didn't visually respond as he kept his posture still, taking in everything that Pick had just said. After half a minute, he started laughing. He pounded his fist on the bar top in his outburst. He looked right into Pick's eyes with a sad smile.

If that is not being in love then I do not even know the word.'' Pick nodded to the sad lion before him. Out of the corner of his eye, Pick saw silver sway that he recognized as Ms. Simol's dress.Looks like your plan is about to work'' Pick whispered to the lion.

Richardson turned as Ms. Simol came up to the bar. Surprise on his face quickly turning to a smile to hide his inner feelings.

``Mr. Richardson, I'd appreciate if your laughter did not come at the expense of my bar top.'' Her tone was soft and sweet.

``Oh, my apologies Ms. Simol. Mr. Picardy, here, made a deeply comical insight into the nature of emotion and I could not contain myself.'' Pick's expression didn't betray anything of what they had just discussed as Ms. Simol turned toward him.

``Perhaps, Mr. Picardy would like to repeat the comment?'' Again, her intense stare bore into Pick. He had to think of something quick.

``We were observing the contradiction that exists between our own personal wants and needs we require of other people and our inability to ask for what we want because of societal constraints. I made the suggestion that maybe if we broke down and began bawling like infants that perhaps it would solve both problems.'' On que, Richardson laughed again taking the baton from Pick. Ms. Simol's features relaxed to form a smile.

``Yes, I'm sure that would help break some barriers between individuals, effective if not undignified.''

``I'm imaging going into my supervisor's office and throwing a temper tantrum every time he fails to meet a production deadline until he gets me what I want.'' Mr. Richardson chuckled as he raised his head back as he said.

``Might I suggest some other solution?'' Ms. Simol queried.

``Yes, please'' Mr. Richardson looked at her and asked.

``What is it you two desire of me that I can fulfill?'' She looked from Mr. Richardson to Pick as she said it. The lion was so stunned that he quickly looked back at his cup in his hands. Pick could almost see the blush on his face.

Actually, I did have something to discuss with you, Ms. Simol'' Pick started. Ms. Simol turned toward him.I wanted to ask you about the possibility of moving my position here permanently to bartender, I find it to be much more engaging than being in the kitchen.'' Ms. Simol glanced to the side as she thought through the proposal.

``Coincidently, I was about to bring up the suggestion with you. I learned that Mr. Avery's complications have forced him to submit his resignation and I would have offered you the position at the completion of this week should no significant problems emerge from your service.''

``Thank you, Ms. Simol.'' Pick politely responded. She gave him a smile and slight nod and turned to Mr. Richardson and rested her palm on his shoulder. The lion's response was slight but Pick was looking for it and noticed the slight twitch of the rest of his body.

And what of you Mr. Richardson, what can I do for you?'' The lion was sipping his whiskey as she asked and he almost coughed it back up.Oh.. well.. well, um.'' He stammered, clearly distraught by the direct question. His eyes glanced up to Pick in what the wolf interpreted as a sign for help.

``Well Ms. Simol, Valentine's Day is approaching and Mr. Richardson was considering bringing a date here, but after seeing the menu tonight found that there were no dishes that could be shared among both dinners.'' Mr. Richardson's eyes got wide and visually asked Pick what the hell are you doing. Ms. Simol turned to Pick and considered what he said.

``So perhaps a special menu for the day with meals intended to be shared by both members might be just the thing to help him out.'' Ms. Simol was silent for a moment, Mr. Richardson was barely keeping his composure, Pick was altering between looking at the two internally praying for his plan's success.

I believe,'' Ms. Simol started,that idea would be lovely.'' She turned to Mr. Richardson, polite excitement on her face.

``Why, Mr. Richardson, that would be the perfect way to commemorate the holiday. The dishes could each have a central protein and have customizable sides to allow variety for the two people. I simply must write this down, Mr. Picardy, do you have paper and a pen handy?'' Ms. Simol's temperament quickly becoming excitable. Pick was a tad flabbergasted by her sudden change in demeanor, almost to the point of not registering that she had asked him a question. He quickly recovered and grabbed her the pad of paper and pen near the register. She began to furiously scribble a note to herself. Under her breath, Pick could hear her mumble out her thoughts on possible options, menu themes, advertising, and a whole bunch of other topics. Pick and Mr. Richardson sat there and watched her for a moment before she looked up from her pad and blinked at the two of them. Realizing her drop in tact, she cleared her throat and put the pad behind her back.

My apologies'' She said, returning to her usual hostess manner,Thank you, Mr. Richardson, the owners and I will take your suggestion under consideration.'' Bowing slightly in his direction.

``Oh, it was nothing.'' Mr. Richardson returned.

``If you and Mr. Picarday would permit my departure, I have other duties to perform before we close.'' By now, the waitstaff had finished the entire cleaning procedures for the front of the house and were congregating near the door for Ms. Simol's final inspection before they were allowed to leave.

``Oh, that's no trouble at all. I was just about to leave as soon as I finish this last drink.'' Mr. Richardson held up his cup. Ms. Simol smiled at him and turned to go address the rest of the staff. The two at the bar watched her go.

``What the hell was that?'' the lion asked.

``Nothing I have ever seen before.'' Pick answered.

No, not her.'' He paused,Well, yes her too, but I am talking about you.'' Pick turned to Mr. Richardson and saw that he was staring at him out of sorts. ``Why the heck would you tell her that I was looking to bring a date here on Valentine's day?''

``I apologize, Mr. Richardson, but you looked flustered and in need of assistance. And I surmised that a slight deception was preferable over the true content of our previous discussion.''

``Well, of course I would have preferred a lie, but now she is making an entire menu on plans which I do not currently possess. What am I supposed to do now?'' He was getting a little aggravated. Pick was sympathetic to his plight and saw that he had forced a situation without much thought and planning.

``I do sincerely apologize for acting without discretion. It was not my intention to put you in this position. But, if you would permit me to offer a suggestion, maybe you could use this as an opportunity to get closer to her. You could call the restaurant tomorrow or the day after and see how she is progressing with the menu.'' The lion gave a long, subdued sigh and chucked at the situation. After downing the rest of the whiskey, he stood up and handed his glass back to Pick. He put his jacket on and smiled solemnly.

``Well, worst case, I don't get a date in the next 10 days and have to come up with an explanation for our dear hostess.''

``Try prefer to think positively, Mr. Richardson.''

``Please, call me Leo.'' He said putting out his hand to Pick.

``If you insist Mr. Leo'' Pick responded, shaking the lion's paw. Leo nodded and turned towards the door. Pick watched the lion pass through the door and into the night. He sighed to himself and went about the rest of his closing duties. By now, Ms. Simol had released the rest of the staff and it was just Pick in the dimly lit dining hall. After closing down the bar, he leaned against the wall and shut his eyes for a moment.

He truly did feel bad for the situation that he put Leo in. He mentally chastised himself for getting involved with problems that weren't his and making other people's lives more difficult. Eventually I'll have to go home, he thought to himself. He headed off into the kitchen and up the stairs to his locker, pulling off his tie and unbuttoning his shirt as he went. On the way he passed by Ms. Simol's office. Pick knew she was in there and probably would be here into the late hours of the night. She truly was dedicated to the success of this place, but the rest of the staff couldn't see her passion and commitment, only her strict managing. Pick saw it, Pick admired her for it.

He passed by the door and stopped a few feet down the hall from it. He considered knocking on her door and telling her the truth about Leo. Better not, he concluded. He had already made a mess of the situation as is, it might be best not to make it worse in his attempts to fix it.

He popped his locker open and replaced his dress shirt on the hanger within. His shoes came next, he flexed his toes as they were freed from the leather. Belt, pants, tie, all of it was hanged in the locker. Quickly putting his street clothes on and grabbing his bag before heading down the hall. Ms. Simol's office was open he noticed and mysteriously empty. Pick wondered where the hostess was but didn't think it too odd.

He entered back into the kitchen heading for the staff entrance to the back of the building. A sound from the dining room stopped him. A lone table had a flickering candle on it and from the glow Pick could see Ms. Simol writing deep in thought. Apparently, he caught her eye since she looked up towards the doorway.

``Oh, Mr. Picardy. I did not think that anyone else was still here.'' Her voice carrying far in the still room.

``I was delayed on my closing duties because of Mr. Richardson.'' He said stepping toward her table.

``Yes, I see'' She turned back to her paper and Pick saw that was a continuation of her plans for the new menu. Pick felt a twinge of guilt again for causing the situation.

``Well, I am about to head out unless you need anything else.''

Hmm, oh yes. Thank you for your hard work tonight.'' Pick turned around and headed for the door.Mr. Picardy, actually just a moment if you wouldn't mind.'' He turned back to her and finally looked at her in earnest. She looked tired and rundown.

``Yes, Ms. Simol?''

``Am I approachable?''

``How do you mean?'' The snake sighed, leaning forward onto the table.

``What I mean is would you find it simple to come and talk to me about any topic? Earlier, you and Mr. Richardson were discussing how difficult it can be to ask things of others and that thought has been on my mind.'' Again, the twinge of guilt tinged through Pick.

`Well,any' topic may be a bit much considering you are my boss.''

``But even in regards to just business affairs my own employees loathe me.''

``They don't loathe you'' Pick lied.

Oh yes they do.'' Ms. Simol chuckled,unless Mistress Snake is a moniker intended for admiration.'' Pick looked away shamefacedly.

``Oh come now, Mr. Picardy. Did you believe that I would not be aware of my own workers attitudes toward me?''

``I'm sure that not everyone hates you.'' Pick tried to console his boss.

``Like you?'' Ms. Simol stared at the wolf.

``Uhh, well, yeah.'' Her eyes were as intense as always, especially in the flickering candle light. Pick found it hard to keep eye contact with her. She gave a subdued laugh.

``Oh Mr. Picardy, you seem very out of sorts today. Did I surprise you?''

No, it's just..'' Pick started.You know, actually, yeah. You do surprise me.''

Ms. Simol sighed and started fidgeting with the corner of the paper on the table. Pick stood there a tad awkwardly wondering if the conversation was over.

``Well, if there isn't anything else. I really would like to get home.''

``Hmm.. Oh, of course. I didn't mean to keep you.'' Pick stood for a moment. The hostess looked sad. Pick's observant eyes picking up on the half-closed eyelids, the slouched shoulders, her whole demeanor just igniting Pick's protective instincts. He had always felt bad seeing people sad. It was in his nature to want to help people, a behavior that had caused some individuals more harm than good as show tonight with Leo. Just let it go you helped enough, he tried to tell himself. Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't do it, Don't...

``Ms. Simol?'' he asked. The tired serpent looked back at Pick.

``If you want your employees to open up a little more to you, my mom always told me that you have to give a little of yourself to get a little of someone else.'' Ms. Simol tilted her head.

``How do you mean?''

``Well, you have constructed these barriers between you and the staff, some justified and some less justified and it makes it difficult to get closer to you. You could try letting some liberties through and it might help a little.''

``Such as?'' The snake asked, staring a little more intently at Pick than he would have liked.

``If you want, you could call me Pick if we aren't around any customers.'' Pick offered.

``Pick?'' She said the word slow as if it meant more than just an abbreviation of his name.

``Yeah, I never really liked the name Picardy. My friends nicknamed me Pick and I just kind of stuck with it.'' Simol chuckled, it was light and feminine.

Pick.'' She said again, her face relaxed a littleWell Mr. Picardy. I will give your suggestion some thought.'' Pick smiled and nodded. Ms. Simol looked down at her watch and sighed. It was getting late.

``Well I do have to get going. I will see you tomorrow, Ms. Simol.'' The snake nodded slowly

``Good night.'' Pick turned and walked off into the kitchen and out the staff entrance. His and Simol's car were the last in the lot which was not surprise, everyone would be long gone by now. Pick crawled into the driver side car door and just rested his head against the headrest. He didn't want to cause trouble for people, some of his past relationships had ended due to his inability to not offer solutions and try to fix things. He was working on it, but his progress was slow.

He got angry. He massaged his forehead as he felt his exhaustion headache kick in, aggravated by his current emotional state. In though the nose and out through the mouth he told himself. Slowly, the pain started to dull till he could focus enough on the drive home. Pick put the keys into the ignition and started his car. He looked up towards La Asada one last time before he put his car into drive and headed home. Ms. Simol's office window was still lit and Pick offered a silent prayer that she wouldn't be stuck alone at the restaurant for long tonight.

The heart wants what the heart wants indeed, he thought to himself