A Short Walk to the Past

The sound of new shoppers at the door convinced me to withdraw my forepaws, but not too swiftly. I tried telling myself that it was in order to let Darkstar move to greet them, welcome them, ask if he could help them find anything, rather than that I...

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We stayed in the kitchen long enough to tend to the mugs and accoutrements that Lightwing had brought outside, then padded our way back through the dining hall, past the living room, and out the front doors. Back in the sunshine, I quickly reoriented...

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Tea and Empathy

My impulse, at that point, was to go back to my room and hide away from everything and everyone. I felt more tired than anything else, although I also felt uncertain of how everyone really felt about... No. That wasn't true. The welcome was real. I was...

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Bloodline, Part 1

It had been about two months since that first night with Abram. For a long while, what I felt most was a peculiar kind of emptiness, a sensation of a large hole in my spirit. When that image finally came to me fully, I realized exactly what it was that...

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Attar of Blue Roses, Part 1

"If you value your life, drive." A fury of feathers and feathers, of wings and hooves, of two or more shades of white and a spun white-gold of mane and tail, of speed and desperation, earth and wind in fear-full motion. The large side door of the...

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The Stag and the Ocean

_A beginning is a delicate thing..._ _The old wolf sat alone at his table in the café, waiting to meet his friend. "I have a story to tell," his friend had told him, "of how I came to be born. I have told the story in music; it's time now for you to...

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Attar of Blue Roses, Part 2

It was a long time before the sobbing became the hushed tears of relief, and from there came the quiet moments of recovering from both the pain and the ebbing of pain. Through it all, Regan simply held the Pegasus close to himself, offering warmth and...

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Jumping Mouse, Part 1

"Mrs. Peel... you're needed." I'd have jumped out of my fur entirely, if I hadn't caught a whiff of wintergreen a few seconds earlier. As it was, I pivoted in place and looked at the tall, lanky figure leaning against the coat closet door of my condo,...

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Jumping Mouse, Part 3

It took four days for it all to happen. During that time, Madame Roma (who had us call her Katarina when we were in private) took some time, twice a day, to send our message to Wally. Lillian had graciously allowed her to keep the rose quartz pendant...

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House Rules

Art, in the modern digital studio, is made in layers. With music, it can be individual tracks and riffs, shadings and nuances, even sampling of other audio media. Graphic work can begin on paper and be scanned in, or begun on a tablet and continued...

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What the Maid Saw

I made my own way out of the formal living room, past another uniform in the hallway. I nodded at the large Shep, a fellow older than Parsons, one who also had a far greater sense of decorum (if that's the phrase I was looking for). He nodded in...

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"In 500 meters," chirped the allegedly female voice, "your destination will be on the right." I could only hope so. It felt as if the clouds had blotted out the sun entirely, and the increased rain had done the rest. I wasn't sure that I'd be able to...

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