Lightningstruck Griffin 2: Lightning in a Pee Bottle
Gretchen felt jitters all over as she made her way through the hallways towards Grey's dorm. He had wanted to show her some research he had done and had invited her over, and Gretchen just felt so overwhelmed by the idea that he just wanted to spend...
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 24: Married
**A/N - Please note, this chapter contain some heavily implied themes concerning marriage in the end of the first and during the third sections. Read to your own comfort, and feel free to skip over things if you like.** * * * The guards led them...
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 23: Negotiation
Queen Omelet was screaming; it was too much! She was never going to lay another egg again! She just wanted to die. Unfortunately, her screams couldn't be heard past her muzzle, and the only voice that could be heard from the Royal Bedroom were the...
Sisu Lays and Egg - Chapter 6
Sisu could feel she had almost caught up with Namaari when she felt another extremely painful twinge in her stomach. She gasped, instantly loosing concentration on the platform of water she had created under her feet and slipped on it, falling through...
Moon Knight Episode 6: What If... Taweret had Beaten Ammit Herself (SPOILERS)
Ammit towered over the Pyramids of Giza as her and Khonshu duked it out into the night. Taweret watched from her new Avatar Layla El-Faouly in bewilderment. What was she of all deities supposed to do to stop this? Then she remembered, she was the...
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 6
And so the rest of Lent continued for Buttercup, rest and happy times with Bambii on Sundays, and lots of unceasing agony and screaming the other six days of the week. It was everything Buttercup had always dreamed, but it was also even more so. She...
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 25: Heist
Ravine waited there while Summit recovered, she knew this could take a few minutes. Finally, Summit was able to release his injury, but he was still greatly uncomfortable. Em helped him to his talons. "I know how to get the eggs out of here," Ravine...
_Knock-Knock!_ Naomi opened the door, and a smile lit up her face. "Becky! You're here! You got the game?" "I sure have," replied Becky, showing Naomi the new game: EggBoozled™, sponsored by Jelly Belly.\* The two hens squealed in...
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 5
Buttercup continued to lay egg after excruciating egg all through that day and into the next, it didn't let up, Buttercup was trapped in a state of nonstop torture, she must of laid thousands if not millions of eggs by now. Her body was begging for it...
Sisu Lays and Egg - Chapter 7
Sisu infiltrated Fang, put one foot in front of the other as she walked down the hallway with determination- And then she stopped, catching her reflection in the mirror. She looked at her face - she didn't get out with mirrors much these days - you...
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 26: Omelet
As the dragons were escorted back through the castle, Embryo could feel the tension in every talon beat upon the castle floor. The Queen walked ahead of them silent, her face revealing no expression but the determination to follow through with what she...
Kung Fu Panda: Tien Tsin Pepper Dart
Po, Crane, and Viper stood looking down the narrow hallway that stretched before them. "Careful," said Po, "It might be booby trapped." Crane looked at the intricately designed tiles lining the floor and the wall, "If it is, we don't have much time...