Another Pack Ch.1: Evenescent thoughts (FD)
Ch. 1: Evanescent Thoughts
Ariun sat down and looked out at the lake in front of him, the moon reflecting off the water and then again into his violet eyes as he stared, captivated. His head tilted to the side slightly, one of his silver lupine ears twitching, as if to flick a fly off, and he let out a small sigh and continued to stare. The moon was not full yet, it was only a crescent and in it's "ripening phase" as his kind called it, which meant their feast was far off so he could rest easy for a bit. One of his furred hands came up to his face, wiping away some of his black hair from his face, the pads on his fingertips running against what skin he had and he let out a soft "murr", the touch exiting him slightly. He was at peace right now; he felt like he didn't have any worries or problems, in fact, he felt like "I'm just existing, existing with nature, no more, no less"
His words were soft, almost a whisper, but if one would have heard, they would hear kindness in his voice with a hint if longing, an unfulfilled craving on his mind. Luckily for him, he was the only one around to hear those words and he was glad of that. His gaze wandered down to look at his reflection, his face was fine and youthful, a gift he had been given from birth and made him look a bit younger than seventeen, something that could get most in trouble... his kind weren't most though. He let his feet slide over the edge and into the lake, distorting it for a moment as the water matted the silver fur that covered them, making him flinch as the cold water stung the soft pads underneath. He watched as the ripple drew outward, making the moons reflection waver for a moment before returning to normal as if he hadn't touched the water at all.
The forest around him was quiet, and now that he noticed this he was neither sure if he should be worried or pleased that there was almost no noise, save for the wind brushing against the leaves on the trees. However, he soon remembered it was, as the sun would rise in a few hours, most were asleep or while some prepared to sleep and those that were, were floating adrift in the ocean of their dreams. Ariun would not sleep however; he was slightly worried about tomorrow, the day in which his pack would hopefully make a peace agreement with the other pack several miles away. They had been in what one would call a "war" for the past 200 years and finally a peace agreement just pops up... it just made him feel unsettled. It had been over some simple argument, but isn't that always how the feuds throughout human history occurred, always leading to war or a tragedy of some sort? It's funny he thought, most of us claim to be better than humans, yet we commit the same crimes and work amongst them. Aside from the war, he was nervous because his father would soon be 40, meaning he could now be challenged by someone else in the pack or worse... out of it. He knew that the day after his fathers birthday there would be many rouge lupines, his kind, coming in from many places, even his own pack would challenge his father. He didn't express his concern to anyone for fear of becoming the "brat prince" who wanted to stay in his spot of power, but truthfully, he wanted it for the pack because his father was a good leader who could be trusted.
He sighed and tried to relax once again, the thoughts he had succumb to making him tense and a little frustrated, the exact opposite of how he had felt less than five minutes ago. His let his thoughts drift as he saw a wild rabbit run past him, remembering his pack would celebrate this new found peace agreement by going out for a hunt, playing with their food for several hours until it was too tired and helpless to move anymore... barbaric. He knew he would have to call himself a hypocrite because the thrill of hunting, the sensation and the power it made one feel was something that not even he could resist. Now, his heart began to sped up as he recalled his last hunt, a wild doe, weak and simple but enough to feed him and a couple others, but most importantly, he remembered chasing it through the forest before finally ripping out it's supple throat. Suddenly he could feel himself wanting to change, his bones making a light popping sound, telling him to do it. Instead, he took a deep breath and calmed himself, not letting instinct kick in.
He let out a somewhat loud groan, though not loud enough to alert anyone close by. He looked over his shoulder, between the trees towards his house; it was only ten miles off and surrounded by several others housing his pack mates. He was glad that his pack had decided to live close to the outskirts of city, it gave him the freedom to journey into these woods, it was also bonus that the people had considered these woods cursed for over 200 years. He grinned, no clue why that would be. Guess something good had come from this little war. He suddenly found himself frowning in disbelief that he would actually say that.
His lupine ears perked as he heard the grass to his left rustle and he got up on all fours, the claws on his hind paws digging into the ground. A silence passed for several minutes as Ariun was determined to find out who was hiding close by, he stood incredibly still, waiting for any sound, any movement, any sign... He launched himself forward as he got his wish, A figure had began to run in the trees and he was following it as fast as he could, his muscles changing, shifting, giving him the speed of a wolf in this form and he gained up a little on the figure. However, as soon as he found himself drawing nearer, the person began to speed up, putting twice the distance between them from the start. Lupine! Screamed Ariun in his head as he forced himself to run faster; he thought maybe Alexi or Gerik were playing a trick on him. Yet, as he ran on he began to think otherwise either of them would have done something to me by now instead of just running. He could still see the person, more clearly as he came only ten feet away from it. The head turned and he clearly say the outline of two lupine ears and one forest green eye, but before he could see more, the earth began to swing forward, literally was his last thought before his head hit the ground below, one of his paws giving a loud crack as pain ran through it. Normally, someone would have screamed from breaking the bones in their foot and sadly so would have Ariun, but he bit his lip, drawing blood.
He pushed himself back, trying to slide his broken paw out from what he now confirmed to be a tree root and rolling over, sitting up and bringing it towards him, a tear ran down his face. He forced himself to change back, his hands becoming smooth skin and his furred ears sliding down and shifting into pink bits of flesh. His hands had given a coupe crack as the bones changed and so did one of his paws... the other gave several loud cracks, like the bones were breaking again and Ariun couldn't resist letting out a loud cry, several tears running down his face as the bones repaired themselves as they should. When all was said and done, a human foot had replaced his paw, a long, purplish scar beneath the joints that connected his toes, it was fixed.
He sat there, watching as the sun began to fade into I light blue, the sun coming out from behind the, mountains in the distance. He looked around and noticed he was in another clearing, but another thing that caught his eye was a roll of some medical bandaging for broken or sprained limbs. He was confused, but didn't argue the thoughts in his head other than that it would help. He grabbed it and began wrapping his left foot tightly, slight pain emanating from the purplish scar and when he was finished he began to stand up. He let out a yelp like a puppy when he put weight on his foot, holding back the urge to cry. A look sheer misery appeared on his face, as he knew he'd have to run to get back before his family woke up. He took a moment and several tremulous breaths before he placed his good foot forward and began to run.
He ran pass several tree's and surprisingly, houses as he realized that he had chased the person towards city, he himself was only four or five away from home which was a big relief. It took him close to an hour to before he was standing on his doorstep, a playful mat that said "wipe your paws" on it welcomed him and he opened the door silently, slipping inside and closing it behind him slowly. Before he turned around he heard a deep voice that was usually comforting say "Home so early?"
Ariun jumped and turned around, his heart was pumping fast as he saw his father sitting on a stool in the kitchen "well... I figured I should be back before noon and..."
"He's a lying little pup Adrian" spoke calm and oh so familiar... but hated voice "I told you we should have put bars on that window, sneaking around at god knows what-"
She was cut off by Adrian who ignored his wife, Ariun's stepmother, Belinda and said, "you know you can't go out and hunt alone Ariun, it's against our packs rules"
Ariun looked into his father's eyes "I didn't hunt father, I just went to the lake so that I could think"
"I'm sure you were, thinking pretty damn hard as you ate your kill-"
Again his father cut her off "I believe you Ariun, you've never lied to me before"
It was that simple thought Ariun, almost smiling as he saw Belinda's face and he began to turn left to the staircase before his father spoke again "but could you tell me why you have that bandage on your foot?"
He stared at his father, a big burly man with the same hair as Ariun's, his eyes were a pale blue though unlike Ariun's. it took him a moment of awkward staring and a good look at Belinda's wicked smile before he said "I was chasing someone in the woods" his fathers face almost lit up in shock before Ariun added "I think it was Gerik or Alexi though, cause they left this for me after it tripped over a root that was poking out of the ground... it broke my foot, so I figured they felt bad or something"
His father nodded, "very well than, go rest if you want".
Ariun nodded also and limped upstairs, passing his brother Rene's room, kicking the door sharply with his good foot and snickering as he heard something jump and hit the floor hard. He slid into his room quickly, closing his door as his brother came into the hall again, half awake and yelling "waz' you wahnt?"
Ariun couldn't help but giggle as he peeled off all of his clothes, leaving nothing as he limped towards his bathroom, running his hand along his large bed and his other along the wall, running over several posters of bands and a few with guys who were half naked. He entered his bathroom and turned on the water, giving it time to warm up as he pulled of the bandages. After which, he grabbed a dark violet towel of the hook and fling it over the far end of the shower curtains bar, sliding the rest of the curtain closed, a little awkwardly with the towel on it... but. He just smiled at his mistake and placed a hand in the water, making sure it was warm enough before he slipped in. He gasped as he felt the warm water cascading down on him, warming him and sending a slight tingle down his spine. He grabbed the bar on the wall and began scrubbing himself down. He loved feeling clean, it just felt good whether he was in skin or fur and it was best when he was in fur. As he continued he poured a bit of shampoo in his hair, the soap already going down the drain and just as quickly the shampoo was following it. He spent several more minutes in the shower, running his hands over his smooth skin. He wasn't like his father, his body was small and lithe, almost like a girls but he was definitely male he thought as he looked down and he found a small blush appear on his face as he thought of boasting but he just continued to touch the smooth skin he had. He let out a soft moan as his hands massaged his neck slowly, he took his time before he reached down slowly and turned the water off, pulling his towel and drying his body before stepping out.
He almost forgot about the bathroom rug on the floor, the soft bristles of fabric tickled his feet. He dried off his feet last, then hung the towel back up. Giving his hair a quick go over with his hand he walked out of the bathroom, still nude and as he entered his room he jumped, giving another yelp as his wounded foot slammed back to the floor, his hands instantly covering himself modestly. His brother was standing there, Ariun could tell he was fighting back a slight blush himself before he said "well I was gonna call you a stupid fag for waking me..."
Ariun slid back into the bathroom, grabbing the towel and bandage "but no you have no room to talk"
Ariun's face was on fire as his brother said back "well... yeah..."
The towel was no firmly wrapped around his body before he walked out to his room "is there anything else I can help you with brother?"
His brother looked away before realizing Ariun had a towel on and their eyes met "just wonder what you did to put the bitch in such a bad mood"
Ariun smiled as he sat down on his bed, their so called mother was really just a bitch that took their mothers spot, strongest female gets to mate with the pack alpha, regardless off affections the alpha has for anyone else "oh, I was just out last night in the forest... she didn't like that"
Rene's face went a little pale "you went hunting?"
"then you should know that now is not the best time to go gallivanting in the woods, not until dad meets with the silver pack"
"it's not like I went into their territory" snapped Ariun.
"it's not the point bro, you know what happens if one of us is caught again, we'll have to leave this time"
"I know" spoke Ariun, said Ariun lowering his head.
" I can see by the scars you know you ignorant pup"
"about that" began Ariun "I was chasing someone while I was out, I think it was Gerik or Alexi, so I was gonna ask you if you-"
Just like their father, Rene cut Ariun off, his face turning serious "not possible, they just went home about an hour ago, right before you woke me up... which I'm still gonna beat you for"
Now Ariun was confused "then who..."
"I don't know, but they didn't hurt you so it was either a good Lupine of the silver pack, or the half-moon pack... or even a rouge"
Ariun wondered, his brother mentioned the half-moon pack, the pack that wouldn't take make a peace agreement with either side, they would only make one with both sides once his father's pack and silver pack had one. He forgot his brother as he thought, it'd be nice... silver, half-moon, and our pack, Amethyst, together soon... maybe there is some one like me out... Whack! Ariun fell to his side as his brothers' fist hit him squarely on the shoulder, knocking him back onto the bed.
"now have I earned the right back?"
Ariun winced as his arm burned everywhere and let out a small "yes..."
"Good... stupid little faggot" Rene's voice went from mocking to concerned "and don't worry, bitch and dad still don't know... but" he pointed at the posters "take down the hot guys, they may pick it up soon if they keep seeing those around"
He left with a small click of the door closing and Ariun sighed, smiling now, seven years of those posters and they still haven't guessed... I'm safe bro. He stood up for a second and pulled off the towel, throwing it over the chair to his desk and he jumped into his bed, the bandage still in his hands and it hit him, The Scent! He pulled the bandages and smelled them, his nose smelt a nice musky scent... not strong but not weak either with a hit of... roses? It wasn't much, but he figured it was better than nothing. He began to wrap up his foot with it once again, taking in the scent once more for his own pleasure before he wrapped it up. He laid back and pulled the wolf-embroidered blanket over him. His head resting on a soft pillow his hands sliding under them as he began to rest, his body relaxing and now it was his turn to settle into a nice comfortable sleep... floating adrift in an ocean of his own dreams...