Digimon Darkness Chapter 10
Darkness Chapter 10 Wyatt (all told in wyatts perspective) No! Terriermon was gone! Vilemon had kidnapped him! and i had no clue where they went! i was completely useless.... Wyatt: Terriermon.... How had they opened that portal? i mean i am pretty...
Digimon Darkness Chapter 9
Darkness Chapter 9 God i was soaked! we rushed back into my bedroom and changed into something dry Terriermon: Good Fight wyatt! Wyatt: Hell yeah \*gives Terriermon a high-five\* Terriermon: but the digivolving part Wyatt: Yeah.....I actually...
Digimon Darkness Chapter 8
Darkness Chapter 8 So we were back home from our little Digital World scare! and we were both still worried about the fate of Sepikmon! Wyatt: Hey Terriermon Terriermon:.......... Wyatt: i know! lets watch a little TV \*grabs the remote and turns...
Digimon Darkness Chapter 7
Darkness Chapter 7 We had gotten Terriermon his breakfast and we were on our way back home. I hoped we could back before my parents woke up. Wyatt: Hey Yerriermon? Terriermon: Yes? Chomp. Wyatt: That dark digimon, he knew how to digivolve, and if...
Digimon Darkness Chapter 6
Darkness Chapter 6 The next morning I woke up to a very unusual noise. Terriermon: CHOMP! CHOMP! CHOMP! Wyatt: What is that!? Terriermon: Sorry, chomp, I didn't, chomp, get to finish my fries, chomp, from yesterday! Wyatt: God Terriermon! YOUR...
Digimon Darkness Chapter 5
Darkness Terriermon: Holy crap! What just happened?!? I ... I'm free of the darkness!! Wyatt: I can't believe it! Terriermon! Your not black anymore! Terriermon: I don't know how that happened! Wyatt: Maybe its because you saved me. I mean when you...
Digimon Darkness Chapter 3
**Darkness** Chapter 3 Oh my god! I was Terriermon's tamer! Even if Terriermon wouldn't admit it! Then I remember Terriermon and I rush over to him. Wyatt: Terriermon! Are you okay? I pick him up, he was unconscious. Though he was breathing. I...
Digimon Darkness Chapter 4
Darkness Chapter 4 Wyatt: Terrirmon, look!I point to the black orb drifting towards us. When it gets close I see this orb is huge! Terriermon sniffs the area and jumps from my arms. Terriermon: SHIT! It's him! The area in the park suddenly grew...
Digimon Darkness Chapter 2
Darkness Chapter 2 Terriermon: What the hell man!? You cant go kidnap a digimon! Especially one from The Army of Darkness! Wyatt: Terriermon! As your new tamer I order you to calm down! We have to get home! Looks like it's about to storm. I know a...
Digimon Darkness
darkness chapter 1 Darkness is not just the absence of light darkness is an object its a personified noun. Things change in the dark its an after effect of darkness. No not an after effect an ability My name is Wyatt, I'm 15 and bored as...