The gutpunching home - Part 1

"your abs are quite hard." blaziken says while not stopping his punches. "i think i can afford to go all-out." it doesn't take long until blaziken is putting a lot of effort in order to punch the serperior's abs.

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Diary of the Dark Sister

ab day 2 i hate her. i hate her. i hate her. how dare she banish me! she mistreated me, for all those centuries.

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Angel Eyes and Ocean Tears

Part One: The sleek black sports car pulled to a stop in front of the hotel, the sunlight reflected off the tinted windows suddenly cut off by the shade of the awning. It's low, clean hum turned to a whisper as men who were little older than boys...

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The gutpunching home - Part 3

I uppercut your lower abs, center, left, right, upper abs, and finally the solar plexus. six last hits." draco offers. heliolisk nods while wincing at the prospect. "sounds tough... but that's what i came here for." "then it's settled."

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Blue: Chapter 7

~~ab~~ the following day ~~ab~~ clyde sat down nervously. he didn't like to be away from white but red had called an emergency meeting. as soon as everyone had taken their seats, red began.

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Blue: Chapter 20

~~ab~~ red sat down at his desk a few days later, staring at vio's autopsy report. the poor rabbit had worked for three days straight on this, and red had insisted he take a break. he went over the details once more in his mind.

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Blue: Chapter 10

~~ab~~ red sighed as he headed to his bedroom, going over all that he had learned about the bunnies' mission.


Taur de Force - Commission for anubiis_werewolf

The gargantuan abs that had paralyzed his ability to bend over could now fit to a more appropriately sized frame, though in no way was this form appropriate for soren.

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The gutpunching home - Part 4

abs-olute strength because it's about tough fighters with tough abs." blaziken and dragonite laugh. "abs-olute strength..." dragonite repeats, trying the name out. "yes, i like it." "but how are we going to set up a club?"

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Blue: Chapter 14

~~ab~~ red grinned to himself. just a few more minutes and revenge would be his. he'd showed them what happened when you messed with him. he'd make them pay.

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Blue: Chapter 9

~~ab~~ clyde shivered slightly as the three crawled through the very vent that gold had crawled through a week prior.


Blue: Chapter 6

~~ab~~ that night ~~ab~~ freddy grinned as the sleeping pills he'd snuck into red's dinner took effect. he watched as his brother's head slowly dropped to the desk, and red fell asleep.

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