Alter Destiny Chapter 3

Star looked around her dreamscape, it was still the same grassy plains she had gotten used to over these past few days. Her actual body was with the others in a room in Twi's castle. She waited patiently for the others to appear. "Everypony okay?"...


Nightmare In the Lunar Republic Chapter 2

A beam of sunlight awoke Nightmare Moon from her sleep. She glares at the light and groans as she wakes up. It has been days since she agreed to help out this version of Luna. Luna decide Nightmare Moon should eventually run her republic during the...


Night's Children

Night's Children by Admiral Q inspired by Children of the Night My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro There was darkness around her looking like mist. She was normally not afraid of darkness, it was her element after all but this was different....

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Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 8

Samantha hunts for her breakfast the next morning and has a nice deer. After breakfast she heads back into the tower and looks for Glade. After an hour she has no luck, she stands in the grove roof scratching her head when a hand lands on her...

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Curse To Blessing

Curse To Blessing By Admiral Q based of Chakat Universe By Bernard Doove Shi woke up when the Sunlight hit hir eyes, shi hated it when it did that. But shi did forget to rotate the blinds to block it out. You live after all these years shi...

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Finding Humanity Chapter 2

While filled with nothing but synthetic lifes some of that life has studied organic life. As such the ship has a medical bay for caring of normal, and unique animals that they study was now being used to help Esrie. She floats in a tank...

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Finding Humanity Chapter 1

**Finding Humanity** ** By Admiral Q Proofread by HotBlood** Deep in space there is a large vessel. This vessel is long, sleek and to it's crew efficient in design. Equipped with multiple labs, workshops and factories its crew rarely needs to...

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Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 3

As the neared the town Samantha stops while still in the woods. With her keen eye sight she sees a pair of human guards. With out a second thought she changes to human. She looks down at Jackie and smiles. Jackie looks up at her wide eyed and jaw...

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Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 1

To Samantha's surprise she wakes up and not in the least cold. She feels a blanket on top of her and she hears strange sounds and a constant hum. She opens her eyes and sees she is in a brightly lit room with strange looking beds and instruments. A...


Samantha's Third Chance Prologue

Samantha's Third Chance By Admiral Q Original Story by Darkfang Magnus Prologue Space....the final frontier. Oops! Wrong story, but we are out in space. In the vastness of space we approach a vessel. Those of you familiar with Star Trek...

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Pack Mentaility Chapter 10

Two years passed without much going on. Lela relucantly allowed Jezeca to train Veli in combat when they were nearly robbed during a winter. Veli proved to be an excellent student, after taking some hard knocks she just jumps back into it. Even Nadia...

Repaying A Debt Chapter 5

A couple months pass and Suri and Rust work hard to keep their sexual love a secret. Though Rust now shares her bed. However despite their best efforts it becomes clear something has happened when Suri's belly grows. Jzak has them both in his office...

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