Poem #77: Carjacking Bikers

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#78 of Poetry

Assignment #6/8 of my college Creative Writing Poetry class. This poem is about theft, and reflection upon one's day.

Carjacking Bikers

To steal from another person

Is to spit on his day

Laugh at his normalcy

Or happiness or sadness

For an entire 24 hours

And he barely remembers it

The next day


Is to punch the smile from his face

Take his briefcase and fling it

At his car

Cracking the windshield

Is to slip him the middle finger

And ridicule him in front

Of all his friends and loved ones

And then to email him for a week


To remind him of the experience.


Creative Commons License

"Carjacking Bikers" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.