A Silent Soul- Chapter 12

Story by ElijahHusky on SoFurry

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#13 of A Silent Soul

Chapter 12! :3

Hello again my furs! I hope you all had the chance to read the first chapter of our new story, In My Time of Need! If you haven't be sure to either check it out now or after you finish this chapter! I cut this chapter a little bit shorter than I originally intended due to time restraint and the moment I decided to end it on, but I am happy to say that this is likely my favorite chapter yet that I've had the chance to write. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and I'll see you all at the bottom of the page! :)

I awoke the next morning to an empty bed, remembering that Jasper had a very early class. It didn't prevent me from whining softly however and I curled up further into the blankets. Glancing at the digital alarm clock resting on Jasper's nightstand I groaned as I realized it was almost 11 o'clock.

I jumped in surprise as I heard someone knocking on the door. I sighed softly before throwing the covers off me and pulling on a pair of pants to make myself look half decent. I shielded my eyes from the bright sun as I pulled open the door.

"Hey Elijah. Sorry for waking you up, I didn't think you would still be sleeping." Sebastian said quietly.

I grinned at the sight of my friend, "Don't worry about it, I had just woken up when you knocked." I told him. He nodded as I invited him in.

"Thanks." He said coming inside, closing the door behind him. I found the next available shirt in my closet and pulled it off the hanger, pulling it over my head and ears.

"Did you wanna do something today Bastian?" I asked him.

"Just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out." He replied.

"Sure, I don't have any classes until lab later today." His ears perked slightly at that statement.

"You have lab tonight? Me too, who do you have?" He asked me, excitement creeping into his voice. "Harrison at 5 o'clock, how about you?" I responded. "That's who I have as well, looks like we'll be having lab together this semester." He spoke excitedly. I giggled at his enthusiasm as I slid a pair of shoes on.

"Let's go get something to eat, I'm starved." I suggested. He nodded and followed me out of the room. The walk there was uneventful with neither of us having much to talk about.

"He's treating you okay, right?" Sebastian asked suddenly. I was somewhat surprised at the question but answered honestly.

"He's been treating me great. He's done a complete 180 from a few days ago." I replied. He only nodded his head, but I could see the slight smile threatening to split his short muzzle. Rachel asked the same question... am I missing something? I asked myself.

The smell of food quickly extinguished that thought as my stomach grumbled noisily.

"Oh hush you I'm working on it." I whispered harshly to my stomach. It only rumbled quietly in response and I sighed.

"Something the matter?" Sebastian asked me.

"Nope, just having a debate with my stomach on what to eat." I told him flatly.

"...okay then." He replied. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and some muffins before finding Sebastian sitting at one of the corner tables talking with another person. The name of the species evaded me momentarily until the bushy rat-like tail flicked under the table. Ferret, that's it I thought to myself, celebrating my slight memory lapse.

"Oh hey Elijah. Kylee this is Elijah, Elijah, Kylee." Sebastian introduced us. I offered a courteous nod to her, and she spoke in response. Her rapid tone caught me off guard, but I was able to keep up.

"Hi there! I'm Kylee! I hope we can be really really really good friends!" She said excitedly. I grinned at her immediate enthusiasm and couldn't help but let my tail thump against the seat beside me.

"I hope so too." I giggled slightly. I ate quietly just watching amusedly while Kylee simply talked to her heart's content with Sebastian as he sat there and listened attentively. He seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say even if she was rambling.

Shortly after a familiar voice filled my ears causing my tail to wag once again.

"Hey guys. Hey _cutie."_He directed the second part towards me, causing my heart to flutter slightly.

"Hi wolfie." I said back. He sat down next me and set his bag down. My heart jumped again as I felt his tail brush mine a few times before resting on top of it. I wagged it slightly enjoying the contact before I was aware of two sets of eyes on us. I blushed madly as Sebastian and Kylee watched contently.

"Oh my gosh you two are so cute! Ahhhhhh I can't handle it!" Kylee squealed. My ears pinned back to my head as the blush grew worse, grinning sheepishly. I missed the mischievous grin on Jasper's face as he leaned over and pecked me on the cheek.

Kylee squealed again while Jasper winked at my expression. I glared at him embarrassedly and he only met my eyes with a content gaze. So much for wanting to take things slow... I thought as I felt the ghost of the kiss on my cheek.

I finished my meal before getting up to take my tray to the dish return. Upon my return I keyed in on Kylee interrogating Jasper.

"How long have you been dating?! Who asked who?! Was that your first kiss?!" She said quickly. Jasper sent a pleading look my way and I met him with the same content gaze he offered me before. His nose scrunched up at me and he turned back to the wrath of Kylee.

"Alright Kylee I think that's enough." Sebastian said with an amused grin on his face.

"Awww! But I was just getting to the good stuff!" She pouted. I shook my head grinning as well while Jasper sighed with relief.

"Oh yeah Elijah, Kylee here also has the same lab as us. I was hoping we could all be in a group if that's okay with you?" He asked me. I was slightly apprehensive at the thought of performing experiments with her but Sebastian's pleading look was enough for me to cave. Sighing lightly, I responded.

"Yeah that's fine. How many can you have in a group?" I questioned.

"You can have four, so we have to find one more person." He replied.

"Maybe we can just find someone who doesn't have a group when we get there." I proposed.

Sebastian nodded, "Yeah that could work." I nodded before turning to Jasper.

"Got anything planned for today?" I asked.

"Not really, I was gonna wait and see what you were doing before I planned anything." He replied.

"I was just gonna hang out with Sebastian until I have to go to lab later, you can join us if you want. As long as that's okay with you Bastian?" I turned to face him.

He simply shrugged, "He can if he wants. I didn't really have anything planned though. We can go to my room and play video games or something." He said.

"I'm fine with that, Jasper?" I turned this time to face him. His gaze was fixed somewhere different however, and I followed his eyes to a tall figure standing not too far from us. It was the horse that we'd grown all too fond of, and Jasper's light growl told me he was still not happy about not getting his two cents in with him.

I placed my hand on his which momentarily distracted him. "Jasper, did you want to come play video games with Bastian and I?" I asked him, removing his attention from the horse across the room. His gaze refocused on me as he thought for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah that's fine. What kind of games do you have?" He asked Sebastian.

"Just about everything. Old console, new console, PC, whatever you want to play." He replied.

"Do you have Smash?" Jasper asked with a slight grin. Sebastian nodded and Jasper jumped up from his seat.

"Yes! I'm gonna destroy you two! Come on what are we waiting for, come on!" He exclaimed excitedly.

Time Skip: Three hours later

Jasper groaned as he was sent flying once again by Sebastian who had just won his 8th straight game. We had been playing for almost two and a half hours and Sebastian won almost every time. He could predict every one of our moves and counter it perfectly, which wasn't exactly fun for us but I was glad to see that he was enjoying himself.

"How are you so good at this?! It's not human!" Jasper shouted.

"You're right, I'm not human." Sebastian countered flatly, but the slight grin on his face alerted us that the comment was all in good humor. It got a good laugh out of the three of us as I glanced at my phone to see the time.

I still had a few hours to kill before class, and I nap was definitely not out of the question at this point. Yawning seemed to reinforce that thought until the ringing of my phone startled me. Glancing down I noticed it was Rachel who was calling. Sliding my pawtoe across the screen I brought the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked in standard form.

"Hey where are you and Jasper at? I just stopped by your room and you guys weren't there." She asked.

"We're getting destroyed at Smash over at Sebastian's, you should come join us!" I replied sarcastically. She snorted through the phone at the comment.

"Pshh, yeah right? Video games with Sebastian? I burned that bridge a long time ago." She stated.

I giggled slightly at the comment, "You've got that right. What did you need us for?" I asked remembering why she'd called in the first place.

"I'm just bored and looking for something to do. I was gonna bother you two about how cute you guys are." She said. I could almost hear the grin in her voice as she spoke and I groaned aloud, drawing the attention of the other two sitting in the room.

"Hey unless you have any other ideas I don't wanna hear it." She replied. I thought for a moment, racking my mind for ideas before coming up empty.

"I don't really have an ideas, I can ask these two thou- never mind they just started another game." I sighed.

"Looks like I'm coming over to nag you then! I'm on my way, see you in a few." She laughed at my misfortune.

"Alright, see you." I replied before hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" Jasper asked still paying most of his attention to the screen.

"Rachel, she's coming over to bother us." I replied. He grunted in response before refocusing on the game. Sighing I laid back on Sebastian's bed and felt myself slowly begin to fall asleep. A small nap won't hurt... I thought as I drifted off.

P.O.V. Change: Jasper

The sound of light snoring behind me distracted me momentarily from the game and I turned to see Elijah sound asleep on the bed, curled slightly into himself. I paused the game and nudged Sebastian next to me, motioning over my shoulder to his bed.

He glanced backwards and grinned slightly at the sleeping form that had taken over his bed. I observed his soft breathing for a few more moments before Sebastian's voice broke the silence.

"You like him a lot, don't you?" He asked me. I was somewhat surprised by the question, but responded.

"I don't know why... I always considered myself to be straight. I just had some bad luck with relationships and I was afraid to try again with another girl I guess. Elijah's just been so kind to me and I couldn't help but enjoy his company more and more until... well, I mean here we are." I responded genuinely.

Sebastian seemed to study me for another moment before nodding his head, satisfied with the answer.

"Elijah is a really great person. I can tell just by the way he looks at you that he admires what you've been through. He admires your character for not only what he sees on the outside, but the inside as well." He said thoughtfully.

I let his words sink in as I glanced back towards the sleeping body on the bed, and I couldn't help but smile warmly at him. We both turned our heads to the door opening, Rachel stepping in from outside. Sebastian held a 'shhhh' finger up as he pointed to Elijah. Rachel glanced his way and smiled at him.

"Poor thing. Must be worn out after all that's happened this week." She commented still eyeing him.

"So what are you boys up to?" She asked us.

"Just some Smash. Wanna play a round or two?" Sebastian asked.

"I guess I can teach you guys a thing or two, hand me a controller." She replied cockily. Rachel was actually able to hold her own against Sebastian, but she was no match for the bobcat who had far more experience playing than the two of us. After a few more rounds I glanced at my phone and noted the time, 4 p.m.

"I should probably wake him up." I stated. Sebastian glanced up at the large clock hanging on his wall, noting the time as well.

"Yeah, go ahead. We'll have to get going soon." He replied. I stood up and stretched and wagged my stiff tail a few times after having sat on it for so long. I turned to face Elijah who was still sleeping soundly, feeling bad for having to wake him. I leaned over the sleeping ball of fur and whispered in his ear.

"Elijah. Elijahhhhhh... you gotta get up." When he didn't respond I grinned mischievously and leaned in once again. Only this time I passed his ear and went to his neck. I lightly nuzzled it and he squirmed slightly, curling in tighter.

I continued the light brushing of my muzzle in the crook of his neck as he finally unfurled. Stretching lightly his silvery eyes opened to meet my own gaze. I only chuckled at him and had to suppress a "d'aww" as he stretched further, whining lightly while he yawned.

"What time is it?" He asked groggily.

"Just a few minutes after four, you've got some time still. I was just getting ready to head back if you wanted to join me?" I replied. He nodded as he sat up on the bed.

The entire time the amused grins of Rachel and Sebastian were directed at our little show that we put on. I missed the knowing look they shared with one another as Elijah stood up.

"Sorry for falling asleep you guys, I was so tired." Elijah apologized somewhat groggily still, rubbing one of his eyes.

"Don't worry about it, thanks for coming to hang out with me. I had a really fun time." Sebastian responded.

"Thanks for inviting us, I'll keep practicing and I'll beat you one of these times I promise." I told him.

He grinned slightly at me, "I look forward to it." Rachel punched my shoulder lightly.

"Don't like getting beat by a girl eh wolf boy?" She teased.

"Hey I only lost a few times!" I complained humorously.

She chuckled, "Alright, I have to get going too. Thanks for the games Bastian, it was fun."

He nodded, "Anytime. I'll see you in lab Elijah." I put my arm over Elijah's shoulder as we left the room and waved goodbye to Rachel.

We walked back to our room in silence, simply enjoying the company and the moment. We got back to the dorm quickly and Elijah gathered his stuff together. Just as he was about to leave, he turned back shyly to me.

"Thanks for everything Jasper. I can't express how much it means." He said quietly. He walked up to me and nuzzled my muzzle.

I returned the gesture, "Of course. I made a promise that I'd make it up to you for how I acted and then some, and I meant it." I replied. He drew back slightly to meet my eyes, seemingly searching for something.

I felt myself lean forward towards him and I surprised the both of us as our muzzles met. He tensed up at first, but reciprocated the kiss nonetheless. It didn't last long as we both retreated shyly, but there was no denying the affection of the moment.

He smiled at me before turning and walking out the door. I stood there in awe and replayed the moment over and over in my head, reveling in the tender moment, letting a silly grin fill my muzzle as I engraved the moment in my memory.

D'aww!!! They're so freaking cute I can't even handle it ahhhhh! I'm turning into Kylee shipping these two like this but I can't help it! That's all from me tonight though, I'm off to bed. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to go check out the first chapter of the new story I posted earlier! Thanks for all the support guys, it means a lot to me. :)