Digimon Darkness Chapter 5

Story by nightowlstudios on SoFurry

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#5 of Darkness


Terriermon: Holy crap! What just happened?!? I ... I'm free of the darkness!!

Wyatt: I can't believe it! Terriermon! Your not black anymore!

Terriermon: I don't know how that happened!

Wyatt: Maybe its because you saved me. I mean when you saved me, you chose light over darkness ...

Terriermon sits down and takes the position of someone deep in thought.

Wyatt: Anyways, why was Etamon after us to begin with?

Terriermon: Because he's the general in the 100th reconnaissance unit! That's the unit Guilmon and me were in! He must havr wanted to see for himself. If it was true that I'd betray them I think its a safe bet that since I deleted Guilmon and Etamon, the Dark King will surely want his revenge!

Wyatt: Wait! So there are going to be more of those dark digimon!

Terriermon: I hate to say it but, yes. And now since, I truly have become a regular digimon and have a tamer, they will be back. With a Vengeance.

Wyatt: Well we should get some training done!

Terriermon: Sounds like a good idea but,

He mutters something but I can't hear him. I crouch done and ask him to reapet that.

Terriermon: But could we eat first?

Wyatt: Haha! Sounds good!

I scoop him up and put him on my shoulder. Wincing slighty I star walking. After about 15 minutes Terriermon found the food he wanted.

Terriermon: McDonald's!

I look at him, was he serious?

Wyatt: You've, you've heard of it!?

Terriermon: Hey! I am from reconnaissance! You didn't think I wouldn't know anything about your world? I hope the fries don't taste like socks again!

I start giggling. So I ordered Terriermon a large order of fries and We were on out way to the woods. Yes the same woods we fought Guilmon in!

Terriermon: Oh! My! GOD! This is pure heaven!!

I look up and his mouth is so full of fries, I'm suprissed he could speek.

Wyatt: Are you almost done? We're almost there!

Terriermon: I will save these for later!

He jumps off of me, talking my bag with him. He unceremoniously dumps the rest of his fires into my bag.

Wyatt: Alright! LET"S DO THIS!

Terriermon: I'm so pumped!

I pull out a card and scan it.

Wyatt: DIGI-MODIFY! "Power Burst Activate!"

Terriermon: BUNNY BLAST!

*2 hours Later*

Terriermon: i am tired

Wyatt: Here i will carry you home