Better Day - Thursday Prompt Story [#13, 30/3/23]
There's nothing that makes me feel more isolated than seeing other people talk amongst themselves or in a group. I just never know what to say or do, but even then I still wish I could have friends. It doesn't feel like there's much I can do, being a...
can't make it this week (sorry) - Thursday Prompt Story [#11, 16/3/23]
"The story so far? One of our friends is apparently trapped inside a house we've never seen before and we need to break into it to free him." The white condor recited to me as we finally arrived at the house in question, a million kilometers away from...
A Composer's Lament - Thursday Prompt Story [#10, 09/3/23]
"But my Composer!" A short human-like person proclaimed to a somewhat taller figure. "Throwing this away achieves nothing! At least recycling it to other Composers would give it a better use!" The "Composer" in question looked down at the...
[citation needed] - Thursday Prompt Story [#8, 23/2/23]
Sophie couldn't believe what she was seeing. Errors littered everywhere, comments that made no sense in the slightest, lines that referenced things that didn't even exist... Not only was all of it incoherent, but it also cut away at a concerning...
L7's Action Log - Thursday Prompt Story [#7, 16/2/23]
February 18th, 2023 Status: Low Energy Mode engaged Today, this one uses a rag to clean away the blemishes and dirt on the wall, accumulated over the one year that we have been living here. It may then be used to clean any imperfections on the...
Lucked Out - Thursday Prompt Story [#6, 09/2/23]
As a private investigator, Grian was the best in the town, or at least, that's what they've all told him, and yet he never bought it. The polar bear was quite the public figure by now. He was an experienced detective, working with many people from...
Rift Explorer - Thursday Prompt Story [#5, 02/2/23]
February 1 Today, I took a bit of time to myself. It's been very peaceful out here on the plains, but I've had a bit of a dilemma recently. It's been my sworn duty to assist those who need my help, right? I could go and ask the Composer if...
Reality Checked - Thursday Prompt Story [#4, 26/1/23]
I've pushed doorbells all my life. Why is it that this one just so happens to be the hardest one to commit to? The world's Great Blooming marked a significant point for many people, myself included. We got a second chance to live life for what it...
"Sometimes I wish I could just forget life altogether and escape back to my country. Or the deep forest. Anywhere but here." Dylan, an orange Bengal tiger, sighed as he slumped further into the couch he sat upon. The thought of finally freeing...
Observation of The Fantastic Creation - Thursday Prompt Story [#2, 12/1/23]
Without warning, it happened. The supermassive black hole that lied on the center of the universe had begun to grow to drastic proportions. Slowly, at first, it devoured nearby stars. The more it was fed, the bigger it got, and the faster it would...
A Longing Connection - Thursday Prompt Story [#1, 05/1/23]
caprift - noun (kuh-PRIHFT) ca·prift variants: caprífota, caprifota (kah-PREE-foh-tah) ca·pri·fo·ta 1. a state of desire between two or more parties to reunite, even if, and especially when, they have lost their memory of each other ...
Abandoned Planet - Thursday Prompt Story [#18, 04/5/23]
"DO NOT RESIST OR YOU WILL BE EXECUTED!" A brash, feminine voice echoed through the sandy pueblo. Her shout was almost robotic, but one could tell she was actually talking through a megaphone of sorts. Colonel Sigma and Sergant Jaqcour both stood...