The Cup
Around 2,000 years ago, the founder of a major religion staggered down the Via Dolorosa, sorely oppressed by the ponderous weight of the wooden cross that he had been made to bear. Being scourged by a leaded whip and then led away to crucifixion...
Spare Change
**Spare Change** Terry was awakened from a sound sleep by the sound of hooves on the floor and snorting in the next room; a moment later, the floors shook as a stampede commenced. "Oh no!," bemoaned Terry, "The buffalo are at it...
Jurassic Encounter
**Jurassic Encounter** by ff\_b The image first became apparent to me in the discoloration on the wall of my shower; it was a figure, but not one quite human. My eyes squinted as I tried to understand what I was seeing, when...
Public Enemy
**Public Enemy** by ff\_b Clyde the raccoon in life sported a pinstriped suit, and a diamond earring. He had lustrous dark hair just like his mother, and sported a jailhouse tattoo of his long-lost brother. From the beginning, Clyde...
A Journal of the Plague Year
It was during the time after the Coronavirus had mutated to the Carnival Virus that the discovery had been made that public protection was possible against the new threat only while wearing full clown regalia, so Ted trudged around the aisles of his...