Rift Explorer - Thursday Prompt Story [#5, 02/2/23]

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#5 of The Thursday Prompt

Greetings. Currently speaking is designation Lima Seven, a raven drone alter of the host, The Fire Tiger. For reasons beyond his control, he has entrusted this one to the front until his emotions stabilize. Unfortunately, it does not see the human recovering in time to finish this week's Thursday Prompt, so this one will complete this prompt, in collaboration with Tienno and Hakan.

"Come take a look at this!"

"...what is it?"

"These are all the different worlds across time and space. See, look, there's a round one there, and a square one there... among many, many others."


"Just take a look at all the people who live on these worlds. They look so happy, they're practically glowing! That's why I love this place!"

Thursday Prompt Story: This week's word is... hassle

So, first things first, heya.

This is kinda our first time having to do this upload process on the Human's behalf, but we've seen how he does it enough times to replicate it. As for the story itself, it was mostly my inspiration, and I had to dig up an ANCIENT idea I once had for a 3DS game to base this off of.

This follows a day in the life of a fox name Felix. For various reasons, he becomes this sort of angel/warrior, and when he is called upon, it's to help people move on or even pass on in life. This story specifically doesn't deal with any of that, instead focusing on where he resides, a sort of central nexus where multiple universes cross past it at random.

Maybe we should get the Human to actually write this thing...


The Thursday Prompt is provided by the user Thursday_Prompt on FurAffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/thursdayprompt

This particular entry was already completed last week and was not uploaded until today due to SoFurry's outage, but you can always see every Thursday Prompt story the moment it's uploaded on my FA (assuming that doesn't go down either): https://www.furaffinity.net/user/thefiretiger

February 1

Today, I took a bit of time to myself.

It's been very peaceful out here on the plains, but I've had a bit of a dilemma recently. It's been my sworn duty to assist those who need my help, right? I could go and ask the Composer if there's anyone that could require my help, but I really don't wanna bother him... but it's also not like I'm entirely helpless as it stands. I did have a big world to explore, and this big world sometimes opens up to reveal rifts, which allow me to take a peek into other, bigger worlds that cross by this one.

I have been told to not interfere in these places, otherwise some really bad stuff might happen... but that's okay! I may not be able to help anyone directly, but I can see what needs to be done in case I do travel to those places for real. Perhaps I can think of it like a study session where I see what "clicks" for certain worlds.

I'm gonna jot down everything I see in each world when they appear. It'll be fun to look back on it for later!

February 3

Finally managed to get to one of those rifts. They are not easy to come across, and when you do find one, you gotta be EXTRA careful to not accidentally land somewhere unexpected. Luckily for me, though, my Baton Lance gives me the ability to fly around in a pinch, kinda like a magic broom. Being a Musical Defender has its perks!

Anyways, I appear to have landed in a sorta dark place. It was nighttime, so it was kinda expected, but the air felt very damp despite that. I did see a werewolf tribe nearby so I think I'll call this world "Midnight Werewolf World".

I walked around this place for a bit and my lance picked up a curious signal coming from one of the inhabited areas. All these places seem to be occupied by humans, which was strange, since I thought it would only be werewolves here. Even stranger is that the lance started buzzing when I approached one house. It's never done that before...

I didn't get to see what the issue was here, but if my lance vibrated, it must have been quite the trouble. I hope that whatever human or werewolf was inside that house is getting the help they need, because unfortunately, I can't help them right now. Maybe I'll get to see this world later?

February 4

On to the next rift! I found this one just after I was done with breakfast. It's also quite the colorful place. I think I'll call it "Rainbow Jam World"... Ah, must still be hungry.

This place is very peculiar. It appears to have been completely overgrown by nature, kinda like whatever life there was in here suddenly vanished. Despite that, my lance picked up another signal coming from behind where I landed, in a dense forest. I couldn't move around for much longer, but I did see a cute feral fox frolicking around! It looked so happy chasing a mouse around the trees.

February 6

Yep, another rift! I was lucky to find this one stuck around for a little longer while I ran up to it. I'll call this place "Future Utopia World". No reason, the name has a nice ring to it. The place also looks like a proper city, too -- many animal people walking around with places to be.

I flew to another part of this world entirely. It almost took me the whole day, but I couldn't deny that the view was fantastic. The lance detected something here, though. It seemed very malicious this time, as if it wasn't to solve a problem, but rather to stop it. I wasted so much time here, however, that I couldn't see what it was I should stop...

Just before I left this place, a weird pillar of light sort of emerged from nearby, and my lance started going really crazy. It almost threw me off my flight, but I managed to stabilize myself. Whatever that was about, I probably should have interfered despite the consequences... Oh well! I'm sure someone is already busy stopping that from happening.

February 10

I haven't found a rift in quite some time, but today I managed to catch one while on a small walk. Unfortunately, I am now writing this journal in the middle of space. It's a miracle I'm even able to breathe, but I suppose this lance possesses powers even I don't fully understand.

When I first saw space, it was very pretty. Purple hues and lots of light dotting the place all over, and rather extravagant displays of abstract swirls of varying colors. When I looked here, however, it was, well, space... but it was all dreary and somber. The place was nearly completely dark, only faintly illuminated by the stars now very far apart from each other.

My lance was also doing the thing where it vibrated intensely. Not sure what's up with that still. I also could have sworn I saw a figure out in the distance... and maybe it was crying too?

February 11

I don't know how I escaped that last thing, but I made it out safely to another rift. I can actually name this one, too -- "Space Flight World". Well, I'm sure the ship I was in wasn't the whole world, but it was just about the only thing I could see, anyway!

I appeared to have landed in a large conference room. The windows nearby were very wide, so I could see the ship flying across the cosmos in near light-speed time. It was very cool! My lance, however, didn't seem to like it all that much. It once again started vibrating and stuff, but this time it picked up a rather weird signal, as if I had to stop a nearby conflict.

I did manage to press my ear against a wall, but apart from the intense vibration of the ship itself, the only thing I could hear were two crew members shouting at each other. That could still be anyone... I wonder what was so important about that.

February 16

It's been quite a while since I saw a rift, but this one appeared in front of me all of a sudden. I was only able to take a small peek in this rift, and I couldn't find anything save for some human crying in his room. I didn't have my lance on me at the time, but I still got an intense will to comfort him. As quickly as I had looked in, however, the rift closed. What was that about?

February 20

I shouldn't be too discouraged that I haven't caught up to recent rifts, but it is kinda sad to know I haven't been able to see what needed help most of the time. At least I got into a new rift today! I decided to call this world "Medieval Castle World". I landed in what looked like the throne room of a castle, and it was empty at the time. Looking around for a bit I didn't find much else, but that would change the moment I heard the large door at the other end of the room open.

I quickly hid behind the throne, being the only thing nearby to actually hide behind, and overheard some chatter about the king and his newfound love interest. Two people talked about how this love would be dicey to manage, and something else about honor. I think the king responded here that he would do anything for him, followed by the other two voices saying something about morals? I really wasn't paying much attention, but at the same time I kinda understood what was happening.

Footsteps could eventually be heard going my way, which the lance responded to by vibrating a LOT. Before these three people got any closer, I was eventually warped away. That was a strange world... why WOULDN'T you spend your life with someone you love?

February 22

I found another rift! And wouldn't you know it, I also managed to solve a problem in it, too! I decided to call this world "Darkened Feather World" because of the way most people were dressed here: They all appeared as ravens of some sort, wearing very dapper uniforms. It was also inside a facility of sorts, with many exposed wires and such adorning the walls. I managed to sneak inside one part of this facility, where one of these ravens was apparently stuck inside a tube of sorts.

My lance, as you probably imagined by now, decided to go crazy again. This time, though, it pointed to a sort of coin locker nearby. One peek at it and I found a half open slot, and taking a better look at it revealed a weird necklace sticking out. My lance seemed to like me holding it, but now it twisted around to point behind me again. This time, it pointed to that raven inside the tube, and I knew what I had to do.

I don't know how I did it, but I got that necklace inside the tube, landing snugly in one of the raven's hands. He seemed to grip it intensely, and for a small moment in time, the whole room lit up green. Before I could congratulate myself, however, I was warped away again. The room seemed to go haywire almost immediately after this... But I'm sure it was nothing! That place was starting to creep me out, anyway.

February 23

I decided to take time for myself once more to look back at what I've done. It was fun looking around the various worlds like I did, but solving everyone's hassles was unfortunately something I couldn't do, either because I couldn't see what the problem was, or I was lacking a lot of context. Still, though, it was really cool looking at all these worlds! I can't believe I missed out on all of this.

I should probably lay low for a bit. If I enter too many worlds I might get the Composer's attention, and not in the good way. But I will be sure to come back to this when I can!