Coming for you: a FNAf song
Come inside Take a seat Check the cameras You will see My friends and me Are all coming For you tonight. Come inside You can't hide In that little room of yours Come inside and shut the doors Run inside and slam the doors! step inside You...
Pokemon Conquest: Defend Aurora!
_Welcome to the ransei region, home to Pokémon and warriors, those who have the ability to communicate with Pokemon on a deeper level than the average human. All warlords, rulers of countries, seek to unite the 17 contries of Ransei. The rumor is, the...
Angel O'Death.
_Jessica Steele picked up the stack of mail that accumulated over the past day in her and Sebun's shared mailbox. She tried to find a spot to drop it in the cluttered kitchen. After a few minutes of maneuvering, she found a relatively clear space....
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 9-ish: Everything's Going To Change.
"Fern? Where are you?" Lucius called. No one had seen Fern or the "artifact," Chiss, in over six hours. She had ran off earlier that afternoon but wasn't seen since. And Fern was determined to keep it that way. She sent a psychic imprint to Lucius,...
A Short Story about Foxes 2: details and characters
There were two foxes, a fennec and a grey fox.They were the best of friends. One, they fennec male, was named Jorge (nore the normal Jorge, but George with a J. His parents were imagrants from Egypt and were just getting the hang of English) The other,...
A Short Story about Foxes 1: the basics
There were two foxes. They had an argument. They fought. One shot the other in the knee (in my traditional fashion, during archery classes after work during the summer) accidentally. He was hospitalized. They made up. They lived long and prospered. The...
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 8: Triumphant Returns
As the two females stood staring at the fire, a Volcarona approached. It was Yea Old, the guildmaster of the Volcarona Guild. Well, the first master anyways. Not miss Vulcy. "So. Sybil, the Witch of Forest Hall, is staring at her destruction. Along...
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 6: The quest for song
"You are the one that was chose-en. You are the hero that I need. Bring her to me, bring her to me. You are my savior, riolu." The voice pestered him throughout the first two floors, to the point where Lucius had to sit out during battle because he...
Angel of Death
After Hades was forced to make the pact to have no more children, he ordered his servant, Thantos, Death, to have one so he could have a Monopoly in the demigod department. The result is Angel. Born on March 13, 1999, she was one of the only children...
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 5: Journey to Mage's Hill
"Look, a backpack! This camp's full of goodies." The voice woke Lucius up, and something told him it wasn't the guild's Waker. It was definitely female, for one. Also, it contained the nasally tones only a nosepass could get away with. Suddenly,...
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 4: Meanwhile, in other parts of the region...
_Under the volcanic mt. N_ _ _ "Sire. In three weeks, the town of Forest Hall will fall. We will be victorious." The blue-white Pokémon that spoke into the darkness stood on a pedestal of stone. Many similar spires surrounded it, most of them...
The Road: a poem
As the full moon rises, Over the well trodden road, There is a pup, A traveler, Under the sky, Under the stars, Wondering where he is going, As the road goes on and on. The way, Once clear as day, Has forked and forked again, On the road...