Lucky Cat
A young cat anthro glanced down at a gold colored coin he found on the ground. The cat anthro, Luna, had just left the temple and was at the top of a large flight of stairs that led up to the temple. He stood next to a large red pillar that was adorned...
Ameowzing Day
Luna hated high school, but for many children, that was the norm. Luna rode the yellow bus to his school and he looked out the window with a sigh as they passed by a large bowling alley. In addition to school, he hated the mundane normal world. Being a...
Suddenly Sumo
Luna could barely describe what it felt like to be in a mall in Japan. Malls where he lived were dying, but the malls in Japan seemed to be going through the exact opposite. Luna the dark furred cat anthro was a tourist in Japan, living the dream...
YCHtober Day 1: Mermaids
It was great to be able to vacation again. John, Mary, Annie, and Jimmy sat on a small boat over water. Each of them wore their own wetsuit. On the boat, an instructor also wore his own wetsuit that drove the boat to a spot of clear water. "Okay....
Bear And Dog
Two men sat on a couch playing a video game. The fighting game they played allowed them to enter their names, and as it was offline matches, they had no problems using their normal names "Dustin" and "John" Dustin sat on one side of the couch with a...
YCHtober Day 14: Giant
A young taur walked into a magic shop on a cold autumn afternoon. She called herself a vixentaur, although she had the upper half of a fox, and the lower half of a fox as well with four legs. She smiled at the shopkeeper and gave a friendly wave. "Hey....
Vaporeon Rush
Most creatures were in bed at five in the morning, with the exception of the person writing this story, and a cat anthro that awoke in the middle of the night. Luna awoke slowly and smacked his lips. Normally, either a person woke up in the middle of...
YCHtober Day 2: Fairy
Crickets chirped and owls hooted as a young man walked in the forest with a backpack on. The name of the backpack said 'Brandon' on it, and the man carrying the pack walked along in the dark with his flashlight pointed forward. "I swore camp was this...
Simple Things
Simple Things. Austin hated three things; kids, kids, and kids. It's not that he was envious of children; it's that they were just so loud and noisy, and he could hear those kids pitching fits all too often. How fitting that Austin worked in a...
Japanese Exchange
Mark had recently arrived in Japan for a weeklong vacation. It was so recent that he just arrived at the Japanese home with the woman that agreed to offer to let him stay with her before he had arrived. The pair had talked online on occasion, and Mark...
Surprise Mechanics
A young dark furred male cat anthro brought in a package with a smile on his face. The convention he wanted to go to was still about two weeks away, but his outfit final arrived in the mail. He paid a pretty penny to get what he wanted, but he knew the...
Weird Writings
"Well journal, it's me, Luna. Your highly intelligent anthropomorphic cat! You're never going to believe this, but I got a chainmail saying my IQ would drop by one point for every ten words I write. Can you believe how silly that is? I have an IQ of...