First Post

Jeremy was ever alone and adrift, lying on a grassy green hill watching his life go by.

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Praalos # origin sunlight beams across the glittering surface of a world adrift. it is a primal thing, teeming with potential, awaiting an impetus that will give it substance and shape.

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#2 of poetry this one is about finding your voice in a world over run with opinions how often do you realize that we live on a little blue dot, adrift in an endless expanse of periods. not question marks, but facts. statements.


A Golden Light on Cold Grey Stone

She came back to the now by a gentle shift, but the red still slept, in his dreams adrift. i love you dear, my glorious red, she leant down, and softly said.

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Turn it Over (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the hyena floated her way down the long corridor of the derelict ship, which itself was somewhat freshly set adrift by whatever went awry between the engines and deep space debris.

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Quiet Awakening (Welded Sunset)

#241 of short stories a mecha space whale wakes up, adrift. ~ from the current distance, the system's star was only a somewhat brighter speck from amongst the omnipresent sky of stars and empty.

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**waters** every minute and every moment, finding ourselves cast adrift amidst a boundless ocean, treading water desperately trying to keep our heads afloat, crying out for help in silent voices lost amongst the terrifying cacophony of crowning

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Fragment Memories

So overall it was a combonation of fear,lack of freedom and rebellion that set him adrift and away from his family. which sounds bad but to sen, it made leaving and saying goodbye so much easier.

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Starborne - Adrift in a Sea of Stars: Into the Light

### 2.2 Into the Light The fusion reactor's final death struggle has begun. From what my diagnostic aspects can discern, the reactor's fusion process is about to enter the iron peak. Once it does, it will only be a matter of hours before the core goes...

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Splintered Light, Chapter 2.2: Almost Planned Out

"it's possible that the currents could have dragged it up this way if it'd been adrift long enough... but the fire would've taken it before too much time had passed." ash-moon slammed a paw on the table.

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Another Pack Ch.1: Evenescent thoughts (FD)

However, he soon remembered it was, as the sun would rise in a few hours, most were asleep or while some prepared to sleep and those that were, were floating adrift in the ocean of their dreams.

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Names Long Lost - S

Scout hugged his knees closely to himself, sending him slowly adrift, spinning and tumbling deeper into the vast emptiness. somewhere out there, a memory. * * * _i came into this world alone. at least, that was what it felt like.

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