Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 3

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#4 of Samantha's Third Chance

As the neared the town Samantha stops while still in the woods. With her keen eye sight she sees a pair of human guards. With out a second thought she changes to human. She looks down at Jackie and smiles. Jackie looks up at her wide eyed and jaw dropped. "That was neat, you're pretty in this form."

"Thanks, did your parents teach you how to turn to feral form?"

"We just got started to. Why?"

"I'm not sure how they will react to Kanin and Catrai and since you can't go human you have to go fox and you pretend to be my pet."

"I'll try." Jackie closes her eyes and tries to focus. After a minute with no chance Samantha hugs Jackie and says.

"Okay, relax focus on the picture of a fox. Picture the tail flowing into the low sleek body. Picture it with your lovely fur." Samantha feels shifting in her arms. She looks down and sees she's holding a fox pup instead of a Kanin pup. "Good job Jackie." Samantha puts Jackie's clothes in her backpack then steers Radia to the road and heads to the town. As she figured, she is halted by the guards.

"State your name and business."

"I'm Samantha Reborn and I'm here for supplies and information." The guard walks around them looking for some thing wrong. When he spots Jackie he grins.

"That's a pretty little fox you have. How much for it?"

"She isn't for sale."

"Well if you ever change your mind." He signals the other guard and they both open the gates. "Have a pleasant stay ma'am." Samantha nods as she heads into the city.

Her first stop is at a blacksmith's for a proper rein and a saddle for Radia. She than heads to the stable to rent a spot for Radia and walks to the nearby Inn. Samantha looks up and sees the daylight ending so she'll get some information tomorrow. She looks down at Jackie who's looking up at Samantha waiting. "I bet you're hungry." Jackie barks in response. "Okay I'll get us something to eat." They head in and find the Inn has a decent size dining area and and bar. Samantha walks up to the barkeeper. "You own this inn?"

"Yes ma'am." Samantha places one of the gold coins Q gave her on the bar and asks. "How much can this give me for a large meal and a room." The Innkeeper picks up the coin and inspects it closely. He even bits into it to make sure it isn't fake.

"This is the purist coin I've ever seen. This should handle 3 days for you." He eyes Jackie. "Is your pet staying the room as well?"


"well as long as it doesn't make a mess you should be fine, but if I find a mess it's extra."

"That's fine, she's well trained. Oh and I like a lot of meat for the meal."

"Fine it will be done in ten minutes. Rachel!"

"Yes dad?"

"Show our guest to her room." Rachel motions for Samantha to follow her and she does with Jackie behind. They head up the stairs and head down a long corridor. She eventually leads them to the farthest room on the left. Rachel opens the door and reveals a room with a nice looking and comfy bed, a water basin and a chamber pot for waste. Rachel hands Samantha a key.

"here you go ma'am make yourself comfortable. You need anything else?"

"No thank you."

"Well I'll be back when your meal is ready." Rachel closes the door behind her and Samantha tuns back to the room to find Jackie already laying on the bed.

"Looks like you've already made your self at home." Jackie grins and nods and Samantha snorts in response. "Okay here's the plan. After Rachel drops of the food you can change back. Whenever we're in this room you can be Kanin but when we're outside you have to be fox. I'll help you train so you can switch fast ans easily." Jackie nods again and Samantha settles in. Ten minutes later there's a knock on the door and it opens to reveal Rachel with a plate of meat and cup of water. She places them on the small table nearby and leaves. When she leaves Samantha strips and goes to Jackie. "Okay let's get back to Kanin form. Now focus your mind, relax and focus on the image of you in Kanin form. Feel your paws change, become more dexterous." Samantha watches as Jackie changes to her Kanin form slowly but surely. When she's down Samantha hands her her clothes and they both dig in to their meal. When they were done Samantha had Jackie train on changing her form. A couple hours later Jackie has manage to switch between forms nearly instantly, but she's clearly tired. They then head to bed.

Jackie wakes up late at night by whimpering. She looks behind her and sees a sweet soaked Samantha. Samantha is muttering. "No, I won't do that again. I'm not your puppet anymore. No Siana, never again. Leave Amura alone."

"That must be some nightmare." Jackie thinks. Jackie then strokes Samantha's human face. Jackie soon finds herself held like a teddy bear by Samantha. After a few minutes Samantha calms down again and Jackie falls back to sleep. Jackie is the first one to wake the next morning. She heads over the the water basin and splashed water over her face to further wake herself up. Her stomach starts grumbling. She looks down and grabs her stomach. She hates to wake up Samantha after last night but she's hungry. She goes over to the bed and pokes Samantha's shoulder. Samantha stirs a bit but doesn't wake up. Jackie pokes harder and Samantha moans and wakes up. She rubs her eyes and sees Jackie. "Jackie?"

"I'm hungry." Samantha yawns and stretches.

"Okay, I 'll get us some food." She puts her armor back rubs Jackie's head on and heads out to the door. Five minutes later she's back with breakfast. Jackie scarfs down most of it to Samantha's amusement. When done Samantha says to Jackie "Stay here I'm heading down to see what I can find on towns friendly to our kind. If anyone knocks switch to fox okay."

"Okay." Samantha heads down to the dining area scans the room. Finally after a bit she decides to talk to the innkeeper.

"Whatca want."

"Beer and some information."

"I'm listening."

"Do you know where there's a town that has a lot of those two legged animals?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I was hired to hunt one down and I figured she'd be there."

"well your guessing right, be careful that town doesn't take well to hunters."

Samantha nods drops a coin and walks away. Samantha takes the next couple of hours going around asking about that subject. Finally she heads out and goes into a general supply shop. There she buys a map and then head to the blacksmith and buys a dagger. As she heads back she starts wondering on her job. She wish Q gave her some idea who it is she should protect. Was it one of Jackie's parents someone she will meet or is it Jackie. Her thoughts are interrupted when she feels a sharp object pressed to her waist.

"Head to the alley on your right." A gruff voice says. With no choice Samantha does as he says hoping when they get to the alley she can use her magic on him. When they get to the alley he light shoves her in the dark area and says. "Now Samantha, my blue striped kitten." Samantha was preparing to strike when that sentence makes her pause.

"How does he know my name and that I'm blue striped Catrai?" She looks back at the man with a shocked look. From under the hood she sees the man smile and he pulls back the hood to reveal Admiral Q.

"Hi Samantha." She slaps him in the arm which causes him to laugh.

"That was mean I almost killed you."

"I couldn't help myself it was a good joke and you can't kill me so don't worry about it. I came by to check on you."

"Well I'm doing okay but I don't know where to look for the person you want me to protect."

"You already found her."

"Jackie?" He nods

"She's important for the future. If she lives the future is bright but if she dies it will be dark as Siana's plans for the word. Your the perfect person to protect and guide her."

"Protect I can understand but she's Kanin. They can't do any magic besides switching forms." Q just smiles at her.

"Well what was your plan?" Q asks.

"Well I was planning to head to a town where we both don't have to hide our true forms."

"Sound plan, well it looks like you have everything under control so I'll check in later." He gives a little salute and disappears in a flash of white light. Samantha stares in amazement for a minute before shaking her head and saying.

"That is one interesting character." She finally reaches the Inn and head back up to her room. She unlocks the door and when he enters her jaw drops. The room is a mess and Jackie has a sheepish look.

"I got bored." Jackie weakly says. Samantha closes the door behind her and locks it. Then she grabs the rope orders Jackie to approach her. Jackie tries to back away but Samantha pounces and grabs her quickly. Jackie yelps as her arms are tied behind her back. Then Samantha ties the rest on the rope around her muzzle allowing her only to whimper and moan. Samantha then lowers her mouth to Jackie's ear and says.

"I don't like doing this but you have to be punished." Samantha then begins to spank Jackie. The Kanin pup jerks and moans through out the punishment and after the 20th spank Samantha unties her. Samantha holds Jackie for a few minutes stroking the Kanin's fur. She then puts Jackie down and heads over to the table and takes out the map. She finds the town on the map and looks around the general area. "Man, I don't recognize any of the towns or landmarks. I must be far from home."

"Why are you surprised by that? Where did you think you were going?" Jackie comments her butt still sore.

"Because I was sent her by somebody and he brought me by magic."

"Oh, why?"

"To protect you and don't ask me why, he didn't tell me." Jackie shrugged and looked at the map.

"So where are we going?"

"Here." Samantha points to a town North west of the one their at. "Here we can be in are true forms with out problems."

"Cool. What do we do when we get there?"

"We I'll have to find a job. As valuable as the coins Q gave me it won't last forever and you eventually need to go to school." Jackie groans at this which causes Samantha to chuckle.

"Who's this Q?"

"The man who sent me. I don't know much about him except that he's powerful, friendly, and busy. He sent me because he was to busy to take care of you himself. For some reason he thinks I'm the best choice to take care of you." Samantha looks back at the map and continues. "It will take us a couple of weeks to get there as long as we have good weather and no problems. Samantha went down and got dinner for them. Afterward Samantha reveals the dagger she bought and hands it to Jackie. "This is for you to help defend yourself." Samantha then spent the rest of the night training Jackie how to use it. Jackie being a Kanin became a natural with it. They both went to sleep easily that night.