Repaying A Debt Chapter 5
#5 of Repaying A Debt
A couple months pass and Suri and Rust work hard to keep their sexual love a secret. Though Rust now shares her bed. However despite their best efforts it becomes clear something has happened when Suri's belly grows. Jzak has them both in his office clearly furious.
"I trusted you Rust. I told you to stay away from her bed and now look." He waves his hand towards his pregnant daughter.
"Daddy I started this not Rust." Jzak points at her.
"I'll deal with you in a minute." He looks back at Rust. "Give me a reason not to kill you."
"DADDY!" Rust stands straight and answers her father.
"Sir my only answers are, I love her deeply and would give my life to protect her and now my child and do what I can to support them." Jzak stares at him obviously pondering Rust's response. What ever he was going to say is lost to history when a servant barge in.
"My Lord! The King is dead and House Mollari is out in force." Shock shows in Jzak's face, before he recovers.
"Go out and gather our allies quickly." The servant rushes out and Jzak looks back at Rust and Suri. "Looks like your gonna get your chance to prove that."
Ten minutes later Jzak, Rust and the guards suit up when Zycal showed up. "Master Zycal, what are you doing here?" Rust asks.
"I came to help out some friends. Besides I don't like Jundo."
"Thanks Master." A servant interrupts them when he barges in.
"My Lord! A hundred troops are heading this way! They'll be here soon!"
"Crap!" Jzak replies. He then looks at his daughter who is looking down and her enlarged belly with a concerned look on her face. Jzak sighs and looks over to Rust. "Rust, Come here." Rust approaches him.
"Rust, it doesn't look good. Take Suri and get to the other side of the forest. There's a hideout there. I am trusting you with her protection. Suri! Come!"
"Yes father?"
"Rust is taking you to the hideout. I'll by you what time I can. I'll try to make it there myself but your more important. No matter what happens live." Tears are streaming down her face.
"No, Father!"
"RUST! Get her out of here!" Rust drags her away as she continues to dry for her father. Rust leads her into the forest and hopefully safety. Soon the troops arrive and engage Jzak and his defenders. They fought bravely, Jzak was just pulling his sword from the body of a soldier and glances around. His guards were lying lifeless on the ground. Zycal was still going strong. Jzak braces himself and takes on the next soldier. Jzak is eventually fallen with a sword wound through the heart. As he falls to the ground his last thoughts were on his daughter, hoping that she makes it. Zycal continues on showing he is deserving of his title, however even he has his limits. He is covered by the soldiers attacking him.
Meanwhile Rust and Suri are deep in the forest. Rust could easily go faster but he is hampered by Suri's low speed and her pregnancy. "Are you okay honey?" he asks.
"Fine just a little tired." Rust nods and they continue on for a few more minutes. Suddenly Rust stops and starts sniffing around. He then directs them in another direction. After a few more minutes he stops again. Leaping from the trees before them is a werefox in ninja attire.
"Time to bring this to an end." The fox says as he draws his blade. Rust draws his own and gestures for Suri to stand back. The two weres than leap into the air and start exchanging blows. Parry,slice, thrust, block. Jab, swing. The two's fight is in it's on way art as the leap around the tree trunks trading blows in mid air. For a while they both seem equally matched. Rust parries another blow from the foxes sword, then the fox spins quickly and stabs Rust in the chest. Rust falls back and collapses to the ground clutching the wound.
"Rust!" Suri races over to her fallen lover. The fox slowly walks up.
"Well one of those tragic lover's end I guess. A jobs a job." The fox lifts up his sword for the final strike, Suddenly he finds a sword through his heart. He looks back and sees a female werwolf. "Not fair." he manages to say before life leaves him. The werewolf then heads over to Rust and Suri. Rust is still on the ground with Suri holding him close. Suri finally notices the other werewolf and recognizes her as the one who escaped.
"He isn't healing! Shouldn't he be healing!?" Suri cries. The female goes back and grabs the fox's sword.
"I feel magic on this blade, that's probably stopping the healing." Rust dries out as he feels the pain. He manages to open his eyes and look at Suri and says with a pain filled voice.
"I have no regrets except not being able to see our child born and grow up, I would have enjoyed that." His eyes start to close as Suri cries frantically at him.
"No your not going to die! You hear me! We're gonna raise our child. Please Rust open your eyes Please! Please!" She continue on long after his body grew cold.
The female werewolf buried Rust's body and for three days carried a nearly catatonic Suri. On the fourth night the werewolf was eating when Suri looked up at her. "Thank you." Suri manages to say.
"I owed ya, my names Vetter by the way, yours?"
"Suri." They continue to eat in silence until it was gone. Then after Vetter cleaned up she stats up again.
"Well what are your plans?"
"Well....I have to live. Rust would have wanted that." She rubs her belly. "The baby is all that I have left of him and it needs me, We were heading to a hideout my father made."
"Well I'll go with you. I went back to my packs home only to find it empty and full of bones so I have nowhere to go so I'll join you." Suri nods and goes to sleep.
A month later the arrive at the little villa that was fully stocked and has the ability to provided for a nice size family indefinitely. The two got the place up and running and Suri waited for her father. After three months she accepts that he is also gone and does her best to live her life. She evenutally gave birth to twins, one boy one girl. The boy she named Loki and the girl Rusti. Over the years Vetter and Suri became close, eventually Vetter even got past Suri's horror's and the two became lovers. Suri spent the rest of her life relatively happy and repaying her debt.