A Short Story about Foxes 1: the basics

Story by Kaminari Kitsune on SoFurry

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#1 of A short story about foxes

I was bored. Then I had an idea: let's see how short I can make a coherent story. Now, every Sunday, I will expand on it (and, of course, try to raise the reference to paragraph ratio)

There were two foxes. They had an argument. They fought. One shot the other in the knee (in my traditional fashion, during archery classes after work during the summer) accidentally. He was hospitalized. They made up. They lived long and prospered. The end.

Oh, and that arrow to the knee prevented him form being an astronaut so he couldn't explore Mars. The end (For real this time)

A Short Story about Foxes 2: details and characters

There were two foxes, a fennec and a grey fox.They were the best of friends. One, they fennec male, was named Jorge (nore the normal Jorge, but George with a J. His parents were imagrants from Egypt and were just getting the hang of English) The other,...

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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 8: Triumphant Returns

As the two females stood staring at the fire, a Volcarona approached. It was Yea Old, the guildmaster of the Volcarona Guild. Well, the first master anyways. Not miss Vulcy. "So. Sybil, the Witch of Forest Hall, is staring at her destruction. Along...

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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 7: insights into the past.

Fern's mother, the Witch of Forest Hall, Delphox, watched the blaze with interest. She knew exactly what would happen next: Celibi appears, regrows the forest, and Yea Olde, the first master of the Volcorona guild would establish the guild hall....

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