Digimon Darkness Chapter 3

Story by nightowlstudios on SoFurry

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#3 of Darkness


Chapter 3

Oh my god! I was Terriermon's tamer! Even if Terriermon wouldn't admit it! Then I remember Terriermon and I rush over to him.

Wyatt: Terriermon! Are you okay?

I pick him up, he was unconscious. Though he was breathing. I rush home. He was unconscious the whole way home. Luckily there were no more orbs or bizarre digimon. When we got home, he finally woke up.

Terriermon: Wha? Who? Where are we?

Wyatt: This is my house! And where you will be living for a while.

Terriermon: NO! I mean, only until my injuries heal!

So I brought Terriermon up to my room. Luckily my mom wasn't home yet. So the house was empty. I gingerly lay Terriermon onto the bed. He looks up at me and asks,

Terriermon: So you've got my d-ark now?

Wyatt: Oh! I, uh, No! I have no idea what your talking about!

Terriermon: Your a teribile lair.

Wyatt: Well, um, I'm sorry. I just didn't know how you'd react.

Terriermon: muttering A tamer guh?

Wyatt: So why was that Guilmon after you?

Terriermon: He wasnt after me! He was from The Army of Darkness! Sent here to the real world for some reconisence.

Wyatt: Then why did he attack you?

Terriermon: Because! All dark digimon are always itching to fight! I can't stand it! Its in our blood ... deep down in our black blood

Wyatt: If you cant stand it, why not leave?

Terriermon: Because I am a dark digimon! I'm no good! The rest of the Digital World hates us!

Wyatt: oh,, well you better get some rest. Those injuries wont heal without rest.

The next morning Terriermon was up, wwwaaayyy before me. When I woke up he was fidgeting with my d-ark.

Terriermon: Lets go out get some air! I want to see more of your world. And after that I'm going to leave!

Wyatt: Well ... okay!I put Terrirmon on my shoulder. Grab my deck of digimon cards and run out the door. A couple blocks later we get to the park. Then, I see it, another glowing black orb! I look at Terriermon and say,

Wyatt: I guess grabbing my cards wasn't such a bad idea!