Akanu Nightmaris
#4 of Graveyard bios
Changling Class: Alterd Grave Digger
Original Identity: Anu Nocturnt
Date of Rebirth: 11/12/2013
Fur Color: Black and red
Eye: Born with Dark green Almost black flakes and rings along the outside and inside of the iris that turns a lighter shade of green when annoyed or pissed off.
Height: 5'3
Original Race: Pure (Cacasion)
Immortal Race: Black Kitusune
Sex: Male
Orientation:Bi leaning gay
Place of Residence: Grave Yard Academe West Central Branch
Previous Occupation: Student at Dubuque Internationale University of Arts a=d Inventor/Founder of nightmare Inc.
Ability: infinite Wolves Eye: ability to see the true nature of anyone within 5 feet
Secondary Abilities: Strong Aura Sight: Can see the natural electromagnetic field around people that belays there emotions. Waking Dream (direct contact to skin of someone who is feeling a strong emotion<usual a negative one> will cause a vision depicting the cause of that emotion). Aura Manipulation (ability to manipulate ones aura in different ways)
Aura Abilities: Shadow Cloak (unleashes a portion of the darkness in the users heart to form a bearer around him making him invisible) Shadow Dash (unleashes a small portion of the darkness from with the users heart creating a bearer of pure darkness that adsorbs all light allowing the user to move a great distance during a short period of time.) Dark Resonance (the user resonates with another heart enable his Aura Abilities to be shared only amplified. If used on someone for a prolong period of time who's heart is not ruled by darkness they will become corrupt and turn evil and go insane) Howling Darkness ( when enraged the darkness within the users heart combines with magical energy creating an aura blast that is capable of doing physical damage.
Magic: Illusion magic, Forest magic, Script magic, Reaper skills