YCHtober Day 2: Fairy

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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#11 of 2020 Stories

Camping Done Wrong

Day 2 of YCHtober. Still have a few slots open! Check here if interested: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/38352788/

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Crickets chirped and owls hooted as a young man walked in the forest with a backpack on. The name of the backpack said 'Brandon' on it, and the man carrying the pack walked along in the dark with his flashlight pointed forward. "I swore camp was this way."

The tan skinned man turned to the left, and then the right. "Or maybe it was this way? Ugh. I left a trail. I just wish I hadn't lost the compass."

Just then, Brandon noticed a small purple wisp float in front of him. The wisp was smaller than a leaf, but it shined brightly. Brandon reached up and tried to grab it, but as he clapped his hands together to get it, it vanished when he reopened his hands. "Huh?" He glanced around. "That was strange."

Just as Brandon began to walk forward, he felt a sense of vertigo. He looked around the forest and swore that the forest was getting bigger around him. His clothes also felt much looser and, as he took another step, his shorts fell down. He let out a sharp gasp and pulled them back up. "What the heck? These fit just fine earlier!"

Brandon held onto his pants with his free hand. His backpack felt much heavier, and he felt something on his back pushing onto it. "Ugh. What's going on?" He looked up and noticed another strange wisp, but this one was a pink color. The wisp looked almost twice as large as before, but so did the whole forest. Brandon tried to jump up to grab it, but it floated just out of his reach as he did, and he swore he heard it make a noise.

"Did that light thing just giggle?" Brandon watched it fly away.

Brandon fell back just as his backpack became too much for him to bear. He pulled free of it and glanced at it. His backpack was bigger than his entire body, and he knew there was no way that should have been possible! His heart began to pound. His pants fell off again, but his shirt was so big that it covered down to his waist. His sleeves were getting too big for his arms though. "What's going on? Is it these color things doing this?" He winced as he felt something push out from his back and turned to see a tail growing. "Oh god...is this from like a dryad or something I hear so much about?"

Brandon wasn't sure what the wisps were, but he began to see more of them of varying colors. He felt his hair touch his shoulders, and he knew his hair wasn't that long before. He began to try to walk away from the glowing wisps. He completely left his backpack behind, as he couldn't carry it anymore. Hs felt something grow from his shoulders just as he could feel his tail continue to grow behind him. "D-dammit. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but leave me be spirits! Or dryads, or whatever you all are!"

Brandon heard more giggling. He felt something tug at his tail, and he turned to see a wisp, now big enough just for him to catch a glimpse of what it looked like. The wisp looked androgynous, but a bit more feminine with the long hair. He also saw two large semi-transparent wings. He looked down at his own body and noticed how it and the wisp had strong similarities, but he was more than three times their height. "What did I do to you uh...guys? Girls? What did I do to deserve this?" He wasn't completely female, but he felt less masculine by the moment.

Brandon heard more giggling as he continued to shrink. His body took on a purple hue, and he found a small light radiating from his body. He now measured the length of an infant in height, yet he continued shrinking. His shorts were on the ground while his shirt was so big he couldn't stretch his arms through it. Even his wings and tail that grew behind him fit in the large shirt. His head poked up top, and it felt as if he'd slide through the top at any moment.

"Humans don't belong in this part of the forest." A young voice spoke. The voice sounded like a young girl.

Brandon raised his head up to the wisps. His shirt fell off his body as he shrank small enough to fit through the hole in the top, and he spread his wings. He heard his wings crack many times as he spread them, like one cracking their knuckles. His newly grown tail was now as tall as he was, and it flickered slightly to the left and right. "What do you mean? I was camping out here!"

"So close, but not close enough." One of the wisps lit up brighter as it spoke. "Now you are right here! You will join us and play forever!"

Brandon's wings flapped and buzzed like an insect's own. He began to rise up into the air and he looked down at his body. His body was pinkish in front, but purple in the back with teal spots. He went cross eyed at the snout and his long pointed ears flickered. He couldn't see the wisps close up without flying to them now, and he was too afraid to get close enough. "What? But I don't think..." Brandon heard his voice increase in pitch and tone.

One of the wisps flew down next to Brandon with a big smile on her face. "Then don't think. Do."

Brandon noticed this wisp looked androgynous. His own body no longer looked masculine, but now feminine. Her long tail flickered as she flew up. Her heart pounded with adrenaline, and she looked down and saw just how high she now was. While she was only a few feet in the air, it looked so much higher in her small form. She doubted these wisp creatures would return him to her old form anytime soon, and she had several questions about them, including the shape she now was, which resembled more like a tiny dragon anthro fairy creature with long brown hair. With a nod to the wisp, She flew away to learn about the fairy creatures and begin her new life.

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