A Silent Soul- Chapter 19
**Merry Christmas you furs! I know I said I wouldn't be doing any uploading but I'm technically not at my dad's house just yet so I felt obligated to get one last chapter out to you guy's before my break starts. Introducing a couple more characters to...
Christmas Special
**Because I know some of you are out of town visiting with family and whatnot, I just wanted to wish everybody a merry Christmas (or happy holidays if Christmas isn't you're thing, I don't judge :P )! And so with the holiday season upon us, I figured I...
In My Time of Need - Chapter 7
**Good morning/evening? my furs! It's currently 2 o'clock my time and I'm still up writing because I got distracted talking to a certain somebody who I know will read this tomorrow and so heyyyyy I see you! But anyways operation rescue Zachary begins...
A Silent Soul- Chapter 18
**Good evening everyfur! I am back from my little break yesterday with the next chapter of the main story on the page, A Silent Soul. Things heat up very quickly this chapter, and I finally introduce the first explicit scene of the story. I have a...
A Silent Soul- Chapter 17
**Hey derrrr mah furrrrs! It's time for the next chapter of A Silent Soul! Today our protagonists wake up where they left themselves last night and a couple events are bound to get your minds working but before it's all over you'll all be hating me I...
A Silent Soul- Chapter 13
**Hello all you furry people! It's time for the next installment of A Silent Soul. Today we meet a new character who will have some importance later on in the chapter, but for now just enjoy what I've brought to the table! I'll see you all the bottom...
In My Time of Need - Chapter 1 (Redo)
**Hello my furs! I know some of you might be thinking "redo"? What the heck is this? Well I went back yesterday and reread the chapter a few times, and with the help of a few constructive commenters found many design flaws in the chapter. I realized I...
A Silent Soul- Chapter 12
**Hello again my furs! I hope you all had the chance to read the first chapter of our new story, In My Time of Need! If you haven't be sure to either check it out now or after you finish this chapter! I cut this chapter a little bit shorter than I...
In My Time of Need - Chapter 1
**It is time you furs! I have returned, and I bring with me gifts! Well, not Christmas gifts but you get the point. I am extremely happy to present to you all the first chapter of our brand new story! I was very pleasantly surprised at the response my...
A Silent Soul- Chapter 11 (Adult Version)
**Hello my furry friends! Elijah back for the next chapter of this ever growing story! Today is the day where we have the tiniest bit of smuttiness, so I've decided to steal a little something from a good fur of mine named Jake Atkinson. If you...
A Silent Soul- Chapter 11 (Clean Version)
Hello my furry friends! Elijah back for the next chapter of this ever growing story! Today is the day where we have a little bit of R-rated content, so I've decided to steal a little something from a good fur of mine named Jake Atkinson. If you haven't...
A Silent Soul- Chapter 10
**Hey furs! We're back for the next installment of A Silent Soul. Now I left you guys hanging by your fingernails last time with Jasper's bold statement, and it's time for the big reveal. What has Jasper been hiding this entire time? Will it affect...