Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 8

Unlike feral felines the catrai leap onto their prey and snap their neck then she cleaned her kill with efficiency. the catrai herself is interesting.

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Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 1

To Samantha's surprise she wakes up and not in the least cold. She feels a blanket on top of her and she hears strange sounds and a constant hum. She opens her eyes and sees she is in a brightly lit room with strange looking beds and instruments. A...


Samantha's Third Chance Prologue

She thought she would pay for her deeds when she'd died but amura, wonderful amura used her amazing catrai powers and saved her by storing her soul in the catrai's body.

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Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 3

"how does he know my name and that i'm blue striped catrai?" she looks back at the man with a shocked look. from under the hood she sees the man smile and he pulls back the hood to reveal admiral q. "hi samantha."

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