Crimson Temptress

Temptress of Sorrow where is your coral. For disaster is sure to follow. Pain and suffering. Come to all who gaze a pone your eternal beauty. Burnning with radiant disaster. Flowing all over. Turning all to ash. Tree and forest. Flesh and...

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Saphire Maiden

Soothing maiden with ever flowing voice. That calms the tearful child. many have gazed on her beauty. Always shifting. Always changing. Quenching the Crimson Temptress wherever she may be. Gentle as the feather. Yet un stoppable. Twisting...

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Sanctuary Curse

Shifting shadows of the night. I watch the raven as it swallows the decaying meat that is in first sight. Hidden beneath the moon the Hollow winds swoon As I shift from shadow to shadow. Concealed in darkness until first sun rise. With each...

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Falling Stars

Four stars collide In this ancient ride that we all call life. As they strife to be the brightest. They beleive they are righteous. As they grew brighter and larger. They became dimmer. Lost in their selfrighteous path. They...

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Akanu Nightmaris

Changling Class: Alterd Grave Digger Original Identity: Anu Nocturnt Date of Rebirth: 11/12/2013 Fur Color: Black and red Eye: Born with Dark green Almost black flakes and rings along the outside and inside of the iris that turns a lighter shade of...


Lunar Charge

Strand that glistens in the moonlight. Surrounded by familiar faces, yet unfamiliar. "Wasn't I once like like them?" Starnds that sparkle in the moonlight. surrounded by freinds, yet strangers. "Weren't we once like them?" Hair that...

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The Soul

Eternal torment. That is the heart. What secrets do you hold. What a curse you can cast. Clouding the mind and dulling the senses to all who reject you. Those who know your deepests depths reject you and hide you. To protect...

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"What is sanity?" "For I do not know that name." "Is it the raven over a corps?" "Or is it TV stars fame?" "What is sanity?" "For I do not know that name." "Is it the hat woman int really tiny shorts?" "Or is it the rich man watching a child...

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Prima Nackt

World enveloped in Darkness. Unleashed by the falling sun. Guided by the rising Moon. I call you forth with all of my heart. Sing your melody to those listening to this mad man's words. As you have sung to me. Wise Raven in majestic...

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true immortality

Stars united. Through silver blood they cry for those they have lost. Then they pass to the future. Only looking back at the joy. That has passed before them. Dead by life. IMMORTAL BY MEMORY.



Beast with a shatered soul. Chains of Opression bind thee. Unbreackable. Unexcapable Beast with a shatered soul. Shackles of Fear bind thee. Restricting. Curseing. Entity of Madness. Evokes the Darkness within...

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eternal night

There are many reasons why I dislike the day. The day is bright, noisy, hot, and dull. That is why I prefer the night and all its beauty. We'll watch the sun set, wander through the darkness and finally explore under the rising moon. So let us begin...

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