Poem #77: Carjacking Bikers

_Carjacking Bikers_ To steal from another person Is to spit on his day Laugh at his normalcy Or happiness or sadness For an entire 24 hours And he barely remembers it The next day Hopefully. Is to punch the smile from his face Take his...


Poem #75: Tapestry

_Tapestry_ "Unexpected meetings occur in a forest" Is the title of the first painting I look at in the art museum Lined up, in a row, with a bunch Of other paitings done By the same artist. The gallery isn't large, It's actually quite small,...

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Poem #74: Wading

_Wading_ Going through a breakup Is like wading through a sea Of french fries Before it begins, You think it will be delightful Almost like a dream come true. It is unpleasant while you are wading And even though you like the taste Of french...

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Poem #73: In Sleep

_In Sleep_ 1. A Dream When I used to dream I dreamt up a fantasy Where I was with Ms. Perfect I even daydreamed of our lives Together, side by side. The dreams faded into nothing Nothing but memories. 2. A Nightmare As I lie next to him I...

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Poem #72: Our Questions

_Our Questions_ Life doesn't just give us the answers To our questions We have to wait for our minds to find the answers That it seeks. And this takes time. Time that not everyone is willing to spend On just waiting for answers to appear. Not...

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Poem #71: A Snow Globe

_A Snow Globe_ Sometimes I envision the world as a snow globe Full of snow globes Each person is a little snow globe; Each with their own problems And their own personalities, Little flakes that fly through the air. Each person seems to ignore...

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Poem #69: Inside of a Box

_Inside of a Box_ Batches of boxes, Packing peanuts and tape, Gasoline and cash, Fill up the week to come. Packing away things Used everyday fills The day and passes away. Keys, cleaners and sweat Could fill the rooms and Hallways of each new...


The Lost Tundra

A cold, harsh landscape lies ahead. Barren, rolling hills hinder the large snowplow as it rumbles forward. Bitter, freezing winds beat at the plow, trying to knock it over. The wind blows drifts of snow up from the icy hills into the air in thin...

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Poem #68: The Sound

_The Sound_ The sound of ravaging time Pins me beneath a blanket of honey; I drown under the sickly-sweet smell Of truth, lies, and defeat. My own pride and vanity Have led me down the path I take; Echoes of a younger mind Stir in me a hopeful...

Poem #67: Trapped

_Trapped_ Along this broken path I walk Underneath the glowing sunshine Deep inside of me voices talk Whisperings that aren't mine Dark gray clouds are all around me Amidst the crowd I fall behind I cower beneath the broad sea Of whisperings...

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Poem #66: Pumping Blood

_Pumping Blood_ Listen for the rhythm of my heart Feel each beat it makes See the red rivulets of blood Washing through my veins Rushing through heated Boiled red and angry Sitting calm and white Protective of the soul Red flows together with...


The Encounter

Sunlight poured into the library from the skylight directly above his head. It provided warmth for the back of his neck, which was very comforting as he worked through the novel cracked open in his lap. Curtis read diligently through the book. He...

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